View Full Version : WTF Warhead?

05-02-2005, 04:39 AM
82 hours of WOW in 7 days? Do you even sleep, or eat, or go to work? That's at least 11.5 hours a day!

05-02-2005, 09:30 AM
What if he's leaving WoW on (e.g. the character is just sitting/idling) while he's at work? I just can't imagine him doing THAT AND all the UT stuff...either that or he's sharing his account? But yeah...Warhead's addiction(s) scare me...

05-02-2005, 04:07 PM
My addictions scare me too. Still, I'd much rather have an addiction to video games than to drugs or alcohol. Cheaper and less dangerous.

Yeah, A-Wal, it's nuts. I was giving PJ crap just two weeks ago for the amount of time he plays WoW. Now here I am giving him a run for his money. The game really is designed to keep you going - you never feel like you're done. There are really no built-in good stopping points. There's always something else to do, somewhere else to go. You really just have to rely on self-discipline to say "alright, enough for today, I'm done". I'm working on it, but haven't gotten it to where it needs to be yet, obviously. 40 hours a week should be enough - 82 is (*#&ing excessive. Not to mention I know I'm getting worse at UT now that I hardly play it, and it's getting to the point where I'm tempted to drop out of some of the clans I'm in, because I'm going to be more of a burden than a help. It's a sad state of affairs. I'm almost hoping I get bored of it soon.


05-03-2005, 11:26 PM
My sister's ex once logged 161 hours in a week playing Star Wars Galaxies.

No I didnt type "161 hours" incorrectly.

The 7 hours he missed was due to our ISP going down.

05-03-2005, 11:41 PM
Well, if'n you going to do something, may as well do it right....and full throttle.

05-04-2005, 12:31 AM
i dont think i could have said it better myself warhead =D except i just dont care hehe, i stop on most nights to go to practice then i talk to the GF, eat, and play more...

diss i cant seem to make a video for whatever reason so im just gonna get a "WoW" compliation or something to show you. hehe

05-04-2005, 02:43 PM
Well, I enjoy all those hours I'm playing - but it's still a little too much. Maybe I shouldn't care, but I do, partially because I don't want to be slipping in UT2004. UT is still my wife - WoW is just my hot mistress of late. :P