View Full Version : Need Help With Doom3

04-10-2005, 05:59 PM
i picked this game up yesterday for 30 bucks and find it to be pretty cool but my impatience to move forward quicker is ruining it. i think they did a good job on just about everything on this game and feel they really went the extra mile for it. anyway, i tried to see what the multi player was about but i do not see any servers listed. i for the life of me can not figure out why and maybe someone here can let me know.

04-10-2005, 06:25 PM
I assume you have the latest patch?

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
04-10-2005, 06:34 PM
Biggs, I checked gamefaqs.com for your problem and it turns out that there might not actually be any servers for Doom 3 multiplayer currently running (as hard as that is to believe). Take a look at the following threads and note the dates:

Gamefaqs #1 (http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=469881&topic=20344466)
Gamefaqs #2 (http://boards.gamefaqs.com/gfaqs/genmessage.php?board=469881&topic=20344449)

Here is another guy with your same problem:

PlanetDoom #1 (http://www.forumplanet.com/planetdoom/topic.asp?fid=8865&tid=1633595)

On the other hand, there are some who have said that the master server might be down:

PlanetDoom #2 (http://www.forumplanet.com/planetdoom/topic.asp?fid=2308&tid=1635162)

Biggs, my advice is to either check your firewall or to wait for a while to let the master server come back (if that is the problem). Maybe id is performing some updates for their new expansion and had to take the master multiplayer server down for some reason.

04-10-2005, 08:36 PM
thanks bud, i guess i will wait. this game is pretty cool the way the things pop out of no where. i am having a hardtime with running out of ammo:bawling: .

04-10-2005, 11:57 PM
thanks bud, i guess i will wait. this game is pretty cool the way the things pop out of no where. i am having a hardtime with running out of ammo:bawling: .

That's a semi-frequent issue...get used to it. While I loved Half Life 2, I'm one of the people that thought that Doom 3 was right up there with it - I really enjoyed Doom 3. A lot of people thought the flashlight issue (not using concurrently with the gun) was a big drawback - I thought it added to the atmosphere...a lot of people thought the PDAs were dumb...I always enjoy getting a lot of "unnecessary" information - it adds the the realism to me. I highly recommend playing it through, BIGG - I thought it was a blast (and from what I've played, the expansion is even better!, although at 35 bucks, it's over-priced for an expansion).

04-11-2005, 01:45 AM
i here ya bob. i like the flash light and i agree it adds to the whole thing. this carmack guy deserves a lot of credit for what he did. i like the fact that it creeps you out and constantly suprises you. i love when the screen stops to show the monster coming and then lets you get into the action. it is hard to impress me and this guy carmack gets my respect for this game because he made it look real and even with my system, it really pushes it. i am not sure what the game looks like for people who have last generation video cards but with what i have, it is simply a work of art. i regret not keeping the game when i originally bought it. i remember returning it because i didnt like paying 60 bucks when it was released. i guess i was just pissed of with paying 60 bucks for medal of honor pacific assualt and being disgusted. anyway, for 30 bucks, i feel it was a great deal.:thumbs:

04-11-2005, 01:51 AM
i here ya bob. i like the flash light and i agree it adds to the whole thing. this carmack guy deserves a lot of credit for what he did. i like the fact that it creeps you out and constantly suprises you. i love when the screen stops to show the monster coming and then lets you get into the action. it is hard to impress me and this guy carmack gets my respect for this game because he made it look real and even with my system, it really pushes it. i am not sure what the game looks like for people who have last generation video cards but with what i have, it is simply a work of art. i regret not keeping the game when i originally bought it. i remember returning it because i didnt like paying 60 bucks when it was released. i guess i was just pissed of with paying 60 bucks for medal of honor pacific assualt and being disgusted. anyway, for 30 bucks, i feel it was a great deal.:thumbs:

Agreed. I personally found it more Visual Stunning than Half Life 2 (and I thought HL2 was gorgeous - I know, I know - JIM disagrees bigtime - he says HL2 was far better visually) - and I am running on a last-gen card.

I think the reason I love this game so much is that I have never encountered a game that does what this one does. It messes with your head. Wait until the latter parts of the game. There's a point where you get to the end of a hallway, and the door won't open, and as you turn around, the room goes red and a woman voice goes "my baby...they took my baby" or something like that...spooky as all heck!

I have NEVER played a game where I hear a noise on my surround sound and literally turned around b/c I thought something was in my room - it's an intense atmosphere, in my opinion..

I mean, for the love of Pete, I have a friend who waited on the edge of his seat for 3 years for this game...and he's never finished it b/c it literally scares him to the point that he can't continue.

I love this game. :thumbs:

04-11-2005, 02:33 AM
it will probably take me awhile to beat this game because i really am not a gamer but when i do, i must try half life 2. i honestly believe if you have all the settings up and your system runs smooth, you will see alot of the features that were meant for this game. i am glad the makers made it like that because i want things built today to require the lastest and greatest so it looks good a year from now.

04-11-2005, 02:50 AM
it will probably take me awhile to beat this game because i really am not a gamer but when i do, i must try half life 2. i honestly believe if you have all the settings up and your system runs smooth, you will see alot of the features that were meant for this game. i am glad the makers made it like that because i want things built today to require the lastest and greatest so it looks good a year from now.

I agree - if you haven't played HL2 yet, you need to. I remember you brought up a thread concerning Steam...I'm not a fan of the Steam system, but even with Steam, HL2 rocks, and I enjoy it. The concepts behind Steam are great - you can download a game instead of buying it (if you like that), and the developers get more money instead of the people that make the box...another AWESOME feature is that say you break one of your discs somehow, or they get ruined or something...if you download steam and login, you can just redownload the game...you can't "lose" the game - very kewl! The downside to steam is that they tied the game itself back into it...you can't play without logging into steam, and stuff like that. However, given that you have a constant connection to the internet, it's not *that* big of a concern...i'd feel bad for dialup peeps, though.

Anyways, HL2 is definitely a high caliber game - don't let the drawbacks of Steam stop you from enjoying an incredible game!

04-13-2005, 12:21 AM
BIGG, in reply to you original question about the servers...

A common tweak on Doom 3 is to unpack the .pk4 files. Did you do that? If you did, you will not be able to play online. The .pk4 files, in their original form, must be used. They do that as an anti-hacking measure.

I assume you did not, as you have a good enough system taht the slight increase in performance is probably negligible for you, but I thought I'd mention it.

04-13-2005, 12:25 AM
you lost me at bigg:)

all i did was install the game, enter the key, then i updated it. please explain what i am supposed to do.

04-13-2005, 12:31 AM
If that's all you did, then what I'm talking about is not your problem.

The majority of the data for Doom 3 is in the /base/ folder...inside that folder are a number of .pk4 files. Everytime Doom3 accesses a file, it opens the correct pk4 file, and gets the file needed out of that pk4. Basically, to save room on your hard drive, it keeps all unused files zip (except in a .pk4, not a .zip)

A common tweak is to use winrar and unpack those files. Doom 3 will still work, but then it doesn't spend the time/cpu unpacking...it has them unpacked. More HDD space, but if you've got the room...

Anyways, if you do unpack them, as an anti-piracy measure, you cannot play multiplayer at all.

The advantages to unpacking are good, if you have a lower end machine. You can notice a difference in in framerate at times. A good example is walking through a door. Sometimes Doom3 will delay when you walk through a door, as it has to unpack, and retrieve the graphic files for the next room (at least, I think taht's what happening)...if you have everything unzipped, that delay goes away/diminishes greatly. But I imagine that your machine is up on the high end enough that you probably don't need to bother with it...

if you want to know more about doom 3 tweaks (in-game console, ini, etc)

http://www.tweakguides.com/Doom3_1.html has a ton.

Enjoy, hope that helped, sorry I couldn't help your MP issues..

04-13-2005, 12:39 AM
I may have found your problem, BIGG. I loaded up the original Doom 3 (not the expansion), and looked for servers. I found 19. Under the "Game" column, they all said XP...didn't know what that was, but I joined one...Doom3 minimized, something ran quickly, then it popped back up and I was on...I started playing, and soon picked up the Double Barrelled Shotty...I was in an expansion game...I believe that's what the XP was...eXPansion...I don't think anyone's playing original doom3 now that Double Shotty - enhanced Resurrection Of Evil is out...Sorry, BIGG.