View Full Version : ozzy ...

05-06-2005, 02:42 PM
I promiced wordna i would make this post and explain ...

Around 3 days ago .. my good friend Bought the ozzyrinna account from this dude in the archanic rage guild ...

Then yesterday he said something in /as and was WTFPWNED by peeps ...
Without knowing what was wrong and what he did wrong. I told him to shut up till we found out what was wrong ...

Only thing i realy know about this is from the few quick /tell trades with word, that this Archanic rage dude had pretended to be and OOD officer and was a real dick ...

that guy is not my friend ... when my friend bought it, he was told it came with no SW, and he told me that he asked Ozzy(the real ozzy) if this archanic rage dude realy had the SW and was about to scam him. I was told ozzy had said that this archanic rage dude did not have the SW, and therefor my friend bought the account ...

This means Ozzy can verify that atleast my friend was looking to buy it from this archanic rage dude that realy ****ed up ....

i dont know what you want me to say ? ... im not even sure what this is all about ... atleast that should be a lil proof that my friend actually bought it .. and he realy wanna loose the bad rep ....

as i said to word yesterday ... if he had such a bad rep, perhaps thats why he sold ?
Hope this settles atleast something and if there is any other questions .. send me or the new ozzy a tell ingame.

Im sorry its me posting, but whyr asked me to make this post .. since he is not very good at speaking english ..

Sevum and Whyr(the new owner of ozzy)

05-06-2005, 07:08 PM
Yeah, I wasnt too happy to see that Ozzyrina was in our /as after the stunt he pulled but I'm glad it sounds like that jerk is gone.

05-07-2005, 06:46 AM
Just to verify, that tool does not have the Secret Word, and after I took all the toons out of OoD before I sold, he got on and told everyone he was the real ozzy until V98 questioned him and called me on the phone to find out he was a poser...don't worry his acct is safe if he changed the password

05-07-2005, 07:45 PM
Actually I got mixed up. The person who claimed to be me was not this guy. This guy was legit if we are talking about the sorc account. The person who pretended to be me had the Ozzyogrehibkilla acct. He was pretending to be stupidhibkiller my ice wizzie. So no, the guy your friend bought the acct from is not the one who pretended to be me.

05-08-2005, 09:30 AM
There is quite a simple solution to this problem. Ozzy needs to sell more accounts.