View Full Version : Idea for ML10 raids - For those that go and never get anything

05-03-2005, 10:36 PM
When Breccan from Manticore would do artifact raids, hed make a list of everyone that goes, and give points to everyone that participates and helps out. If you get enough participation points, you could choose a arti raid of your choice (if up and able to do it) and youd get the artifact. This was nice especially to those that go on these kinds of raids and almost NEVER get good rolls to win anything they want/need.

My idea, is that majority of the ML10 raid leaders, whatever, makes a list on a website for everyone that goes on them and signs up, and the more times you go on a raid, the higher your chances for winning something IF you have not won anything yet.

Example -

Leader A leads 3 ML10 raids, and a few people do not get anything, so their posted on this website that they have gone on N number raids, and have not won anything.

After, say, 5 ML10 raids (at least partially successful), if that person has actively participated, and has either not been able to roll (class specific), or has not had the rolls to win, they get a bump up of 100 points to whatever their /random is. So, if they roll a 600, if they have gone on 5 ML10 raids (still have not won anything), they get an automatic roll of 700.

Maybe go in incriments of 5 ML10s = +100 on rolls.

At 25 ML10 raids, and still have not won anything, youd get close to +500 on your rolls, but remember, this person went on 25 ML10 raids and NEVER won/could roll on a thing!

-Note- If you win something, you either get a certain number of ML10 raids deducted (say 10 ML10s), or reduced to 0.

Main reason I thought of this, is that some people that have gone and helped, and cant go on ML10 raids every week or whatever, and almost never win anything have a MUCH better chance at it.

Youd have to work it to prevent people from cheating the system, but I think this would be a great thing to implement.

Any ideas? Thoughts? Good/bad?

06-06-2005, 07:35 PM
Yesterdays ML raids had something called the Treasure Hunters..

Said it was taken care of on Bitalbs.com

Guess peeps that have gone on other raids and got nuthing (or maybe lead them) get +50 on their rolls for each event they attended (or ran).

It was talked about only briefly, but this sounds like what your post mentions.