View Full Version : stick duel!!!

04-10-2005, 05:54 AM
this is a bit silly and long winded
me and edonite tried to get a game of pig hockey going but to noavail so we dicide to start dueling with the hocky sticks this porved to be a porblem since the mean pig hearder decided to take our sticks away so we zoned in to si and poof they didnt disappear also works if you zone to the forintier so we started fighting again this is how we leaned the the sticks themselves do no damge porcs on someones armor do go off even if no damage is done of we had a porc battle of reactive porcs and edonite won the point of the story is you can have reactive armor dules of you go to the pig farmer gett a stick with a freind and then zone to a diffrent area also a fun way to test how much damage your reactives will do