View Full Version : need a member in DS???

04-20-2005, 02:12 AM
i useto play alot.. i useto be SMS(if that helps at all)
i useto be decent...

ummm anything else...

hey now

04-20-2005, 02:25 AM
Stop by and play with the guys tommarrow nites practice.

Public IP =

04-20-2005, 03:16 AM
Stop by and play with the guys tommarrow nites practice.

Public IP =

Hey, I was gonna ask about joining too, so I might as well get massacred by all of ya tomorrow as well...what time are you guys around for practice?

04-20-2005, 03:22 AM
u shall do just fine my friend

04-20-2005, 05:05 AM
Practice times officially start at 7:30pm eastern, but some of us are on earlier than that. It mostly depends on who has to work, and who doesn't. :)

As for joining DS, there isn't a cadre program like SMS had. All you need to do is show us that you're not a total lame-ass punk lamma. As for skillz, I suck ass at UT, so there's you're base-line on that.

04-20-2005, 05:17 AM
Practice times officially start at 7:30pm eastern, but some of us are on earlier than that. It mostly depends on who has to work, and who doesn't. :)

As for joining DS, there isn't a cadre program like SMS had. All you need to do is show us that you're not a total lame-ass punk lamma. As for skillz, I suck ass at UT, so there's you're base-line on that.

Awesome. DS is the clan that has always called to me, partly b/c it's UT2k4 and partly b/c I respect every one of you that I know, and if I don't know you, I can count on you being quality b/c I know that the others would require that.

So I'll show up, get trashed, and ask for permission. :D

04-20-2005, 11:53 AM
Me tinks practice tonite be at 8:30 and tat only de Tuesday pwactice be startin at 7:30

Fury O, it would be good to have you hanging wit us 1 mo tyme, but me be questioning yu dedikation after you dissapeared from SMS to play CS if i be rememburing korrectly :confused: I must be mittin that I was dissapoynted that me local ace dropped SMS. If you'ze be ready to kommit to UT then we will be seriously connsiddering youz!

As for BCR, I been knowticin dat youz been postin bout playin da UT and Been watin long tyme to knock yur skull wit de flack shell :D Me knowz you and da PJ be tight so hang wit us man for a wile too, hav sum fun and see if youz like {DS}

Oh yea, be watchin owt for FOF'z mini gun :eek: he be one badd azz mofo wit da mini... oh my

peace out! ;)

Die Hard
04-20-2005, 12:45 PM
Good luck Guys. {DS} Roxors.

Oh and Pure, keep taking the pills man.

04-20-2005, 12:55 PM
I respect every one of you that I know

hehe, everyone he knows is ME!!!


Me tinks practice tonite be at 8:30 and tat only de Tuesday pwactice be startin at 7:30

Fury O, it would be good to have you hanging wit us 1 mo tyme, but me be questioning yu dedikation after you dissapeared from SMS to play CS if i be rememburing korrectly I must be mittin that I was dissapoynted that me local ace dropped SMS. If you'ze be ready to kommit to UT then we will be seriously connsiddering youz!

As for BCR, I been knowticin dat youz been postin bout playin da UT and Been watin long tyme to knock yur skull wit de flack shell Me knowz you and da PJ be tight so hang wit us man for a wile too, hav sum fun and see if youz like {DS}

Oh yea, be watchin owt for FOF'z mini gun he be one badd azz mofo wit da mini... oh my

peace out!


either you were REALLY drunk when you typed that or you took a few too many to the head. <---the head thats on your shoulders, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

04-20-2005, 12:55 PM
no pure, ididnt drop SMS to play CS... i just started playing like 2 weeks ago...i dropped SMS awhile ago way before the SMS split, remember the nvidia drivers were screwin my game up, would crash me on exit of game...

if ya dont believe me look at my xfire sig... only have like 40 hours...

ask anyone in SMS i was on everyday playin UT...

04-20-2005, 01:28 PM
Hi guy’s
Thanks for your interest in DS. Standard protocol would be to hang out with us for a while. Mix it up on our server’s and do some posting here @ GM to get to know us. You can also find info on our clan here
http://downwardspiral.servebeer.com/ and
Our Website here http://downwardspiral.clanservers.com/
Hang out with us, have some fun and good luck to Ya’s
Frag :thumbs:

04-20-2005, 01:34 PM
Hi guy’s
Thanks for your interest in DS. Standard protocol would be to hang out with us for a while. Mix it up on our server’s and do some posting here @ GM to get to know us. You can also find info on our clan here
http://downwardspiral.servebeer.com/ and
Our Website here http://downwardspiral.clanservers.com/
Hang out with us, have some fun and good luck to Ya’s
Frag :thumbs:
find* info on our clan :rolleyes:

04-20-2005, 01:40 PM
i know that pure evil lives in CT...i think moqarna also

i know one of them lives in Bristol, CT

04-20-2005, 02:27 PM
is this spelled right BLOOOOOw MEEEEEEEEE :D

04-20-2005, 02:54 PM
hehe, everyone he knows is ME!!!


I meant on the forum. Everyone I know on the forum. Idiot. :P

04-20-2005, 02:58 PM
i know that pure evil lives in CT...i think moqarna also

i know one of them lives in Bristol, CT
That's Moq, I'm in Southington.

Hi neighbor http://pages.prodigy.net/indianahawkeye/newpage39/9.gif

wow, that means me too then Bob?? :wub:

Die Hard
04-20-2005, 03:17 PM
is this spelled right BLOOOOOw MEEEEEEEEE :DNow that had me ROFLMFAO :funny:

04-20-2005, 03:29 PM
we should set up a small lan party... heh with the CT guys.. heh

what games do u play

04-20-2005, 03:33 PM
ut 2004 :D :rolleyes:

04-20-2005, 03:57 PM
that it?

im able to play

doom 3,CS:S.CS 1.6,UT2004,half-life 2 DM,ummm quake 2,quake 3,starcraft/broodwar,diablo 2 xpac....ummm thats it i believe

04-20-2005, 04:26 PM
UT2004 is all you need. Everything else is gravy.

04-20-2005, 04:43 PM
we are a UT clan...what did you expect :D

04-20-2005, 04:54 PM
UT2004 is all you need. Everything else is gravy.

04-20-2005, 05:05 PM
wow, that means me too then Bob?? :wub:

huh? What are you talking about, Pure.

04-20-2005, 05:14 PM
huh? What means you, Pure?

...sharp as a circle...sharp as a circle

04-20-2005, 05:33 PM
...sharp as a circle...sharp as a circle

Excuse me, I was *trying* to talk like they did in the old days..."Achilles! What means you?!"...see?!!!! It's...noble...or something...

I'm just gonna go change that, and then read the dictionary...

04-20-2005, 05:42 PM
And now I'll just add to the stupidity that I've tacked on to myself over the last few posts...as I realize what Pure was referring to...my post that came directly before his...hmmm... :doh:

Yes, that means you, too, Pure my boy.

At least, now that November is past...I pretty much hated this entire forum during election season...I vow now not to participate next time that comes around. :rolleyes:

But yes, I respect you too, Pure! :thumbs:

PJ looses somes, though, since he pointed out my really amazing grammar mistakes...and I'm a grammar freak almost as much as DE :eek:

04-20-2005, 05:48 PM
hehe, i was just tryin to add some variety.. know what i mean...

hey how can i make a sig.. that shows up in profile

04-20-2005, 08:40 PM
hey how can i make a sig.. that shows up in profile

On the top banner, click "User CP"...then click "edit signature" on the left.

04-20-2005, 08:45 PM
oh yeah, make sure you get a copy of serious sam se. you can find it in select cereal boxes or gumball dispensers if you look hard. a bunch of the ds players like to go and whoop up on the ssam noobs every once in a while... :thumbs:

04-20-2005, 08:59 PM
test test test...

04-20-2005, 11:04 PM
oh yeah, make sure you get a copy of serious sam se. you can find it in select cereal boxes or gumball dispensers if you look hard. a bunch of the ds players like to go and whoop up on the ssam noobs every once in a while... :thumbs:

we do?

04-21-2005, 12:04 AM
oh yeah, make sure you get a copy of serious sam se. you can find it in select cereal boxes or gumball dispensers if you look hard. a bunch of the ds players like to go and whoop up on the ssam noobs every once in a while... :thumbs:
uhh goober and Unfo both have a copy under the short leg of the kitchen table I'm sure they can throw your way :D

I'd send you mine, but whenever I'm feeling down, I play some SSSE and get called a pupper, spammer, camper then the game locks up... Then I launch UT and it's like seeing a rainbow after a storm http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/jossun.gif

04-21-2005, 01:10 AM
oh yeah, make sure you get a copy of serious sam se. you can find it in select cereal boxes or gumball dispensers if you look hard. a bunch of the ds players like to go and whoop up on the ssam noobs every once in a while... :thumbs:

I have SS:SE, I just REALLY suck at it, so I never play with you folks (as ExE...I suck)

04-21-2005, 01:35 AM
Hmmm...are your 8:30 practices very short? I got on at 9:15...no one is there... :bawling:

04-21-2005, 01:58 AM
hehe...we just finished..and its 10PM now

04-21-2005, 02:04 AM
hehe...we just finished..and its 10PM now

Right...I posted that at 9:30...and I was in the server for 15 min before that...I'm really confused...Hmmm...

04-21-2005, 02:05 AM
Hmmm...are your 8:30 practices very short? I got on at 9:15...no one is there... :bawling:
wrong server, we went private because so many {DS} showed up. add {DS}* to your buddy list and find us that way, or use x-fire :thumbs:

04-21-2005, 02:07 AM
wrong server, we went private because so many {DS} showed up. add {DS}* to your buddy list and find us that way, or use x-fire :thumbs:


04-21-2005, 02:42 AM
<cough> i believe its spelled, "alright"

see...you forgot the "l" and the "r"

youll get it next time ;)

04-21-2005, 03:03 AM
<cough> i believe its spelled, "alright"

see...you forgot the "l" and the "r"

youll get it next time ;)

Nope...that was one intentional. It's pronounced sorta of like you would "ite" except there's some subtle emphasis...for pronounciation help, listen to rap - Lil' Jon uses it every freakin' sentence. Listen to him, aight? :P See, I can pretend to kewl that way.

I have to try and be kewl somehow...

04-21-2005, 03:38 AM
Rap is for gay people!

04-21-2005, 03:55 AM
Rap is for gay people!

Well isn't that a friendly opinion! Actually, I hated rap for a long time too..I really don't enjoy the words, but once you get a 15" Rockford Fosgate subwoofer in your trunk...it gets some appeal...just booming your brains out.

04-21-2005, 04:11 AM
I lived in Kentucky/Tennessee for four years, and it pissed me off every time I tried to get a music channel on the radio cause most of them played rap! The ones that didn't play rap were harder to get a signal for, or were drowned out by the rap stations.

04-21-2005, 04:25 AM
I lived in Kentucky/Tennessee for four years, and it pissed me off every time I tried to get a music channel on the radio cause most of them played rap! The ones that didn't play rap were harder to get a signal for, or were drowned out by the rap stations.

I know the feeling, which is why I got a CD player and I never listen to the radio anymore.

04-21-2005, 12:00 PM
I know the feeling, which is why I got a CD player and I never listen to the radio anymore.

which is also the same reason why i got satillite (sp?) radio