View Full Version : PoC artie leveling nights

04-20-2005, 10:18 PM
Who all would be interested in forming up an artifact leveling group in PoC 2 nights a week say on Tuesdays and Thurdays @ 7:00pm EST? If those days and time aren't good for you, say so and we'll see what we can arrange. Sundays during the day and Monday evenings are no good for me.

If you don't mind please post what class you wish to bring. I really don't care what class you bring, but just remember we do need some damage dealers if we hope to get the xp flowing.

I've got several arties that I need to level up.
Necro (Sight):
Maddening Scalars

Cleric w/pf:
Crown of Zahur
Egg of Youth
Ceremonial Bracer

Ya Term, I know your play times. :D Maybe we can have an early and late shift for the left coasters. Between Blay, yourself and me we could level you all's EoY's up pretty quick with our Necros.

04-20-2005, 10:36 PM
Well I do have till May1st on one of my accounts, I can bring my wizzie and bot.

04-20-2005, 11:27 PM
why oh why has it to be NIGHTS ???? :P

04-20-2005, 11:28 PM
:bawling: I really don't like the "night" part.

A little earlier I would be in since my wizzy/scout/minst/theurg/cleric/necro need some arti love.

04-20-2005, 11:43 PM
Sho can do day shift too ... somedays ... if i'm real sneaky :D

04-21-2005, 12:00 AM
Well the poor cabby needs some arty love (Tarts, Nailahs, and CB)
And I was hoping to get MT, but still need 3/3 :( but any arty love is good love :P

I can try to catch you down there, but Tues/Thurs I leave at 7am PST and get home ~8pm...so those days are out for me. Sorry. Don't hold up this Great idea on my account tho. I am just gonna look for POC whenever I am lucky enough to get on.

Really, I'm just glad to see that peeps still need to get some POC themselves..thought I was out on my own with this one.

Might need to change her name to "Fraudus WillworkforPOC"

Depending on the group/solo status I might just respec to tri-spec or spirit, but I'm not committed to either atm. GL and Hail Outlaws!

04-21-2005, 01:29 AM
Pack that is a perfect time for the late shift that Blay, Term (he gets on at 9pm pst) and myself are talking about. Look us up and i'll watch for you.

04-21-2005, 01:54 AM
Bain, I'm redoing my sorc template. Once I get my GoV and Ceremonial Bracer, I'll come lvl with you during the day.

04-21-2005, 03:57 PM
I need my scout's arti's leveled. I can try and make it, send me a tell, if I'm in game I'll come

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
04-21-2005, 08:10 PM
My theurgist, cleric, and minstrel have some artifacts to level. I usually get on after cooking dinner.

04-21-2005, 10:08 PM
I need to lvl eriny's and jacina's. Others I have are lvl5-8. Sorc with bot. Not sure if I am going to break out my necro and reactivate his account or not. 7cst works better for me :)

04-21-2005, 10:36 PM
Term I plan on leveling tonight starting here in a few minutes, when you get on just send me a tell.

04-22-2005, 02:53 PM
I looked for you all lastnight when we started on time and sorry we had to go /anon lastnight because of all the random requests to join us. I was trying to keep spots open for you all if you happen to be coming and we had 4 spots open.

If you want to join in, hollar at us on TS (Leveling Arties chan) or you can try to send one of us a tell in game and see what we can do about getting you to us. We might be planning to be there again tonight @ 8pm EST.

Anyways we still have our toons logged in PoC and just so you can get some idea where to go, the Blue dot is the entrance, the Red dot is where we are, Loc 15k, 33k. We had to suicide poor ol' Goodwench several times to get to where we are. :D There's too many ****ing stealthers and weakass players camping near the entrance to xp near there.

Necro (Sight):
Maddening Scalars - lvl 2.5 to 6.3

Cleric w/pf:
Crown of Zahur - lvl 0 to 10 in one session
Cloudsong - lvl 0 to 2.7
Egg of Youth - lvl 7 to 10
Ceremonial Bracer - lvl 0 to 10 in one session

I can't believe how fast my Ceremonial Bracer & Crown of Zahur leveled, they went from lvl 0 to 10 in about 4 hours down there, but looks like Cloudsong is going to take a while. Thx Grimmy & Spike for the help lastnight.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
04-22-2005, 03:23 PM
Wow...congrats Sho! :thumbs:

04-22-2005, 08:27 PM
heh yes grats again..i logged on 9pst thurs and first thing i see is arties dinging all over the place :) Thought you were done in there tho.. I'll try to catch ya tonite..most likely you'll hear me out farming in Breifine until POC gets goin :)

04-22-2005, 11:23 PM
Pack i'm sorry man, when I posted that this morning I had forgotten that this week's Nascar races are different, they are being held at night which is tonight and tomorrow night. I'll make sure and post when i'm going again and i'll make sure I look for you. Maybe you will have your CS by then. /em crosses fingers for ya. :)

06-06-2005, 04:51 PM
Would anyone be up for some PoC work this week? In the last 3 days I have been killed 9 times either in PoC or trying to get there on my armswoman :(