View Full Version : A Dreamer's Dream

04-13-2005, 06:12 AM
Well as the days "Tic" away I'm still dreaming of a way to farm Typhon for that Antalya Shawl and just rob him of his riches for the benefit of the guild. If anyone has any ideas let me know as well as maybe post a list of some of the items you may need from him. If there's a way we can get a farming session on him then we'll complete the list of the items need for everyone. Thanks in advance, Dna

04-13-2005, 07:00 AM
Already have a very good idea how man. Take about 6-9 peeps too.

1 necro, 1 enh bot and maybe 1 rejuv cleric, 2-3 casters/ticks for keeping the orb in combat, and 1-2 scouts to keep typhon in combat when he ports.

May take a long time to get in and do it, but Im sure its possible.

04-13-2005, 07:18 AM
Somewhere there is a video of him being killed in like 45 seconds on Igraine. I think it was just Skylen's crew, Jay's crew and Kooc. It was an impressive video to say the least.

Die Hard
04-13-2005, 01:54 PM
I totally agree. :wave:

04-14-2005, 11:26 AM
Haven't seen the video, but I've seen it first hand Skylen and Jay just creaming Typhon in no time at all. Only thing is I was wanting to try it w/o either of those two since they normally have a plan of RvR or something going on. If they can then its a bonus, but those two do so much for everyone that I hate to ask them and tie up their time. I'm open to anything so if maybe if we can plan it here before my return home. Then we can make it happen if all is worked out in advance.

04-14-2005, 09:20 PM
let me know when and I can bring my ice wiz if u need :thumbs:

04-16-2005, 04:53 AM
Thanks Spike. Once I return from Hawaii I'll try to set something up for all of us to go on. Even if it's not ML7.10 we can make it a guild outting of some other measures. :)

OUTLAWS The Machine
04-16-2005, 01:26 PM
I really doubt we can do it without Skylen's pet spam. The first time we did 7.10 we had 30ish people and it took us 2 hours. If he didnt port aroud I think a necro could do it. but he ports to the spot on the other side of the traps. PLus I'm not sure we could get passes 7.8 to get there with that few. :(

04-17-2005, 08:23 AM
Heres the deal with Typhoon.

Necro and bot do basic dmg shield work on Typhoon, with pet just doing normal attacking, which, so long as typhon doesnt get a massive dmg shield negativity like the Dragon, Chimera, and a few others, it will be ok. If he does, its going to take a long time, Chimera takes 50 minutes with constant hitting to kill.

Now, whether or not hitting the orb thing or whatever is necessary for dmg shield or anything to work on him is an unknown that id like to get figured out. This is where the 'caster' comes in here.

As for the scout, at least 1, he/she basically keeps Typhon in combat when he DOES teleport, by just shooting him when he teleports to one of his other 3 spots. He'll need a crapload of arrows though. :p

This is of course, only possible until we TRY it.

As for .8, could be a bit of a problem, but I dont think it will be that much of one so long as we are very careful and have a reserve rezzer away from the main killing party. Pull each of the snakes 1 by 1, either scout/necro pulls. If scout pulls, may need to let him suicide, and then have necro get aggro.

With the snakes, to my knowledge, are a problem when they start killing people, and should be doable with a servant necro. Might take a few for this step, but should be more the doable.

Scout can pull Katrii after the snakes are dead.

04-17-2005, 02:02 PM
Typhon's Rage

04-18-2005, 09:32 PM
I'd actually would like to try something on Typhon and see if I can solo take him down if you guys want to keep the flame in combat... I doubt I can, but can at least get you guys to trial 10 at the very least...

04-18-2005, 09:55 PM
i am all for helping out with servent necro, Bot and Cleric

04-18-2005, 10:10 PM
I gladly help Skylen out with one more theurgy :)

:wub: petspam

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
04-19-2005, 12:53 AM
Woot! Pick a date and lets go. :thumbs:

04-19-2005, 01:37 AM
Im shooting for ML7 'raid' on sunday, whether just group and/or BG. I plan on at least trying to get group steps after/before the raid so.

04-19-2005, 02:36 PM
just let me know when you want to do groups i am there

04-19-2005, 06:41 PM
If you have a planned raid Gallac just post the times. I myself return Sunday morning EST from vacation, but I'm not sure how my day will unfold since its my first day back home. I'll do all I can to bring whatever is needed. Also I dont have a way to get into contact w/ Skylen or TW atm to see if they have time to help. If anyone is able to contact them in the mean time, please do. :) I appreciate the responce and help, and I look forward to us having a blast blowing Typhon away over and over :)

<3 Dna ----> morphed into Witchbane

04-19-2005, 08:07 PM
Lol should more be DNA morphed into a virus or something - RNA would have been a funny name too :D (Sorry learning Biochemisty atm :P)

04-20-2005, 05:53 AM
LoL Bain!, wish I would have thought of that as well when we were deciding a name, :) Good one. Withdrawls eating at me on my down-time here that I'm currently dowloading the 14day trial, lol

04-20-2005, 12:06 PM
LoL Bain!, wish I would have thought of that as well when we were deciding a name, :) Good one. Withdrawls eating at me on my down-time here that I'm currently dowloading the 14day trial, lol


/sigh u are in Hawaii and only think of your computergame tisktisktisk. Go swimming, surfing, climb on this Volcano, go to the beach, helicopter tours, diving (not drowning tho :P), enjoy the nature........ game doesn't run away, but u are only 14 days on vacation.

04-22-2005, 12:04 AM
I know , I know. I've done so much already and have seen so much beauty. Just though there is down time here as well so I was looking for something to do ya know. :) I'll get some pics and post when I get a chance, but the ML7.10 thing ya know I've been trying to do forever, :)

04-22-2005, 11:06 AM
Yep I know :)

Can't wait to see the pics :D

04-25-2005, 04:13 PM
TYVM for all that helped on the ML7.10, and a special TY to Gallac for putting it together. I can now lay my nagging butt to rest on the matter :) Thanks again !

04-26-2005, 12:35 AM
Yeah, was a good raid. Went very very smooth for all intensive purposes. Some people kind of questioned my method of doing Katorii, but considering how DANGEROUS she is, and I didnt want ANY chance that we would have to come back after a full whipe, I went with my method which worked very well, and was very happy about it.

I tried my little bit of a method on Typhoon to start, and let me just say this... HE HURTS. I was getting 200-300 dmg hits, plus a few DDs, while hitting him back for about 40-60 damage. I didnt get enough time before he teleported to see how long or whether I could take him down by %s, but I at least have a better understanding of him, and I do believe a necro might be able to do it, but it would take about 2-4 hours to kill him.

Oh, and remember... DONT be late to your own raids like I was! Showed up 10 minutes late, and was shooting myself in the foot for doing that. But I was REALLY surprised by the turnout when I got on. 90+ people was pretty big.