View Full Version : Zahur items - Anyone in need for their template?

05-05-2005, 12:20 AM
Anyone already have some Zahur items they are needing for their template? I ran this with Fatacat twice last night and did it in about 10 minutes each rediculasly easy for us. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I got the main item I needed from it (Zahur Necklace for my upcoming cleric), and fatacat just needs the Zahur ring he was kind of wanting. I figured the 2 of us could farm him for a few, and sell the items to make more money for ourselves. (were bloody rich now, hes got about 150 P and me about 100 P... :D )

If a item drops, that neither of us need, ill try to see if those that are in need within our guilds get it before we sell it.

So reply or talk to me ingame if you might want something. :D