View Full Version : Guess time for me to find a new home

04-22-2005, 08:42 AM
Well just to say goodbye to OoD since I bet no body will miss me in guild. I saw nobody say a word about my post on the guild status (now locked) so I guess I only wrote stupid things. The reason I left is simple: I no longer feel welcome here and I don't see OoD as a family.I only see small grp of ppl play thogedar and sometime avoid others.I can't find a grp with my toons so maybe I'm not good enough to play with you.
I'm happy that I recived halp in bad time like many months ago but I should also did something to help out anyone I can when possible so I hope you did not saw me as a negative presence during my stay in OoD.
For the guild status atm I said my opinion in the post and the reson why ppl get angry with Wordna and the other high rank ppl (imho) so I don't have to add nothing to this post.
Just a note: if anyone feel like to play with the same 8ppl grp he/she should think twice before forming a guild with 100+ ppl because yes ppl may get frustrated if they don't feel let's say appriciated. You know..every time you say no there is no room or we are running with the same ppl you give the impression the other are no welcome and there is NOTHING wrong with your way of playing but you have to realized the other 92ppl got the same tag under their name may think "I'm not good enough to run with them? Than why when ppl ask for help with pve I can join?"
BTW sometime I joined TS just for fun, I never spoke a word but the I listen something I did no like at all from someone I would never think he could said that...I hope, I really hope I did not understood well.

04-22-2005, 09:58 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. In any defense, I would not blame the players within a guild for their own actions. There are only 8 slots in a group. That is mythic's design of the game. You entered a guild with many members, and in that guild there still remains only 8 spots in 1 group.

So, if 1 group is already running, make another, repeat until everyone is rvr'ing. There's no reason to wait for a group to be made for you, just step up and start inviting people. After a few weeks of that, you get in a groove of playing with the same people, and offer them a chance at a spot first.

It's not that anyone thinks you're some level of play skill, it's just that if you spend time with certain people, you are more bound to play with them. If you were around, and a spot was needed, I'd pick you over someone I hadn't ever played with before. Not that I've played with you before, but solely for your guild tag. Now, if it happened often that you played with me like that, you'd become more of my first-to-find players, wind up on my friends list, and probably get invited when there's a spot.

Now, you said it was a large guild. With a large guild, some things are easier, and some harder. You must learn to understand the situation before you become frustrated. Even in a small guild, if you have 10 guild members on at the same time... well 2 people aren't getting a spot are they? What can ya do... mythic's system isn't perfect, but it's all we've got to work with. When you join a guild, figure out what your needs are, and don't join one unless they suit your needs at that time.

If you want an 8man spot EVERY time, make sure it's an 8man guild, that boots pug players out when you log in, and are solely devoted to running in rvr how you like. But in all honesty, those things never exist. If they even try, it usually fails. If not for the fact that snubbing people or booting pug players making people hate you, it's the fact that you can never get much accomplished pve wise.

Outlaws is a very nice guild. Many people are helpful when asked, or if they have the time. It acts much like a family of players, rather than some attempt at some lame ass elitist guild. Everyone helps everyone, and group spots fill up fast. But don't be angry or upset toward those in a group. Be happy for them, and then start your own. There are many of versatile players in the guild, as well as many players outside of it.

Whatever fate becomes you, I hope you take a little part of what I've learned to love about OoD players with ya.

Best wishes!

04-22-2005, 11:01 AM

This thread u are referring to Shura ended up in a flame where 2 or 3 just were calling the other names. It was no constructive thread at all. I liked your opinion to that but this thread was not the right place for a constructive discussion. I have read many of those threads on the forums and what I learned from there is: Just read but do not reply on topic.

At your game time (and mine) it's just like there are normally 9 people online. Word and Pondering, those are running solo and are most of the time afk anyway, Morjin and me, Morjin as necro runing solo since noone really likes to group a necro and me buffing him since I'm learning for my diploma atm. Then we have Pebs and friends leveling toons untill the kids are at home. And of course Gharac hugging his forge. Sometimes Copi logs on and thats the chance to get a group. Those groups are filled fast tho and if u log on a tad too late u have to wait. If u want in a group he is in u have to send him tells.
There are no more people online than that during the US day so that's a bad time to get pure OoD groups out in RvR. Even the Copi groups have several non guildies in. Same as groups that Resourceful starts. Out of lets say 6 guildies that RvR at that time, 2 solo, one most of the time solos and now see whos left....
If u want a group u really have to ask the people out in RvR from our guild a tell and wait till a spot in those day pick up groups open. If u ask Word or Pondering u most likly get no answer or just that they solo during the day due to many many afks.

I have no idea how it is after 2 am est european time. I'm more than likely never online at that time unless there is a ml raid. Obviously we have a 8v8 group out, that play together every night. If there are more than those 8 online - no idea.

I just wonder where our other lets say 80 members are.... we should have no trouble get other RvR groups going /shrug.

If u really leave this time - Good luck to you :wave:

Edit: Even if u don't believe me but you are welcome in OoD.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
04-22-2005, 12:18 PM
Very well said Yetti and Bain. :thumbs:

Please try to understand that everyone playing DAOC has different opinions/ playstyles/playtimes. It is up to the person playing/paying for the account to choose what is enjoyable to them, not what is dictated for them to do.

I am sorry you feel this way Shura and want to leave. Good luck to you.

04-22-2005, 03:10 PM
I hate to see you go, hell I hate to see anyone go. That thread served it's purpose and was constructive imo because 'some' things got said that needed to be said. Maybe something will become of it, maybe not and i'm not going to start that discussion again here.

Anyways good luck and I hope you find what you are looking for. I would have been honored to group with you, it's just that my playtimes just don't mesh well with some other players in other parts of the world.

04-24-2005, 07:03 AM
Yes, bury 'that discussion,' and never speak of it again. 'That discussion' isn't meant for this world. In all honesty, 'that discussion' is heresey and facism all rolled into one. 'That discussion' is the root of all that's evil. BTW, what is 'that discussion' anyways?

04-24-2005, 07:31 PM
I'm as confused as you Yetti, but I assume its something internal, probably about the groups that are pre-made.

"Powerful Have you become, The Dark Side, I sense in you."

04-24-2005, 09:59 PM
Look for players that are welling because I went out alone to Merlin. I didn’t know anyone and struggle just like everyone else here to level up and at times get artifacts and ML’s.

When I had to get ready to do the ML3 and went to Ocean and waited there for players to popup during the weekends and bingo I got in a group to do the ML3.

RVR I just invited players and many refused but eventually I got me a full group and was able to participate in the relic wars and keeps that we needed to get back.

We can’t dictate how people play only to ask for help when needed and at times some people or players will not help or respond to your calling for help, so you find players.

To play this game what I have learn is to have patience because at times I would have to wait for three months or later before I can ever get what I need which comes with the territory but for some they get help and are lucky.

I learn one thing and that is to have fun and most importantly find new friends and the more you know the better are your chances to get help not just from guild mates but other players. Spread your wings my friend and fine new players to play not just the same people because it will help to know more players and again better chance to get the help you need.

04-25-2005, 01:34 AM
Look for players that are welling because I went out alone to Merlin. I didn’t know anyone and struggle just like everyone else here to level up and at times get artifacts and ML’s.

When I had to get ready to do the ML3 and went to Ocean and waited there for players to popup during the weekends and bingo I got in a group to do the ML3.

RVR I just invited players and many refused but eventually I got me a full group and was able to participate in the relic wars and keeps that we needed to get back.

We can’t dictate how people play only to ask for help when needed and at times some people or players will not help or respond to your calling for help, so you find players.

To play this game what I have learn is to have patience because at times I would have to wait for three months or later before I can ever get what I need which comes with the territory but for some they get help and are lucky.

I learn one thing and that is to have fun and most importantly find new friends and the more you know the better are your chances to get help not just from guild mates but other players. Spread your wings my friend and fine new players to play not just the same people because it will help to know more players and again better chance to get the help you need.
I did the same thing on merlin, went out solo, and well I got to know people and got a guild invite shortly after. I lvled on my own to 50, all 3 of my toons there. ML's are posted in several places, just have to look around depending on what realm you play. RvR on this high pop server is mostly 8 man groups. Not a whole lot of zerging going on, atleast while I was around, heck there wasn't even a cg of bg for rvr, just in your /as or what you made it to be. Patience is one thing, then from a stealth point of view, when you can stay stealthed the whole time out in NF and not get rolled, you don't lose anything but time you put into it.

04-25-2005, 01:51 AM
I got now 7 toons that are over 50.

I made a few that will help me get the scrolls etc just like what the outlaws been doing. It works and it takes a bit of time but if you love the game it will be worth it.

I am having a blast at merlin and made new friends but of course there isn't anything like having the guys here at GM as friends and good people.

I have always wanted to play as a mid and I am doing it now and having fun especially a large server and love being underdog.

SB what I did is now getting him everything he needs before I begin to lvl him to 50 and my hunter it's a blast to play him when I now have what I need for him and he hits hard too hehehe. . . .

I actually love playing PVE especially with my Shaman, Healer, Warrior and SM for scrolls and arties etc. There isn't anything like having to play rvr because I love it but at times I have to get things that I will need to prepare and be able to compete.

I voted for no ML for a new server that way it will not take so much time for me to play the game because I start a new job and I got two new contracts to do for a company. I hope that we do get no ML's just plain old DAOC and play some and not have to worry about arties or ML's, just get to 50 and get good armor and weapons to play.