View Full Version : More Cable Help Needed

Caged Anger
04-19-2005, 10:37 PM
Okay, eher's the things I picked out off of newegg. They aren't the most pricey things but not the cheapest either. The only thing I'm worried about are incompatibilities between the pieces of hardware.

I've attached an image of the cable modem and the wireless router I've picks out. However, the one thing we already have is a wireless adapter for my sister's laptop. I want to know if its compatible with the router chosen.
It's a:

Raylink PC Card
WLAN Adapter
Raytheon Electronics

Sorry, thats all that I know about it. I can't see why it won't work, but I also can't see why it would so, lol, thats my predicament. Hope you guys can help me, this is a realm I am most unfamiliar with.

04-19-2005, 11:54 PM
well, honestly the only info i can find on the ratheon indicates it is a 802.11 part, not an 802.11b (11mbs) or 802.11g (54mbs). There was no 802.11 wireless standard, so this appears to be a custom device set up for connecting to ratheon networks. unless that is what she needs for work, she would be much better off paying $30+ for a 802.11b/g part, and also I doubt anything will work with her card (unless it was pre-standards compliant) since there are no other ratheon wireless products.

and btw, look in the sunday sales papers (circuit city, best buy), I think you can get cable modems for free after a rebate + a signup, no need to shell out the bucks.

Caged Anger
04-20-2005, 02:50 AM
one word sums that up, DOH!!!!

Caged Anger
04-20-2005, 12:23 PM
Okay Jim, I took your advice and checked out BestBuy.com
I found that I could drive down and pick the modem up today, but I found a package deal for a notebook card and wireless router off of newegg that was really good. I'm fairly sure they will work becuase they are both 802.11g with 802.11b compatible and all my equipment is Lynksys. Liked the design and the rebates kicked butt.

There is only one tricky part left. My sister's notebook is an IBM and I don't know whether or not the card will fit. She mentioned something about the PCMCIA slot being odd. But, will deal with that when it happens.

04-21-2005, 09:06 PM
Don't know about the IBM and it's PCMCIA but if it has a usb 1.1 port then you could use this thingy here
USB THINGY (http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=674998&CatId=369)