View Full Version : {DS}SnipeXR got POWNED! Ochie

04-10-2005, 03:15 AM
Geez! I suxors. Watch out for this guy. Anyone played him before?

04-10-2005, 03:25 AM
I cant say I have and from the looks of it I dont want to :)
GG any ways

04-10-2005, 03:45 AM
I lost 6-5 with a suicide...3 seconds left. He shocked me as I was going to drop a flack shell into his mug...spun me to a wall :down:

04-10-2005, 06:01 AM
There's a bunch of all-star ONS players running around with USA tags since there is a huge USA/Canada all-star ONS match coming up, could be one of them...don't know of any USA clan offhand.....but don't know really...

04-10-2005, 04:09 PM
I've seen this guy before. As far as I know, USA| isn't a clan - it's just some tag this guy always wears. I've never seen anyone else wearing it. This guy's been around since UT2003. Yeah, he's pretty good. I've never played him 1v1, but I've been in DM servers with him before, and he certainly knows how to play. Not one of the top dogs, by any means, but he's capable.

No worries - I lost my 1v1 as well, to some guy I've never heard of... =oNe=Rush. It was disappointing, because I'm pretty sure I could pwn his ass on a map other than Compressed - but whatever. Next match, please. :)

04-10-2005, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the feedback.
I just never heard of USA Clan before.

The Crimson Centurion
04-10-2005, 08:35 PM
there is a sniper clan called USA united snipers of america....


yes Figment is very good !

04-11-2005, 09:19 AM
Geez! I suxors. Watch out for this guy. Anyone played him before?

I have played him b4 and he has skillz... He is great at anticipating moves...

04-11-2005, 02:29 PM
Spirit? o_O

I've never heard of him, but hey, I don't know a lot of people :(

04-11-2005, 05:22 PM
']Spirit? o_O
Yeah Smooth - TWL actually has more than 3 maps on their 1v1 list. :P

04-11-2005, 06:50 PM
Why tho? haha they suck :P Rankin, Roughinery, and Ironic for the win.

There were some good 1v1 maps back when the DD was still being used like in 2K3 and early 2K4.

This is why I could never play on a 1v1 ladder. Too many crazy maps hehe.

04-11-2005, 08:14 PM
']Why tho? haha they suck :P Rankin, Roughinery, and Ironic for the win.

This is why I could never play on a 1v1 ladder. Too many crazy maps hehe.
Man, I'd be bored out of my mind only playing three maps. I like a little change of scenery. :thumbs:

04-12-2005, 03:42 AM
I like good maps :thumbs:

04-12-2005, 07:16 AM
']I like good maps :thumbs:


it doesnt matter to me...i suck at them all =D

04-12-2005, 02:20 PM
personally i think thur is a wide rang of good maps. but thur is also a wide rang of very gay maps lol :thumbs:

04-12-2005, 02:55 PM
The tourney Im playing in this weekend.. has a map list that includes Curse 4 and Rajigar for the 1v1 matches. This should be interesting :)