View Full Version : ** New Forum - FORMULA 1 FANATICS **

::: DARK PSI :::
04-26-2005, 02:31 PM
I have started a new forum dedicated to Formula 1 racing and perhaps to the majority of international racing today. My league is now using GM as it's forums so you should see a few new members popping up in the next week or so. Our racing league primarily plays F1 Challenge by EA Sports modded to mimic the 2004 racing season.

If you are into F1 or racing in general and want to talk to a bunch of gear heads.. come check us out. :thumbs:


Die Hard
04-26-2005, 02:42 PM
Have done already. Love F1 Love F1 Love F1 Love F1 Love F1 Love F1 Love F1 Love F1 :)