View Full Version : I finally upgraded.

Free Styler
04-24-2005, 06:50 PM
Well i upgrated my system 2 days ago.

A7v400-MX is my motherboard

I put a sempron 3000+ with 512 Cache processor

And finally a Asus x800 Pro 256MB Video card.

I change the processor and the heat sink(afraid i was going to squash the processor with those metal things you have to press down on the processor platform but finally managed to pull thru.

I thought i was going to change the hole system to sli but after reflection .....
4000 bucks was not appealing to my wallet.

Anyways i only tested it with a few games on unreal utk4 but had a weird kinda shakish game play.

Does the new catalyst version of ati bring all the nessacery drivers to this card or do i need something else.

And the processor core says 1.6G but im supose to have 2 gig.

I'll have to make some ajusments in the bios.

Die Hard
04-24-2005, 07:03 PM
Looking good FS. Stay away from that sniper now, do you hear :P

Caged Anger
04-24-2005, 09:44 PM
hey Free Styler!

I got a Sempron chip that advertised being 1.5GHz, but once I installed it, it only came to be 1.2GHz.
for you, 2GHz is its safe maximum, it comes to be 1.6GHz becuase the jumper settings need to be adjusted on your moptherboard. Look in the documentation in your Mobo manual and it should tell you the different positions you can have the jumpers in to have the speed change. Look for the one that naturally says 2GHz.

After I switched the jumpers on my board, it immediately jumped up to where I wanted it without any problems

Alexis SC430
04-24-2005, 10:37 PM
I need to upgrade from a broken computer to a newer, non-broken functioning one.

04-25-2005, 04:49 AM
i am not going to say i am happy with your purchase but it is what it is. regardless, if you have this chip, you need to clock the memory @ 166 which equals 333 fsb. set dividers 1:1 which will run 333x333. for best performance run the bus with the fsb in sync which is 333. do not run the ram at 400 if you are using pc3200 ram. all socketa chips will run best in sync. if choose otherwise, you will be creating a bottleneck.

the only suggestion i will give you if that is what you have is to over colock the hell out of that chip. look for the most stable setting and keep it there.

socket a is dead so please people do not invest in yesterdays technology because you are wasting your money.

you can buy a socket 754 board (athlon 64/sempron) for under 60 bucks. along with this board you can purchse a sempron 3300 which will blow the doors away of any socket a chip. you can also buy a athlon 64 2800-3000 for under 130 bucks if you shop around. don't buy products that will not perform any better then last years technology. if you have a socket a board, do not buy anything to upgrade it and or do not think the newer chips will run faster then what you already have. socket a is dead for sure buthey if you have it already, it is what it is. it will run fine but do not expect it to keep up with anyting special.

04-25-2005, 05:14 AM
dunno man, did you talk to anyone? mod even? the video card should last a while... :thumbs:

Free Styler
04-25-2005, 12:44 PM
thanks for the info bigg.I agree it is not top notch quality stuff.

But ......I had change the mother board not long ago because my k7s5a was completly rubbish and rebooted all the time.(it was not intended to be for gaming but just for a stable computer.

Has for the processor i use to have a athlon 1800Xp wich had a yellowish burn on it.Im not proud to say this but 1 year ago i had cleaned the hint sink and all and i think i had removed to much thermal paste from the processor.hehe

Wich gave me the unstability of a life time.Actully when i use to play after 1 hour the processor overheated and gave me lots of problems.even if i had put soe back the damage was done

Since i put the sempron it`s running smooth with no noise.
My ram only goes to 166Mh so that is why i have 1.6 gig speed.

All to say that for now im working all the time and training in the evenings.
So my gaming hours are limited to that.

For those who dont know im no longer in programming cause of .....the course sucked big time.It was not intended for beginers even if they say it was.
i dont want to whine about it.But asking to do a javascript web page with a five minute explanation on how html works is completly insane.We were 17 and 15 had degres in programming so the teachers went there way from the middle and not from the start.I was pisset but what can a guy do.
Btw programming is very demanding and i have respect for those who do it.
Tho i can say i did not fail any course while i was there.But doing 8 hours a night of catching up was not my idea of a fun day.Especially after 8 hours a day.

Ahhhhhh well.That's life.i have no regrets btw.

I'm working has a salesman in doors and windows.Pretty decent pay and it al stay that way for now.Actully the more you sale the more money:)
And doors and windows are worth a lot.

This is off subject btw but i said it anyways.

Anyways to come back on the subject the computer i have now is better then the 64 mb card with the sloppish processor i had.

Im going to do a fresh install soon.

Does anybody have links on what to do for te optimal security after fresh install? user groups settings and all.Hopefully ill get the system stable soon enough and will pop in a few games of sam.

04-25-2005, 01:35 PM
For those who dont know im no longer in programming cause of .....the course sucked big time.It was not intended for beginers even if they say it was.
i dont want to whine about it.But asking to do a javascript web page with a five minute explanation on how html works is completly insane.We were 17 and 15 had degres in programming so the teachers went there way from the middle and not from the start.I was pisset but what can a guy do.
Btw programming is very demanding and i have respect for those who do it.
Tho i can say i did not fail any course while i was there.But doing 8 hours a night of catching up was not my idea of a fun day.Especially after 8 hours a day.

Ahhhhhh well.That's life.i have no regrets btw.

I didn't know you were in programming! I totally respect you making your choices - I considered quitting programming even within this year. I take it that this was your first year in the course? Coincidently, JavaScript was the first programming language that I ever learned (HTML is not a programming language - it's a markup language...and JavaScript being a full "programming language" is somewhat arguable). I tell ya what - if you ever get that desire to consider programming again, go down to your local bookstore and pick up JavaScript For Dummies.

Everyone has this huge thing against the series b/c it has the word "dummies" in the title, but they really do a great job of breaking things down into bite-size pieces. I know it helped me a lot. And once you know JavaScript, you know a good deal of Java and the transition is pretty easy...and once you know Java, you know a good deal of C++ (though that transition is harder), and you can get at .NET, which is what DE gets paid bookoo bucks to work with (i get paid to do .NET, but it's not bookoo bucks yet, though it's pretty good for an internship). Anyways, then you can go back and say "screw you!" and whip out those teacher's assignments in no time!

Seriously, I totally respect the decision to walk away from the program, though. It takes a lot to admit "you know, I made a mistake - this is not what I should be doing" If that's true for you, then congratulations on sucking it up and admitting. If you ever wanna know JavaScript, though - for yourself or to go back at it - that's a great book.

Wow...I'm so good at writing forever and ever...and totally off-topic...I really like hearing my own voice.

Free Styler
04-25-2005, 02:41 PM
I didn't know you were in programming! I totally respect you making your choices - I considered quitting programming even within this year. I take it that this was your first year in the course? Coincidently, JavaScript was the first programming language that I ever learned (HTML is not a programming language - it's a markup language...and JavaScript being a full "programming language" is somewhat arguable). I tell ya what - if you ever get that desire to consider programming again, go down to your local bookstore and pick up JavaScript For Dummies.

Everyone has this huge thing against the series b/c it has the word "dummies" in the title, but they really do a great job of breaking things down into bite-size pieces. I know it helped me a lot. And once you know JavaScript, you know a good deal of Java and the transition is pretty easy...and once you know Java, you know a good deal of C++ (though that transition is harder), and you can get at .NET, which is what DE gets paid bookoo bucks to work with (i get paid to do .NET, but it's not bookoo bucks yet, though it's pretty good for an internship). Anyways, then you can go back and say "screw you!" and whip out those teacher's assignments in no time!

Seriously, I totally respect the decision to walk away from the program, though. It takes a lot to admit "you know, I made a mistake - this is not what I should be doing" If that's true for you, then congratulations on sucking it up and admitting. If you ever wanna know JavaScript, though - for yourself or to go back at it - that's a great book.

Wow...I'm so good at writing forever and ever...and totally off-topic...I really like hearing my own voice.

The course was java programming and oracle xml and a lot of other things at the same time.But like i said to much is not the best for me.I downloaded a few books and will maybe check it out here and there for my own amusement.

the last program i did was a loterie machine wich mixed up numbers and gave you a winning number and bla bla bla .I was lmao doing it.

int this
string that
char u
float bla


bla bla bla you get the picture of how i was feeling doing this:)
but like i said i will maybe go back to it.The course was NOT for beginners.
that`s what pisset me off.

If i ever go back to it.It al be at my own paste and not 16 hours a day.

Death Engineer
04-25-2005, 05:57 PM
You don't need to assign j. If you do j++;, it is already assigned and j = j++; is redundant. ;) I'd love to know how much "bookoo bucks" is.

04-25-2005, 06:38 PM
Well FS, programming can be tremendously complex. The silly hello demos are not what programming is about, although they will verify that everything is in place to make a program on a particular platform. The day to day program can be mind-numbingly boring, although at times you can produce little programming gems that encompass a tremendous amount of functionality with just a little bit of code. Everything in a programming language is a tool. Programming is a matter of using the tools to create a desired outcome. Some brains can handle the concept easily. many others do not. if you don't have the inclination to learn about / experiment with programming on your own, then really you will probably be happier doing something else. And that isn't to knock you down, but I would hope that you find something you enjoy to do for a living....

04-25-2005, 08:09 PM
Damnit DE don't you let him slide that by you, bookoo is spelled beaucoup :P

04-25-2005, 08:24 PM
You don't need to assign j. If you do j++;, it is already assigned and j = j++; is redundant. ;) I'd love to know how much "bookoo bucks" is.

That's what it was! I kept looking at j = j++; and thinking "hmm..." but I was 2:30 in the morning and I just couldn't figure out quite what it was...

As for bookoo bucks...

if(salary >= bob_Salary)
BookooBucks = true;


Damnit DE don't you let him slide that by you, bookoo is spelled beaucoup :p

Are you serious?! You're not messing with my head, are you?

04-25-2005, 08:32 PM
ok, without reference who can state what the difference is between ++j and j++?

how about *j++ or j++ ? :D

Free Styler
04-25-2005, 08:38 PM
Well FS, programming can be tremendously complex. The silly hello demos are not what programming is about, although they will verify that everything is in place to make a program on a particular platform. The day to day program can be mind-numbingly boring, although at times you can produce little programming gems that encompass a tremendous amount of functionality with just a little bit of code. Everything in a programming language is a tool. Programming is a matter of using the tools to create a desired outcome. Some brains can handle the concept easily. many others do not. if you don't have the inclination to learn about / experiment with programming on your own, then really you will probably be happier doing something else. And that isn't to knock you down, but I would hope that you find something you enjoy to do for a living....

Will do jim thanks for the info.

To be honest i did like the experience and will probably check things out here and there in programming.Tho i will say my brain bends towards logic and that im very good in mathematics.The TIME factor you have to invest to become a very good programmer is something i dont think i would be able to do.

I was pretty decent at it and understood the principles pretty nicely.

The methods and loops and classes are things that i found appealing to learn.

My problem was my satisfaction level when making a working program was very low.

About doing something i like im still working at that.Tho im not sad.Actully id say im pretty happy in general.

Money is all that i see for now about work.And i dont think that al change.

for you question one the variable is incremented before and the other one after. For *j++ and j++ the first one has a bad cough lol

04-25-2005, 10:16 PM
ok, without reference who can state what the difference is between ++j and j++?

how about *j++ or j++ ? :D

Um...let's see...++j will increment, and return the new value. j++ will return the current value, then increment. (ok, I knew it, but I had to talk to a friend to refresh my memory)

I assume that *j++ increments the memory address of j? I'm not sure on that one. (this one is all me, no friend involved)

04-26-2005, 12:21 AM

Choose French to English and enter Beaucoup and see what it comes up with. :)

04-26-2005, 12:40 AM

Choose French to English and enter Beaucoup and see what it comes up with. :)

That's beaucoup letters just to say "a lot"

The Crimson Centurion
04-26-2005, 11:59 AM
That's beaucoup letters just to say "a lot"

what about "enormously" ? :P

Free Styler
04-27-2005, 02:52 AM
btw i knew about j=j++ was redundant .I was just explaining my thoughts when programming at 3am in the morning when i had learned nothing in the actual course.

No books were given to us.I was googleling going to forums and fighting my way to catching up the actual content.the teachers college teachers were on the verge of a strike(are today btw)cause of lack of personal and ressources + they did not seem to care much about the fact that this course WAS intended for beginners.Less work for them = np it seemed. majority of the group know language = let's take it easy lol.

for your bokko statement.

i made 500 bokko bucks in one day.Ok so that aint a million like slice hehe but it's better then nothing.

i think if i do my thing right you can go get 50000$ a year about.

february to october that being said.people dont build houses in winter in quebec cause of snow.:) lots of free time in winter more gaming for me.

Anyways i'm gainning experience and all doing this with the public.
So for now i'm happy even if i dont achieve that ammount this year ill try next year.

If you get a big contract a hole building worth lets say 200 000$ of windows you get 3 %....actully i choose my percentage but to high = no sale.

Gaging this is not easy.And theres a lot of competitors around.

I tend to be very humuristic with clients.

Some like it some are to serious so that is what im trying to expertise myself in right now.

all and all im doing ok for now.