View Full Version : Problem

Die Hard
05-19-2005, 09:15 AM
My sons PC has stopped working. He turns it on, it gets to the Windows XP logo (the one before the log on screen) and then it just restarts and keeps doing that in a continuous loop?

Doesn't matter if it's started in safe mode or not. The same thing happens?

Any ideas guys?

05-19-2005, 09:24 AM
Virus maybe?? :dunno:

Die Hard
05-19-2005, 09:27 AM
Well I don't know beacuse It can't be turned on. Other than reformatting I don't know what else to do?

Caged Anger
05-19-2005, 11:38 AM
I would say reformatting is not your only option.
I have encountered the same problem with a friends PC and the solution was actually quite simple. All I had to do was:

1) Put in the WinXP Disk

2) Select a new install

*3) When choosing where to install to, create a new file titled Windows1

4) Do not activate this new installation as there is no need to

5) Reboot, and select the new installation when it asks

6) Go into your C Drive and select the file Windows1

7) Copy the System32 folder from Windows1

8) Paste it on top of your original System32 folder which should be located in the folder right next to Windows1

9) Reboot and when it pops up wondering what version to boot, select yoru original

10)Run virus scans and all that good stuff

If all goes well, it should allow you to get in and repair everything. If so, then just delete the Windows1 folder. It may still ask you which version to select, btu I'm not sure hwo to get rid of that. Biggs could probably help there.
Should it fail to work, then I'm sad to say that reformatting will be your only other option that i know of.

Die Hard
05-19-2005, 11:54 AM
Thanks for that Caged :thumbs:

Trouble is he has a pre-installed copy of Windows XP. So no disk!!!

Caged Anger
05-19-2005, 12:27 PM

I hate factories. If ever get one, I am going to go buy one anyway. Can't really functionw ithout the disk.

Did it come with any kind of a repair CD or boot disk?

05-19-2005, 04:36 PM
This is why I love Linux recovery disks! Or even better, full linux installs on a CD! OOOH, and even cooler, a friend of mine has a full linux install on a USB memory stick that he carries in his pocket! So, how does this help you? Well, if you have a recovery disk that you can boot into and view your old hard drive from a distance, then you can attempt to fix things. If you have a good recovery disk, you can pretty much do anything you want to your hard drive. Norton does have a command-line virus scanner that works perfect for this type of thing.

05-19-2005, 04:47 PM
You're not getting any error messages, just a reboot? I had a problem similar to this about a year ago when I had a bad stick of RAM, but I got messages. Try pulling different pieces of HW, particuarly the RAM, and see if you get a different reaction - couldn't hurt! :thumbs:

05-19-2005, 04:59 PM
I would hope that the BIOS would detect bad RAM before trying to load the Boot Sector!

05-19-2005, 05:05 PM
I've had the exact same problem when I overclock and go too far. Go into the BIOS and check your proc setting. Even try to underclock and see if it works. If it does, then you know its a heat issue. Perhaps the proc fan died.

05-19-2005, 05:42 PM
I would hope that the BIOS would detect bad RAM before trying to load the Boot Sector!

That's only if it's straight bad - I had "buggy" RAM that would occasionally mess around and miss, causing errors. The stick wasn't bad - certain sectors (i guess is the right word) were bad...at least, that's the impression I got. Soemtimes I'd go a month w/ no jams...sometimes I'd have multiple in a day.

05-19-2005, 09:48 PM
You should have recovery CD, thats the last chance except buying a new XP CD
try option "Use last good known configuration" (keep hitting F8 when booting)

i have one kinda "easy" solution, wich is based on Caged's help, but before that try what SAL said:
Make bootable Floppy, would be great if its WinME one. (For Win9, start->control panel->add remove progs/startup/make... for WinXP, My computer-> properties of floppy a:->format->choose make bootable disk)
this will make you bootable disk, but if you preferr (and i recommend) using CD, then Burn Bootable data CD with NERO EXPRESS (recommended). You can choose to install boot files from floppy you just made, or NERO have enough powerful tool itself, its the same but even advanced.
*there is various programs on the internet, that can help you fixing PC in dos mode, even anti virus programs*
Download Volkov commander or Norton Commander, they will allow you to work in Dos with no problem.
I recommend you to download volkov one, its about 50KB only and its freeware.
Burn your Volkov commander in folder under VC name, dont make any unneed subdirectories under it
Now, lets try Caged's solution (wich one i accept),

If you know the commands of Dos, skip this one
1. you need to know general commands to operate in Dos mode, and they are:
- DIR (List directory, this will show you contents of current directory)
- CD (Check Dir, its the same as you double click on folders. ex, cd windows, will take you to C:\Windows folder.)
- MD (Make Dir, no comments, ex, md myfolder, will make c:\myfolder)
- DEL (no explanations need, ex, del myfolder or file)
- OPEN (opens text editor like notepad, ex open readme.txt)

ok this should be enought. they are basics EVERYONE must know if they are worth own PC.
1. Burn your System32 folder from your PC to CD (burn 2 or 3 cds if needs), include Volkov or Norton Commanders on CD1
2. Insert Bootable disk you made in your Sons PC
3. Only now, turn it on!
3.1 in case if nothing happens
3.2 reboot your pc, and keep hitting DEL to open BIOS (some manufacters prefers F2 button, like mine)
3.3 Check if you have Floppy drive as primary bootable device in the list. (CD can be used as well, if you choosen CD as bootable disk)
3.4 save changes and exit
4. Start/reboot your pc with floppy or CD in it,
4.1 if you chose windows boot for floppy or CD, then when list of chooses appears, take second option: "Start computer with CD-ROM support"
4.2 if you choose other boot program on CD (like NERO's one), just wait, it will bring you till command line X:\ (x is letter of drive)

Ok, so far so good. Now we are armed and lets get it fixed, just type in commands, not explanation in ()'s :-)
1. (check your CD-ROM drive letter at report of bootdisk, it wont be the default one)
2. E: (in this case E: is your CD-ROM drive letter, check 1. to be sure whats yours)
3. vc/vc.exe (will launch your volkov commander in VC directory)
3.1 nc/nc.exe (will launch your norton commander in VC directory)
*Now you have blue screened program running, and actually we are near the end!
4.1 if you chose to try antivirus you downloaded (recomended, but not necesarry), launch it. Both commanders are easy to understand and operate
4.2 make sure you have all screen filled with VC (by default it runs only one side, what will only bother you)
4.2.1 to fill all screen, press ALT key, and choose left/right (side wich isnt filled) and choose Brief (first option)
*with filled i mean the program runing fullscreen, not VC on right side, and DOS o
*You can swich from one side to other by hitting TAB button
5. Choose left side, type in E: (CD-ROM)
6. choose right side, type in C: (HDD)
7. still on right side, type CD WINDOWS
8. C:\WINDOWS appears, and you see your windows folder contents.
9. Go to your left tab (hit TAB), choose your SYSTEM32 folder and hit F8
10. The "COPY" windows appears
11. Hit ENTER to copy SYSTEM32 folder from your CD to Windows Folder !BE SURE TO HAVE ALL EXACT AS ITS SAID in 5-8!
13. Take a coffee break, but keep your eye on display, it might give you overwrite confirmation again
14. when all files are overwrited, remove bootable disk and reboot your computer

it should be running just fine now, but i strongly recommend fresh files of System32 folder.
*if time and CDs are not a problem, then following previous steps, better overwrite all WINDOWS folder.
*if you have warranty, PC genious friend or lots money... well, you know my point :-)

PS, Caged, you can not replace system32 folder if you are runing windows! But you can do it from Dos! So thats why you need to follow all these steps
I made this rely very easy to understand even for child, but dont be scared from this big text, if you learn this all out, next time you will be able to make own decions and fix problems trought DOS yourself

I wish you good luck with this, the information is handy for everyone!
Dont be scared to read all (recommended) :-)

Caged Anger
05-20-2005, 12:55 AM
I beg to differ Hybrid. I did so quite successfully a few monthes ago.

Why is it you say it shouldn't work?

05-20-2005, 04:49 PM
heh, did you ever tried to delete progra, thats running in background? You just cant! even in safe mode
but i have no idea how you did that. maybe becouse you didnt replaced files that is running, maybe they were ok.
lol try to launch mp3 and then delete file... simple