View Full Version : New Name!!!!

04-28-2005, 01:14 PM
Time for a new name!!!


Die Hard
04-28-2005, 01:23 PM
Hey, the afflicted shouldn't mock...

04-28-2005, 01:29 PM
:rofl: :wave:

thanks bro, that wuz funny :thumbs:

04-28-2005, 02:40 PM
That's not so bad. I was a cashier at Sam's Club up until last month. One of my fellow cashiers had someone come through whose name was "neiswonger" We're supposed to thank them by name, so he inquired how to pronounce it so he didn't embarrass them. The reply was "nice wonger" He about lost it.

You get all kinds of good stuff when you're a cashier. Start doing something else and leave the guy's steak on your counter, and he says "excuse me, sir, could you hand me my meat?"...

I had 2 70 year old men ask me once if we carried condoms. While covering my disgust, I informed them where they were. They started to leave, and then turned around and asked if I happened to have any that they could just have. Not kewl.

If you know sam's (or costco's either) you know that there's a membership card. This card has to be scanned before the order starts. I asked a rosanne-sized woman for her card one day and she said "oops! Sorry" and promptly removed it from her bra. I about puked.

Being a cashier was a crappy job, but it was pretty funny at times (even if they're gross @ that moment)