View Full Version : l33t Star Wars Trailer

04-16-2005, 12:30 AM
The captions rule!!!! This link works great, but if it fails, please post so I can find another...

l33t Trailer (http://www.liveartists.com/video/133trailer.wmv)

OUTLAWS high ping camper
04-16-2005, 01:25 AM
Trailer looked nice.........last 2 star wars movies sucked IMHO, = terrible acting along with some slow moving plots resulted in a couple of lack luster films...:)

04-16-2005, 01:53 AM
Tx Thundarr ! ~ That was an experience! ~ "Kill the gray stuff too" :P

04-16-2005, 05:18 AM
Trailer looked nice.........last 2 star wars movies sucked IMHO, = terrible acting along with some slow moving plots resulted in a couple of lack luster films...:)

First, I'd like to say taht I personally thought Ep 2 was great, I really loved it. I will say this. In no way are the new ones the same as the old ones. A comparision is stupid. Different time, different mentality, different everything.

The first movie was a delightfully brainless little romp, good for the kids. Not a lot of fun for anyone with an interest in, say, annoying characters named Jar-Jar Binks, but it was necessary to set up the story. While I'll never know what reason they had for Jar-Jar, I thought it was kewl that the Evil Lord o'er the entire galaxy came from Hicksville, Tatooine. He was a frickin' Stellar NASCAR racer! It gave Anakin and Obi the common Qui-Gonn bond, which would later be both of their mental image of perfection, though imagined very differently.

The second movie, in my mind was solid. Again, the movie was, overall, on the happy side of things. I think, and the trailer suggests, that top to bottom, beginning to end, the 3rd movie is gonna be dark and pessimistic. Samuel L. Jackson already admitted that his character gets the axe. Lucas admitted that just about EVERYONE is gonna die. I think the only happy moment in the movie is gonna be right at the end, when you see luke given to the Lars to raise him. And I think that the second movie will be lifted up by the 3rd.

Personally, I went through high school living Star Wars. I played the Collectible Card Game, and I owned pretty much every Star Wars novel that came out (i have around 40 sitting in my cabinet). The only thing was - no books were written about pre-Empire...only post. I've had a hunger for 10 years to know what the heck happened to lead to what we had....so I'm happy with any kind of resolution...even if it's not in exactly the same style as the first 3 movies.

Then again, HPC is from long long ago, in a state far, far away, and maybe he's just not on the same wave-length as this young whipper-snapper. :D

04-16-2005, 05:42 AM
All I have to say is that I think that Episode 3 looks way better than the last two, but I so loved the captions in this trailer, OMG, LMAO... But being that I am a child of the 80's, I soooooooo hope there are more Star Wars ro experience!! I remember waiting in line with my folks to see Empire Strikes Back outside the back of the theatre, so I'm old, but I don't care, I want more!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

OUTLAWS high ping camper
04-16-2005, 06:58 AM
Hey that's cool Bob, you're entitled to your opinion. I can't say I hated the last two movies.......it's just that the actors that played darth vader's role (in both movies) were weak.
I don't quite understand how they can spend all that money on a movie and not have decent actors.

I remember seeing the first star wars flick at the theater, what a ground breaking film (concerning special effects). As for the premise, it reminded me of a western..good guys versus the bad guys....just different guns. :)

04-16-2005, 01:02 PM
.......it's just that the actors that played darth vader's role (in both movies) were weak.

Oh, I wasn't attacking your opinion (just your age :D ), HPC - you're just as entitled to yours. I was just sharing.

And I completely agree. Hayden Christianson's crappy acting has really been the disappointing part of the movie for me as well. Everyone else has been cast fairly well, I think, but Anakin's casting (especially the older, Hayden Christianson) has just sucked.

I remember seeing the first star wars flick at the theater, what a ground breaking film (concerning special effects).

Unfortunately, that aspect of the film is lost on most people my age or younger - by the time I saw Star Wars, I had seen TV shows with better graphics, let alone movies. The big technological breakthrough points in my life have been LOTR, the Matrix, stuff like that.

Don't get me wrong - I wish I could have seen original Star Wars in the theater, with a sense of awe that the 70's debut had. Then again, while I don't wanna be 40 or anything, I wish I could have lived in the 70's. A lot of what I like now was from that time. I love M*A*S*H, I love the music...there's a lot that those days had going for them that today's don't. I'm sure the opposite comparision can be made, though, from someone who's been in both...

And good lord, how did I get all that?! That wasn't even on topic half the time! Wow.

BTW, I forgot in my first post - the captions were very funny, Thundarr! :thumbs: Thanx for sharing.

He Is Legend
04-16-2005, 02:12 PM
haha that was freaking hillarious

04-17-2005, 05:11 AM
I think I was like 9 when I saw the first starwars at the movies. I think they had a McDonalds action figure deal at the time as well... Of course I was 9 so I could be wrong. :P The original starwars will always own the latest versions. I don't care what kind of special effects are used....

Alexis SC430
04-17-2005, 05:23 AM
Oh come now Slice...

If you were truly nine years old when you saw the original Star Wars in theatres then that would mean you would have to be unbelievably old -- a geriatric fossil who walked the earth semi-erect eons before I was ever born.

And we all know that's not true!

What's next? Are you going to tell us that you were alive before the Reagan administration? The very thought! :P

04-24-2005, 03:50 AM
Oh come now Slice...

If you were truly nine years old when you saw the original Star Wars in theatres then that would mean you would have to be unbelievably old -- a geriatric fossil who walked the earth semi-erect eons before I was ever born.

And we all know that's not true!

What's next? Are you going to tell us that you were alive before the Reagan administration? The very thought! :P

Watch out who you're calling old there, missy... :P That movie came out in 1977. Even I was 5 years old then, although I didn't see one in the theatre til Empire Strikes Back... :D