View Full Version : Sam's best players from 2002

04-21-2005, 03:42 PM
Who were top 5 best of the best players in 2002 in ssse?

Alexis SC430
04-22-2005, 11:48 PM
Well, I really pwned the single player version. :)

I didn't play online in 2002 -- no broadband.

04-22-2005, 11:55 PM
Well, I really pwned the single player version. :)

I didn't play online in 2002 -- no broadband.
same here...I wonder why

He Is Legend
04-24-2005, 03:55 PM
and machoman_:)=fun

04-24-2005, 08:12 PM
too long ago...
dont remember...

Die Hard
04-24-2005, 08:40 PM
Die Hard "The Cannon Whore" :P

04-24-2005, 09:28 PM
No offense to the topic but who really cares who was good 3 years ago? IMO the level of skill and experience required to "master" ss:se is minimal when compared to other games.
The only thing that separated the skilled from the unskilled is really knowing the maps, otherwise anyone can use an rl or a gl.

04-24-2005, 09:30 PM
yeah, but some people have been using them for years and still suck....

04-24-2005, 10:48 PM
Thanks for the notice marz,,,,, I kinda lost interest, just play for a laugh now...

04-25-2005, 12:05 AM
The Secretions clan could pwn'd all y'all!!! :P

Alexis SC430
04-25-2005, 12:16 AM
same here...I wonder why

I think we both know the answer to that. ;)

04-25-2005, 02:17 AM
No offense to the topic but who really cares who was good 3 years ago? IMO the level of skill and experience required to "master" ss:se is minimal when compared to other games.
The only thing that separated the skilled from the unskilled is really knowing the maps, otherwise anyone can use an rl or a gl.
Cuz I want to know who people considered good back in the day

Asian Invasian
04-26-2005, 05:10 AM
Exe how could you say that yet I pwn you in 1v1 when you were "Skilled"
You knew your maps and weapons, At lease you better of it was fortress, im sure you remmember the score *rolls eyes*

It just shows it has alot to do with skills not just RL and GL

04-26-2005, 05:49 AM
Heh... Skillz.. There's no concrete defination of the word skill.. Some people think Silver Surfer was the worst camper ever, but on the other hand, he mastered those techniques of hiding and using "cheap" weapons.. It's all opinion.. I think everyone should stay modest and let other people decide for themselves who WAS good.. It DOESN'T matter one bit now days.

04-26-2005, 11:04 AM
Exe how could you say that yet I pwn you in 1v1 when you were "Skilled"
You knew your maps and weapons, At lease you better of it was fortress, im sure you remmember the score *rolls eyes*

It just shows it has alot to do with skills not just RL and GL
That 1 on 1 was in my server and I still have the demo and screenie and I'm sure Exe would kill me if I posted the score so I won't :P

Die Hard
04-26-2005, 12:10 PM
Someone's going to kill you soon anyway so you may as well post it :P

Free Styler
04-26-2005, 01:16 PM
skill versus other games.

Exe what you said makes no sence whatsoever.

Being skilled in sam is the same as any game.

Take the best utk4 player or quake1 2 or 3 or painkiller player in the world.

Give him a week to practice and know the levels.

And i garantie you that any top notch player from sam will own his ass like if it were a rabbit.

AIM my friend is what makes a true skiled player.

OF course since youve been playing sam for 3 years your perception of the game play is very much famaliar to you.

Thus your saying to yourself that seomeone from a other game would have the same perception then you when playing.

Well that aint the case one bit.

The angles and timings differ in every game.
Getting those to perfect accuracy is not something you accomplish over night.

Maybe there timing of weapons and armor would be better then yours.

But the technice of knife switching dodging and aim would be something they could not handle.

Im sorry but i think what you said is plain stupid.

About grenades and rockets whore.

I dont have any problems owning them.

So i really dont see your point in what you said

He Is Legend
04-26-2005, 01:34 PM
Skill comes from practice

Rockets and Grenade launchers will not get you a win in sam, you just have to know how to dodge them

1 shotty to the face and your down

so..if your only good with the Rl and Gl..good luck on getting good

like Freestyler said..Time the armor/health

you'll be alot better off against rockets

04-26-2005, 04:28 PM
meh, yall are all nuts. aim only counts in sam because shotty it is a instant weapon. try UT2k4 and there are the weapons are slow, hitting someone means leading the player the right amount. ping is a bigger factor in this game because of the instant nature of the weapons. in UT2k4 if you have a higher ping you lead the weapons more. in sam the low ping will usually own. I don't think the games can compare, and someone coming to sam would have to adjust their game much more than just learning the maps and weapons...

04-26-2005, 07:27 PM
Thanx for respecting my option fs...
Aim is only ONE factor of being a skilled player, and by skilled i don't mean that he or she wins every single game (because that is near impossible) i mean that that person is able to put up a decent fight while keeping a steady ratio.

If you ever encounter a truly skilled player you will see that they are very patient and calm while palying, getting killed 10 times in a row does not get them angry, they just keep on playing and hoping to come out on top. Patience is something many gamers do not have, the run and gun style is what most people in ssam are into.

Tactics are alot more important than aim, luck also plays a big part. You can have the worst aim ever (like me) and still win games (like me). You have to be able to control your position and know where the other player is most likely to come from. That takes a long time to develop and comes primarily from experience. Believe it or not some people are GOOD at memorizing and learning maps just like some people have good aim.
In quake 3 one rocket does not kill a person instantly like ssam, nor does a shotty hit. Thats why people there are much more highly skilled because they have to know their maps and when to defend or go after the opposing player.
Aim might look pretty, and it is developed in all games, but tactics are the key to winning.
Thats why other games take more skill than ssam.

PS: this is my opinion and if you want to challenge it be courteous and polite, state your point clearly and i will consider it. This isn't an argument based on who wins and who loses, its the progress we make.

also ai is gay, that is all.

Free Styler
04-26-2005, 09:43 PM
Well *cough saying this to you in a polite way *cough

No sarcasm intended

Take utk4 for exemple.

I played some very good players here and there.

Tho i will admit i did not win all of my one on ones that i have played aginst the top dogs im talking about,i can say that intuition is what brings or defines skill or whaterver that word may represent.

Let's say i'm where the corner and i know the guy is there cause i feel his presence.He knows im there too.

But i know he knows that i know

but he knows that i know that he knows i know that he knows i know lol.

Well what i have just said may seem ridiculous but that's what it's all about.
knowing what your opponent thinks.unlike 3rd person view from sam .

Let's go back to the siuation above where im at the corner and My guest on when he will time is attack is correct.

in a intence move he dodges with a 3 second delay.But like i said i know that already.I do my counter lightning gun shot attempting to land a head shot but in a ridiculous miss get killed.

that ridiculous kill can be allocated to the fact that i misset my shot.
But i had the advantage and kwew what had to be done.I misset the shot and subconsecontently major missspell on that word btw but anyways got shot.

Reason being AIM .I miss the shot because of my aim.Tho my aim is pretty decent in utk4 it is not at its full potential.

Map ownage is a other very big factor if you ask me but overall the intuition factor is what makes a excellent player + aim.A bit of map ownage involved also but imo opinion that is minimal.If your able to have the weapons you want and get armor here and there.Even if the other guy times all the items you aim and intuition will outcome his bests efforts.

The experience factor permits you to guess what the guy is going to attempt.
from there guessing right is the awnser to get the frag.

But even if you guess right and know what has to be done,the aim part is has important has the hole thing.It's a chain if the link is broken at some part even at the very end everything goes rong.Aim is the final part of that chain.

anyways what i said his maybe said in a stange manner but that is what i think it is.

Btw i rarely get mad when playing when sober and your aim exe aint that bad.

04-26-2005, 11:51 PM
sam.... u need no skill, just be in the right place at the right time, and you win......

When the game was released before communities like this ruined its gameplay, then it was skill, dodging the sd, hiding from the invul, looking out for the invis..........

04-27-2005, 12:05 AM
The Secretions clan could pwn'd all y'all!!! :P


04-27-2005, 12:24 AM
All I asked was for a list of players, not a whining/debate thread.....

04-27-2005, 01:42 AM
All I asked was for a list of players, not a whining/debate thread.....
the thread deals with sam so its not off-topic and we are making clear and distinct statements not debating with flames, the players have been listed, now its our turn to talk.

I completely agree with you FS in THAT scenario, where both the players are awaiting each other's move in anticipation. But you also made the assumption that your opponent didn't miss as well. Then you shoot again and aim comes into play yet again.
And if you think about it aim is really knowing which way the other player is gonna move/dodge. If you know if he's gonna go left,right and/or up,down then you will know where to point your mouse.
Prediction is another part of aiming so i dont think you can really categorize aim as one thing that can help your overall gameplay.
Following your intuition is what a major part of gaming is, but sometimes that intuition is wrong. However a map will never change its shape and spawn points remain the same, so you can rely on them when you have no idea where to go or look next.

04-27-2005, 01:54 AM
Skill comes from practice

Rockets and Grenade launchers will not get you a win in sam, you just have to know how to dodge them

1 shotty to the face and your down

so..if your only good with the Rl and Gl..good luck on getting good

like Freestyler said..Time the armor/health

you'll be alot better off against rockets

You fought Leon back in his "camper" days in fortress? He could easily win that map with just "spamming" grenades cuz he could fire em so almost every grenade was a guaranteed hit.

Edit : esp with most servers beein on Serious where one direct grenade hit was an instant kill when not at 200/200

Free Styler
04-27-2005, 02:22 AM
exe what i meant is i had often have the suprise attack.but then again utk4 at a very high skill is morewhat of a long distance lazer and lightning gun match then close up so its comes back to aim.but anyways your point is good but the aim is still what i personaly think makes the deciding factor on a victory... and sauron i remember leon in the old camper days hehe.

that was funny in those days.

Asian Invasian
04-27-2005, 03:12 AM
also ai is gay, that is all.
:babe: I love you too

Die Hard
04-27-2005, 09:05 AM
Oh yeah Sauron. Leon was the original and the best camper. He used to drive me crazy with his Pineapples. Gotta love Leon :thumbs:

04-27-2005, 10:48 AM
Muhahaha.... Thank you for remembering me.

Yes, I'm trouble camper Leon.:D

For old friend:
About three years ago, I'm sorry to make you get angry.:P

04-27-2005, 10:50 AM
Leon you used to own lost tomb with your grenades.....lol

04-27-2005, 10:58 AM
Yes, however I was only the beginning owned it.

Everyone knows my camping spot thoroughly.:bawling:

04-27-2005, 07:49 PM
the thread deals with sam so its not off-topic and we are making clear and distinct statements not debating with flames, the players have been listed, now its our turn to talk.

I completely agree with you FS in THAT scenario, where both the players are awaiting each other's move in anticipation. But you also made the assumption that your opponent didn't miss as well. Then you shoot again and aim comes into play yet again.
And if you think about it aim is really knowing which way the other player is gonna move/dodge. If you know if he's gonna go left,right and/or up,down then you will know where to point your mouse.
Prediction is another part of aiming so i dont think you can really categorize aim as one thing that can help your overall gameplay.
Following your intuition is what a major part of gaming is, but sometimes that intuition is wrong. However a map will never change its shape and spawn points remain the same, so you can rely on them when you have no idea where to go or look next.

I was looking for specific names of players, not someone's viewpoints on how to be uber leet in Sam.

04-27-2005, 08:04 PM
i dont understand why you care soo much about this, even AFTER marz posted the names, and its clearly apparent that no one else is gonna post anymore

04-27-2005, 08:06 PM
Player 1 is the best ever... you still see him around every so often.... :thumbs: :thumbs:

04-27-2005, 08:17 PM
Player 1 is the best ever... you still see him around every so often.... :thumbs: :thumbs:

04-28-2005, 02:26 AM
That just means everyone in 2002 sucked ass like now I guess....

04-28-2005, 03:35 AM
Uhh.. There's always been good players.

Back then it was probably;
Dark Time
Dark Psi
Wade (i think)
ALL of DWF (TUW, Chan, Jacobs)
Bones (the great one)
Dick Steel
And a lot more...

04-28-2005, 04:19 AM
Thanks for that list.
oh, and let me just say TUW has no life

04-28-2005, 04:47 AM
Thanks for that list.
oh, and let me just say TUW has no life
Thankyouhow's that? He used to play and post a lot, but he's always had a very busy real life. Now he almost never even comes here.

Perhaps, it's just an inside joke between you and him.

04-28-2005, 07:02 PM
inside jokes are supposed to be funny tho... =P

04-28-2005, 08:05 PM
Yea I guess it's too inside for teh forumz :P

05-08-2005, 01:51 PM
:watch: :watch: :watch:

OUTLAWS The Machine
05-08-2005, 03:48 PM
Sam's best players from 2002

I was.

05-18-2005, 09:31 AM
first of all leon pwned the camping really funny when he was camping allways.
second of all you ppl dont know **** about 1on1 really.. it's not only aim.. nor skills.. in ut2004 you really gotta think hard and must know where your opponent is always. offcourse when u got good aim and just good gameplay it'll help with winning. but if u aint good good tactics and just good gameplay and u go vs someone who got good tacs but no gameplay etc you will lose, hard. 1on1 isnt as simple as you all think, and i know what im talking about since im playing 1on1 for roughly 3 years or so.


05-25-2005, 11:04 PM
1 Twin Dragon
2 Dark Engel
3 Hyperblade
4 D.Dan

05-28-2005, 05:13 PM
Thanks for that list.
oh, and let me just say TUW has no life

excuse me?
who are you????
and why is this attack at me?

I saw this topic and decided to take a look.. Thanks Marz for mentioning me.. As I remember you had some skills too ;)

I always liked Ephemerion.. One of the best players IMO.. :) And ofcourse you have all the regular names.. machine, dd, jacobs. untouchable soldier, marz etc.
Owyeah, Leon ruled all :) I always did my best to find him and smash him! :) alot of playing him :)

Thnx for the great times to all the old school players.. I had alot of fun playing SS. :)

05-28-2005, 07:53 PM
excuse me?
who are you????
and why is this attack at me?

I saw this topic and decided to take a look.. Thanks Marz for mentioning me.. As I remember you had some skills too ;)

I always liked Ephemerion.. One of the best players IMO.. :) And ofcourse you have all the regular names.. machine, dd, jacobs. untouchable soldier, marz etc.
Owyeah, Leon ruled all :) I always did my best to find him and smash him! :) alot of playing him :)

Thnx for the great times to all the old school players.. I had alot of fun playing SS. :)
Oh cmon TUW you don't remember our little bouts on campers clan forums? :)
Rep: -1 fo' sho' :P

05-30-2005, 10:46 AM
that was you..
I dont even remember man LOL.. but now you bring it up.. I'm still LMAO :P

06-02-2005, 02:13 PM

06-04-2005, 03:57 AM
dan and bone taught me a lot



06-05-2005, 05:49 AM
I was the best rocket spammer of all time!!! :eek:

::: DARK PSI :::
06-05-2005, 02:23 PM
I do believe the original Mercs would own all that came in the line of their

Dark Psi
Dark Time
Death Engineer
Gun Element

We were RARELY defeated. Which is how we all built up our huge egos! :D

I still remember a time when we all said we would NEVER stop playing Sam, EVER! Times change I suppose.. now I like to own in racing.

06-05-2005, 03:47 PM
Sam's best players from 2002

I was.
I'll agree with that.

Die Hard
06-05-2005, 06:35 PM
:hmmm: I hope you all remember that cannon Ho? :D

06-08-2005, 04:51 PM
the best i ever saw is chyl... didnt played sam alot anyway

06-21-2005, 02:45 AM
Bring back the JERCS!!!!!!! God, they were good.

06-22-2005, 12:17 PM
I don't believe anyone has ever got more shutouts then the Machine.

Machine also never stop playing or logging back on when he would get kill like some players do and yet I really don't believe anyone comes close to Machine when it comes to shutouts or a perfect game.

Machine:thumbs: Awesome player and most respected player in the game.

06-23-2005, 12:06 AM
I am so so sad for even still reading this thread, but I agree, TUW was awesome, and probably still is, Machine and his Lazer in yodeller was unbeatable, Freestyler, a true god with the shotty....

Way back in this year, everyone was great, always great games without the bitchiness that happens now.

If only we could turn back time......

06-23-2005, 12:10 AM
Just to add a few names i can remember.......

Machine, TUW, jacobs, Slayer, Hellraizer, Dreamscreamer, Orange Haze, If i have missed anyone out, i apologise, but back then, the games were trully a good laugh, now its nothing but Ego's..................

Bring back the good old days i say, Even to us all posting at seriously..... I miss those days so much....

06-23-2005, 01:24 AM
I think Serious Sam really became extinct about 4 months ago. At least before that, some good players still played sometimes.

06-23-2005, 02:08 PM
playing sam today and having fun seems impossible for anyway. i find guildwars to be more peaceful and entertaining. i guess the game did not run out of fun but the people playing it ruin for others to enjoy. this includes my brother who seems to be no better then any other putz who still plays it.

as far as who was good in 2002, i would say there were so many great players that it would be hard to name them all. when you joined in a server at that time, you were in for a good game. the clans were more exciting back then also. i guess looking at the future is what we should be doing.

06-23-2005, 06:31 PM
after reading what i posted, i thought i would clear up what i meant by putz's.

what i meant to say were the people who play and annoy other players are a putz and i did not mean that anyone who plays sam is a putz (hell, thta would make me a putz also:eek: ). anyway, i sued my brother in there because he seems to get on peoples nerves when he plays.

if anyone thought i was referring to them, i am sorry.

06-23-2005, 06:42 PM
I played 1 game yesterday in Yodeller and it was awesome. 6 players-all tags, very fun game :)


06-24-2005, 12:15 AM
Machine was one of the best players but I feel he was the most respected one of all because he always played for fun and I never seen him get mad but only playing the game.

He never quit and always finishing up the game.

The two best clans I feel that was so much fun to watch was the Outlaws and the Merc's. I still have recorded games of them playing and it was fun to watch them go at it.

06-24-2005, 12:17 AM
JERCS team was fun to play with long ago and afternoon lunch break is where you would always find them playing. They were fun to play with and thanks to Slash and his buddies for keeping the server going on all these years. Cheers!

Die Hard
06-24-2005, 07:54 AM
I still play Sam daily and enjoy it 99% of the time. I never struggle to find people to play. I simply ignore the putz's and laugh in their face. Which, incidentally is a lot funnier in a close up Sniper view :D

SAS, you weren't a bad player either man :thumbs:

06-24-2005, 11:44 AM
Slash probably deserves the most credit from all of us because what sasquatch says is true. He to this day still has the outlaws server up after all of these years. Thanks a lot bud for sharing your hardware and bandwidth for everyone to get the chance to have fun. This should never be forgotten from anyone because of your dedications while you ask for nothing in return.

again bud, thanks:thumbs:

Die Hard
06-24-2005, 11:56 AM
Definately second that. It's also the only playable American server for me.

Thanks Slash :thumbs:

06-24-2005, 12:39 PM
Thanks Slash....

06-24-2005, 12:41 PM
Imagine a world with no Slash servers :(