View Full Version : Pretty nice

He Is Legend
04-21-2005, 02:09 PM
I think this is a pretty nice deal for this card


even if it is refurbished, only thing its taking away is the box and all the accessories

tackles the BFG FX6800 ULTRA 256MB OC with ease.And its not even there best card ;)

long live Ati <3

Caged Anger
04-21-2005, 02:24 PM
its nice, but still hard on my non-existant paycheck

04-21-2005, 02:33 PM
HAHAHHA. Dosent suprise me that it is refurbished its a damn saphire. Guarentee after 2 weeks of use it frys its self...they all do. As for smokein geforce 6800....i dont think so. that card only beat geforce by 2 fps some ut benchmarks...in other ut benchmarks geforce beat it by 7.3 fps. But the card does smoke the geforce in the anisotropic filtering performance department. But in call of duty the 6800 wins by far. as for what card i would buy i would take the 6800 easly just because the quality of all geforce manufactuers is much better than atis manufactuers. NEVER BUY SAPHIRE ATI CARDS...guarented problems in the future..as for nvidia all manufactuers are good because thur reliable.

info tooken from http://graphics.tomshardware.com/graphic/20040504/ati-x800-13.html

He Is Legend
04-21-2005, 02:57 PM
My card is a Sapphire and I've had it over 2 years

no problems at all

And so what if the 6800gt has beat Ati's cards in 'benchmarks', who can really tell ingame by a few fps?..Wait till D3D games start coming out...besides hogs of OpenGL

Who won the Benchmark of Hl2? ;) 6800gt? or the x800?

and those benchmarks were ran off a intel 3.2...(crap)

Should have ran it on a AMD 64 bit (The best)

anyway..point is

I love Ati and always will...nvidia has the upper hand in drivers, but the lower hand in graphics

04-21-2005, 03:18 PM
I remember a Chao post saying he was going to buy Nvidea next :rolleyes:

as far as Saphire goes :down: I still remember not being able to boot a new PC because of a new junk Saphire card. If you're buying ATI, stay away from Saphire.

04-21-2005, 03:27 PM
ati will have their new card out in a couple of months, with 2x the power of their current greatest. they will probably be expensive as hell, but I imagine that the prices for these cards will drop somewhat at that point...

He Is Legend
04-21-2005, 05:29 PM
I remember a Chao post saying he was going to buy Nvidea next :rolleyes:

as far as Saphire goes :down: I still remember not being able to boot a new PC because of a new junk Saphire card. If you're buying ATI, stay away from Saphire.

Yea but, I read up on nvidia and ati and read alot of reviews about alot of problems with both chipsets

i chose Ati :p