View Full Version : Multiplayer Pariah Demo

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
04-15-2005, 07:55 PM
A multiplayer demo for Pariah was released today. Pariah is a FPS with a futuristic feel in both its atmosphere and weaponry. I haven't tried out the demo myself, but I know that some have been calling it disappointing. Regardless of whether or not the game itself is any good, Digital Extremes (the developer of Pariah who also co-developed UT2004 with Epic Games) just earned my respect for releasing a multiplayer demo before their game is released.

You can download the demo from the following sites (compiled by BluesNews):

Filefront (http://files.filefront.com/Pariah_MP_Demo/;3845957;;/fileinfo.html)
Fragland (European servers) (http://www.fragland.net/downloads.php?id=14596)
Gamer's Hell (http://www.gamershell.com/news/21474.html)
Worthplaying (http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=24753)

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
04-16-2005, 11:02 AM
Well, I was playing around a bit with it, and to me the game feels like it was designed for consoles instead of the PC. Things like huge first-person guns, large crosshairs, and health being represented as four red bars (instead of a number) really stand out as non-PCish. On top of that, the movement is very basic and the jumps do not feel as though they are confined by Earth's gravity (it feels like you are jumping on the moon). Plus, the graphics do not feel very sharp (1024x768 feels like 640x480) and the servers that I played on were pretty laggy (I think it was the netcode, not the servers).

Hopefully they can make some changes to the multiplayer before it is released, otherwise I think this game is going to live or die by its single player (at least for the PC). If you would like to visit the official Pariah website, click here (http://www.pariahgame.com).

04-16-2005, 05:34 PM
It was originally made for xbox ... and i dont think there will be any changes as the games gone gold already :(