View Full Version : Sony's new online auction

04-23-2005, 11:10 PM
Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE) today announced plans for an official online auction site for its massively multiplayer online titles, starting with the popular EverQuest II. Called Station Exchange, the service is slated to launch in late June and it will provide EverQuest II subscribers a secure way to purchase or sell (with real world money) in-game items, characters or coin, via a player-to-player auction—SOE points out that technically players are buying and selling the rights to use these virtual items, not the items themselves since SOE owns everything within their games.


Mark Jacobs, president and CEO of Mythic Entertainment (Dark Ages of Camelot) fires back.

"I'm disappointed with the decision from a leader in the MMO industry to go down a path which in the past, has been an anathema to them and remains so to just about every other MMORPG company in the industry. I think that not only supporting the sale of in-game characters, items and currency, but also taking a 'cut' of those sales, is not only a mistake but one of the worst decisions in the history of the MMORPG industry," says Jacobs.


04-24-2005, 02:31 AM
:wootrock: nothing like printing money to devalue the currency... :wootrock: