View Full Version : SE secrets in screenshots

05-01-2005, 11:59 PM
Finally after long wait I am now posting my screenshots for secrets in Second Encounter. Again you can use these shots in conjunction with my walkthroughs. Friendly reminder, please do not post a reply until I get through all secrets in the game. Thank you.

Sierra de Chiapas

1) The first shot is of the pond at the very beginning of the game. Go underwater and head towards the Rocket Launcher in this shot to register Secret #1.

2) Head to the left of the crashed ship where the Pistol is, and collect this armor for Secret #2.

3) The phone booth in this shot is Secret #3.

4) Note the arrow in this screenie. It is pointing towards some smoke, which is in a valley to the left of the temple.

5) Follow the smoke to find the crashed crate bus and Secret #4.

05-02-2005, 12:05 AM
Sierra de Chiapas cont.

1) Continue past the crate bus and pick up these rockets for Secret #5.

2) Turn back around and blast this dark patch, which will trigger Secret #6.

3) Enter the new passage and find the Secret Hall of Fame, Secret #7.

4) In this room, Secret #8, not the sequence of the arrows. You must land on all of these letters IN ORDER to get to a secret health heart.

5) When you do execute the sequence in order, this alcove will open up.

05-02-2005, 12:23 AM
Sierra de Chiapas cont.

1) First shot in this post shows the outside area near the end of the level with the pit. Look down into the pit and note the Rocket Launcher. If you land safely on the ledge, you can get Secret #9. Use the teleporter to the left of the ledge to get out.

2) Blast this boulder away to reveal Secret #10, an underwater tunnel.

3) Follow the tunnel to a bridge and cross it and collect the items in this shot for Secret #11.

4) The last shot is of the pool at the end of the level. Dive down and collect this health, Secret #12.

05-02-2005, 10:25 PM
Valley of the Jaguar

1) The first secret in this level is in the room with the glowing blue accelerator ramps, near the exit door. Blow away the burner in this shot, and jump onto the bounce pad I have boxed.

2) You will land on this platform which is Secret #1.

3) Outside, turn around, and blast this rocket to release Secret #2, an invulnerability.

4) Head up the valley to the left of the temple on the right, and note the huge boulder on the top of the hill. When you collect the armor in the box, you will trigger Secret #3 andthat boulder will come down, so take cover quickly.

5) Heading up the stairs towards the temple near the third secret, Sam will go "*sniff sniff* I smell some serious firepower around here." That is your cue to drop off onto a ledge to the right, and blast this dark wall patch and collect Secret #4.

05-02-2005, 10:32 PM
Valley of the Jaguar cont.

1) Heading towards the left temple, turn towards the left. See that "Crollywood" sign that the arrow is pointing towards? That is Secret #5. You don't actually collect anything. The only good this does is registers another secret found, and gives you 10,000 points, as is with all secrets.

2) After the windy room with the spikes on either side, turn to the left and use the bounce pad in the box to get to the rafters.

3) Once in the rafters, get the items and Secret #6.

4) Head towards the center temple after collecting both jaguars and placing them on the pedastols, and enter the building to the left. The ammo depot inside is Secret #7.

5) Behind the opposite building is the last secret in this level, Secret #8.