View Full Version : A7n8X bios?

02-02-2003, 03:48 AM
How the hell do I update the bios?

02-02-2003, 03:51 AM
I didn't know there was a BIOS update! Yipes....

02-02-2003, 03:51 AM
the latest is AW101E2M
edit: for the deluxe model.

02-02-2003, 03:58 AM
I keep getting this

02-02-2003, 04:04 AM
First, go here (http://www.asus.com.tw/support/download/item.aspx?ModelName=A7N8X) to the support downloads page for your board. Then, choose the BIOS you'd like to flash to. Read the info on it, make sure you have the one you want. It's often best to get the latest greatest, but I won't do a recently released one - I wait a bit to see if it needs some quick update to cover a flaw. Then, get the Award Flash (http://www.asus.com.tw/support/download/selectftp.aspx?l1_id=1&l2_id=10&l3_id=23&m_id=2&f_name=awdflash.zip). Follow the instructions, which are, basically, make a very clean bootable disk - no unneeded stuff loaded, not even an autoexec.bat or config.sys- and copy both the new, downloaded BIOS file and the Aflash utility to a floppy. Boot to it, and start the Aflash util, following the onscreen instructions for first) backing up the current BIOS on that disk, and second) Flashing the new one over the old. Here is the tech reference page explaining it explicitly.
Aflash instructions (http://www.asus.com.tw/support/english/techref/bios/index.aspx)


As it is a bit more delicate, and argueably risky. than other upgrades, be sure you have a good floppy for doing it. When you follow the instructions, you'll be fine.

Also, I see they have this version of Aflash "Award Flash utility for A7N8X only to update the motherboard flash BIOS (DOS)" on the A7N8X Support page. (http://www.asus.com.tw/support/download/item.aspx?ModelName=A7N8X)

02-02-2003, 04:36 AM
Sorry, you posted that as I was typing...are you trying to flash while in windows?

02-02-2003, 04:38 AM
I was always under the impression that you had to flash your BIOS in DOS. I have never used the AWFlash utility. I am going to get the new BIOS though, then maybe I would be worth a **** in this post... :P

02-02-2003, 11:58 AM
download the latest bios updater from asus and install the bios within windows. i am not sure about the latest bios so let me look into it.

OUTLAWS Behind You?
02-02-2003, 04:34 PM
BIOS updating used to be simple. Boot to a clean DOS and run the flash program. Now it's not so simple. I actually update my Intel MB from a web site! Other manufactuers are trying to make it easier too. Best advice I can give these days, it find and READ the BIOS update procedures for your specific MB model. Then follow those instructions exactly.

02-02-2003, 06:30 PM
They were, indeed. We had floppies with different .bins and a .bat for each. They also have the dual BIOS setups now, which seems to make sense to me. Why not have an alternate, idle, BIOS on board that you could easily update in windows with an auto-exe file from the company, then just make a boot-up choice with a keystroke? Don't like the new BIOS? - change back, no sweat. BIOS didn't flash right, or became somehow corrupt, same thing, revert to another.

WHO, I think you should get a nice, clean floppy, follow the instructions from the Asus sites, and use the Aflash they have specifically for your system, and give it another shot. BTW, what does this new BIOS have that makes you want to do it?

02-03-2003, 04:16 AM
now updating your bios is super simple and can be done within windows. there is a program called asus updater and will connect to the web to pull latest bios files and update on the fly. it works and it's simple. who if you need the program please email me a request and i will reply with both the latest file and program.

02-03-2003, 05:21 AM

look for asus update which you can type in the search field and it will bring you there

download file there and can be used with msoat asus boards and you can ck at the same site.

02-04-2003, 02:30 AM
I got it. I was a little disappointed that it didn't have a readme of some type in the .zip. I assume that when it does the update, it will write a little boot-sequence to take you into a dos-type environment, and do the flash - is that right? As I am on the current latest version aside from the beta, I have no need to run it, but would like to know how it works.

OUTLAWS Behind You?
02-04-2003, 03:04 AM
My Intel motherboard has something similiar. And Death, you're thinking is sound, but wrong. It runs under windows and c auses a re-boot, like many software installations. The re-boot appears like a normal re-boot, but if you check, you'll see your running the new bios. :thumbs:

02-04-2003, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by OUTLAWS Behind You?@Feb 3 2003, 09:04 PM
My Intel motherboard has something similiar.  And Death, you're thinking is sound, but wrong.  It runs under windows and c auses a re-boot, like many software installations.  The re-boot appears like a normal re-boot, but if you check, you'll see your running the new bios. :thumbs:
I see what you mean, I believe, but somewhere inbetween here and there, it has to do the actual process, but maybe, automated, it can do it in the POST without having to slow down by going into an OS. Either way, if it does it with magic, it is slicker and less likely to have human hands jack it up. Still, on my A7V333 BIOSs, it recommends the preferred Flash methods according to what version you are on now, usually EZ Flash, the util in the BIOS, or AFlash, with no mention of the updater. Cautious in these matters, I'd probably send off an e-mail to Asus to ask if it didn't list it for my MB. I see they list it by OS, and I got the XP version, but an e-mail costs me nothing.

02-04-2003, 04:17 AM
if the program has a hard time downloading within the program try downloading latest file and then using same program look for update from file and direct it to where you saved the file. after system restarts during boot up reset your bios settings.

good luck