View Full Version : Tony Blair makes 3rd Term.

Die Hard
05-06-2005, 08:51 AM
Well, for those who don't know already the UK Government Elections took place last night. There were really only 3 parties who had any chance of winning:

Labour - Tony Blair
Conservative - Michael Howard (Margaret Thatcher's party)
Liberal Democrats - Charles Kennedy

Labour won but by a much reduced margin with 36% of the total vote. Another 3% swing and it would have been a hung Parliament (no overall control).

Conservative were 2nd with 33%

Liberal Democrats 3rd with 23%.

So, make your own conlcusions if you care. Just thought I'd let you all know.

Caged Anger
05-06-2005, 10:33 AM
just heard it on the news as I'm writing this. I dunno whether it will be good or bad. Its historic though...democratic government and 3 terms. Kinda cool though that the public would stick behind him.

05-06-2005, 10:50 AM
Blair's Labour Party now has a 66-seat majority in Parliament, which is almost half of the majority the recieved in the 2001 election. Of course, there are two possibilities that Blair might not serve his full third term.

1) He could resign in the year 2007.

2) Opposition parties have pledged to get him impeached and removed from office.

I personally think that although the Labour Party was reelected yesterday, the party was also humiliated yesterday. Unlike 97 and 01 Blair did not win by a landslide, and they lost many seats in Parliament. They're calling this a "bloody nose" election.

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
05-06-2005, 03:48 PM
i've heard that tony do it 5 times per night...:woohoo:

...now you know why he win...:thumbs:

05-06-2005, 05:17 PM
Another 3% swing and it would have been a hung Parliament (no overall control).
Heh... he said "hung".

05-08-2005, 03:56 AM
I voted. But not for Labour.

Mad Fox
05-08-2005, 01:50 PM
Seems historic and important.. don't know much about UK politic? wish i knew more

Alexis SC430
05-13-2005, 04:51 AM
Well Die Hard, I certainly hope you enjoy the United States' latest contribution to the puppet dictator community. :D

Another top-notch election rigging by the CIA, made possible only by the complete ineptitude of MI6.

U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!! U-S-A!!

And someone please inform the Labor Party that there is no "u" in the word "labor"!!

Die Hard
05-13-2005, 09:19 AM
Well Die Hard, I certainly hope you enjoy the United States' latest contribution to the puppet dictator community. :DOh yes, I'm so proud. Aren't you?

BTW....Labour, Colour, Council :P

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 01:52 AM
Council is spelled the same. ;)