View Full Version : Big Happening Tonight!!!

Caged Anger
04-26-2005, 10:36 PM
Please come, one and all and participate in the final night of 28K Fragging. I will be playing matches in SSSE, QIII, and UT2004 tonight and will be taking footage of memorable accurances.
(Mainly impressive shots of me getting shot)

Hope that many can find me and get in the film. i will be uploading it to Gamemecca as soon as I get my Mecca Pass. Cya Tonight!!!

Caged Anger
04-27-2005, 02:39 AM
well, I got my footage...lol, not very good, but it had its good points.

Sorry to see that i only ran into Pure Evil in UT and a Grim Reaper in Sam.

No matter, tell you how my cable works tomarrow. Night all!

04-27-2005, 03:44 AM

I might have tried to catch you on Sam, but I didn't know the times you were going to play! Anyway, glad you are enjoying 200K! :)

04-27-2005, 01:04 PM
sorry I had to bail out on you CA, I was looking forward to fighting you 1-1, then the scrim came up :( and it was my turn.

Looking forward to seeing you trying to compensate your aim for a 40 ping :D :P