View Full Version : TAM v250 Final has been released!

04-24-2005, 09:12 PM
{DS} Public Server has TAM v250 Final installed on it.
Under Map Vote both TAM v240 or v250 is availble to vote on.
TWL has not yet adopted v250 offically yet but they will soon.

TAM v250 is much better and the scoring system is a bit different. Check it out. Looks good to me.

Heres part of the readme file to tell you the upgrades.
6) Release Notes for Version 2.50

To Player Menu:
-Customizable Brightskin Color
-Option to force Enemy brightskin to always be the same
-Option to match HUD with brightskins
-Client side demo recording
-End of game scoreboard screenshot
-Options to turn HUD items on/off

To Admin Menu:
-Anti-camping added to TAM
-Modified Shield Gun option
-Translocator option
-Server side demo recording
-Timeouts option added

-Join/Spectate Button fixed
-Join from web page applets fixed
-Spawning terminates before weapon unlock code is executed.
-Server log errors fixed
-F3 brings up new and improved statistics page.
-F8 (while stats page is open) scrolls through other player stats.
-Brightskins work on bots and in spectator mode.
-Announcement triggers modified for AM/TAMs round based play.
-Players may call 30 second timeouts (take effect between rounds)
-Spawn with no weapons bug fixed. (may still occur for clients with heavy Packet Loss)
-Instagib and custom weapons support added
-Fixed "voice chat" not working
-Menu keybind configurable through UT Settings menu (must download the mod to work)
-UT2Vote compatibility achieved
-UTComp compatibility improved (see notes at bottom)
-Auto-round start option in Admin Menu ("RUPs" all players after 30 seconds)
-Added server configuration to WebAdmin (See Game and Rules sections of webadmin GUI)
-Displaced Sound bug fixed
-Ghost pawn bug fixed
-Scoring System changed to include damage awards
-Challenge mode health reduction system altered
-Overkill award for extraordinary damage inflicted on a kill
-Dark Horse award for come back round win (1v3 or higher)
-All adrenaline combos last for 27 seconds.
-Team Summary bar added to Scoreboard
-Custom announcements added

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
04-24-2005, 09:19 PM
I like the new version and I'm glad it's in the {DS} server. Hearing "overkill" is pretty cool. I haven't gotten the "Dark Horse" award yet but I bet that's nice as well. One thing that isn't on the list though - shock combos now only take up three shock rounds instead of five (one for the ball, one for the beam, and only one for the detonation of the combo). I am pretty sure that previous versions used the standard five shock rounds for the combo, so I thought I would mention it.

04-25-2005, 05:48 PM
One thing that isn't on the list though - shock combos now only take up three shock rounds instead of five (one for the ball, one for the beam, and only one for the detonation of the combo). I am pretty sure that previous versions used the standard five shock rounds for the combo, so I thought I would mention it.
v2.40 used 3 ammo per combo as well - not sure about 2.30 or earlier.