View Full Version : Seriously Sam 2 Vid

05-19-2005, 01:17 PM
Seriously has a 30 minute video on Sam 2:


05-19-2005, 02:45 PM

- Destructible environments
- Up to 200 enemies on screen at once
- Still nothing confirmed besides co-op
- 2 hours of cutscenes
- Improved AI
- 25-30 hours of gameplay for average gamer
- Some dual wield weapons

05-19-2005, 05:25 PM
Sveeet Indeed !! At least the interviewer did ask alot of good questions!! :thumbs:

Tx Sal !! :thumbs:

:hmmm: now if I only knew if I had to order this game again??

05-19-2005, 07:28 PM
Looks like monster mayhem!!
"40 missions in 7 different worlds." Niice!
"Co-op is the priority." when referring to the multiplayer question.:confused:
"but we do have a surprise." Improved netcode perhaps?:hmmm:

The weapons look very cool. Parrot delivering the serious bomb was neato.:thumbs:

05-19-2005, 09:09 PM
They never mentioned much on multiplayer. I hope we are not dissapointed.

05-19-2005, 09:51 PM
maybe someone can mod it if croteam decides not to.... but I would love to see the old levels in the new engine.... and really MP is also a selling point for the engine. they would love to license it to other developers, and not too many (10?) went for the first one.

05-20-2005, 12:47 AM
to be honest and i hate to say, i am not all that impressed with any of the videos i saw. it seems that croteam "and this is just my opinion" is looking at the console market and nothing else. i do not think they will make this game for what we all really enjoyed it for in the first place. as a company, i feel croteam is a mom and pop shop that hardly ever supported their software. i was looking forward to sam2 but at this point i have lost interest. the community is small when it comes to dm for sam and they know that. i think playing the game in single player gets boring way too fast even if it's in multi player mode. i feel it's time to move on to something new because as far as what i have seen in sam2, i don't think it will be worth it.

also the sounds\audio of the game sound exactly the same as they do in the first version which are lame imo. i am sorry to sound negative but for what it looks like and sounds like, this game is nothing more or nothing new other then the monsters have a touch up. as far as the engine goes, the graphics looked fine already.

my opinion is this will be nothing more but a ok console game and suck on the pc.

05-20-2005, 01:51 AM
I hope it is still the same, with better graphics and touched up netcode as well as overall gameplay. I like what i see so far, just plain action. This isn't gonna be another ww2 sim or some other "realistic combat" game. SS2 will be FUN, i'm sure that they will include some sort of deathmatch. As for softwarem it think that the new engine looks pretty damn good, and as far as the gameplay is concerned it looks pretty frantic with some great weapons. I think that SS2 will be more that just ok, Croteam has worked for a while now to make the game bigger, and better.

As for moving on, i don't see any other games right now that resemble serious sam in the least. Most are just your everyday first person shooter, nothing that's original in concept. I personally think that quake 3 and some of its mods are damn good, very fast with quick action, but everyone here seems to be stuck on those damn MMO games.

Honestly, i don't think that ss2 will dissapoint as much as Painkiller did.

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 01:55 AM
Still nothing confirmed besides co-opBut... you said there would be a Deathmatch! YOU PROMISED!

Dangerous Dan
05-20-2005, 02:06 AM
But... you said there would be a Deathmatch! YOU PROMISED!
yeah! you better get that after E3 interview like you said FAST! the future of Gamemecca hindges on the findings! :eek:

05-20-2005, 02:12 AM
the future of Gamemecca hindges on the findings! :eek:
thn GM is doomed!!!!! :rofl:

Buh bye Sam addicts! :wave:

Dangerous Dan
05-20-2005, 02:14 AM
they actually come out and say non-coop is NOT a priority... may i be the first one to say, WTF?

worst case scenario: Serious Sam 2 does not have fragmatch. odes this mean mod teams could make it? or would it turn out sketchy, kinda like Serously Warped did.

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 02:19 AM
Ugh... they would REALLY have to be bastards not to have a Deathmatch...

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 02:23 AM
I wonder...

Maybe some people from Croteam just for fun logged into SSSE fragmatch for the first time in years while they were programming SS2, got yelled at and called names for using the pups and/or grenade launcher, were unable to understand why people were yelling at them (or even what a "pup" was), and decided not to include a Deathmatch because is causes people to go insane.

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 02:29 AM
Or maybe while playing they noticed all the bugs and flaws (map swimming, over the mountain, the LAG, etc.) and realized that if they released another Deathmatch people might actually expect those bugs to no longer be in the game. Realizing that fixing those bugs would delay the release of the game by another eight months they just cut it out all together.

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 02:30 AM
Or maybe they just thought, "Hey, if you want a Deathmatch just turn on friendly fire in Co-op mode. It's close enough."

Alexis SC430
05-20-2005, 02:31 AM
Or maybe they're just bastards. :mad:

05-20-2005, 04:26 AM
I think the better explanation for them saying "nothing besides co-op is confirmed" is not because there will be no DM, but more likely because all they may have is DM besides co-op. Once they finish co-op, they will most likely finish DM, and then add anything they can between then and the due date.

The game is 5 months away. Subtract 1 month for going gold, 1 month for beta, and that leaves 3 months to finish up, test, and create all the material stuff for the game in roughly 3 months. My best bet is that you will see co-op and DM at retail, and then maybe some new modes via patch after the fact.

05-20-2005, 04:40 AM
I wonder...

Maybe some people from Croteam just for fun logged into SSSE fragmatch for the first time in years while they were programming SS2, got yelled at and called names for using the pups and/or grenade launcher, were unable to understand why people were yelling at them (or even what a "pup" was), and decided not to include a Deathmatch because is causes people to go insane.:rofl: You are a clever one.

Die Hard
05-20-2005, 08:17 AM
It would be terrible if there was no DM!

05-20-2005, 05:36 PM
It would be terrible if there was no DM!
understatement of the year :eek:

05-20-2005, 05:48 PM
Fast forward to the 6:52 timemark:
Interviewer's question - And the netcode is going to be a whole lot better, im expecting?
Croteam's answer - Nothing but 7 seconds of silence

Moving right along ...

05-20-2005, 06:53 PM
Fast forward to the 6:52 timemark:
Interviewer's question - And the netcode is going to be a whole lot better, im expecting?
Croteam's answer - Nothing but 7 seconds of silence

Moving right along ...
I kinda heard the Croteam guy say yes, and the other guy responded "OK"...

I see no reason as to why they wouldn't fix the netcode, these people are smarter than most people on these boards give them credit for.

Dangerous Dan
05-20-2005, 07:44 PM
does anyone have the time to put that interview into a written response...? would make interpretation a lot easier... :hmmm:

05-20-2005, 09:22 PM
"sheeafadue dhdefrrff wdjde ewjqwjf wejqmew ednrf aowdm sma ejreeh"

05-20-2005, 11:16 PM
why do I forsee nothing but the same crap as before. Horrid online play.

05-21-2005, 01:28 AM
be prepared to be let down people. for a game that is to be released in 5 months and no one knows anything pretty much sums it up that croteam is just looking to make its buck from the console market. i mean this sounds the same to me when we were waiting for that netcode update. we must all move on:o . if i had to bet, croteam is a company worked out of someones garage.

05-21-2005, 03:05 AM
eh, it's going to be what it's going to be. croteam has not gotten rich off of people either downloading the game or paying $9 or $15 for the game. i'll buy the game because I loved the original SP game. It was great great fun and took me a ton of time to complete, and that was on "easy". the multiplayer was a bonus, and i have spent probably thousands of hours enjoying it. so i'll get this game, and if MP isn't that great, that is cool. they have earned my cash from the first time around. I have a bunch of "great" MP games that are sitting on my shelf gathering dust. they were damn expensive too and had no SP game...

05-21-2005, 03:24 AM
What exactly were your expectations for ss2 bigg?
To me everything looks pretty standard with some upgrades.

Of course this isn't gonna be able to rival ut2004's online gameplay, but its really not meant to do so either. Someone can always remake the old ss:se mp maps and import them into ss2 then have some nice dm action going with improved netcode. You gotta give Croteam some credit, because they can make a first person shooter that isn't another war/terrorist based title. If you want to just blow stuff up then ss2 is probably your ticket.

05-21-2005, 06:00 AM
my expectations are make the game new with the same parts as the first game. i do not want the game to be any different from what i enjoyed in the first game.

i guess it would be very easy to please me such as death match with netcode that does not ruin the game where someone can actually not have an advantage or disadvantage when jumping on a server. i would also like the new weapons along with new maps.

to me this is what i want from this game and if it is not going to be included, i will be very disappointed.

05-21-2005, 06:20 PM
the ****? that was the xbox version. I hope that Serious Sam II isn't a retarded Xbox port. Single player will be fun.

Dangerous Dan
05-21-2005, 06:48 PM
well, the engine and stuff was made up to that point on the computer, so the base shoudl be A-OK, but form there on in it will be revered, they claim the xbox one will be the new lead copy

05-22-2005, 09:11 PM
the ****? that was the xbox version. I hope that Serious Sam II isn't a retarded Xbox port. Single player will be fun.

No, it was the PC version. And for those of you who wanted a complete write-up, check it out here (http://www.seriouszone.com/cms/articles/18_1.php), along with some details about power-ups and other things not in the video (Serious disco anyone?).

Dangerous Dan
05-22-2005, 09:15 PM
No, it was the PC version. And for those of you who wanted a complete write-up, check it out here (http://www.seriouszone.com/cms/articles/18_1.php), along with some details about power-ups and other things not in the video (Serious disco anyone?).
lol, awsome, but i cant help but think serious disco was inspired by exctasy mode in nitrofamily... but hey, i don't care, good to see some of those ideas will live on :D

05-22-2005, 10:24 PM
i didn't notice a spamming device - are the grenades gone? what are the new weapons? pulse rifle instead of laser - what else?

05-22-2005, 10:25 PM
eh, nevermind.... :)

05-23-2005, 03:01 AM
No, it was the PC version. And for those of you who wanted a complete write-up, check it out here (http://www.seriouszone.com/cms/articles/18_1.php), along with some details about power-ups and other things not in the video (Serious disco anyone?).

hmm didnt he say that in the interview? (thought i heard it) i also saw buttons for x-box like b,y,x. guess i was mistaken.

Correction for article: Prey is powered by Doom3, not Unreal 3.

05-29-2005, 06:09 AM
sorry...just felt like doing that...

05-29-2005, 02:30 PM
not sure if anyone noticed or not but the part where he is changing game modes and you see the screen where you have the choices of game play, there is no network game play visible. i guess what i gathered from that after pausing the video and looking at the very bad video job is that there is no death match unless it is an option in another part of the game???? i don't know, maybe some of you know what i am referring to.

05-29-2005, 05:32 PM
Oh noes!

*gasp* no multiplayer in a build of the game from up to 7 months before release, for an E3 floor demo that won't have multiplayer demonstrated. But screw that, the 40 levels they talked about, they WEREN'T IN THE MENUS! LIES ALL LIES!

05-29-2005, 05:53 PM
are you saying that they plan to have it at a later release? and if so, how do you know? if you don't like my post that's to bad. i stated a fact with also mentioning that it might have been in another part of the menu. be a punk on your own forum. you may feel tough behind your keyboard but in reality, you are nothing but a punk kid who does nothing but think sam is life.

i will believe it when i see it.

05-29-2005, 06:37 PM
Funny, I haven't played any Serious Sam game, other than SS2, in over a year and a half. May actually be more than that, but I don't really keep records of when I play, I don't care that much. Who's more of a "punk kid," the guy professionally reporting on games at an industry trade show, or the one incessantly bitching about how much a game that isn't even all that close to coming out is going to suck, and throwing names around?


Dangerous Dan
05-29-2005, 07:43 PM
just to paraphrase the facts on what is visible on the build

The first screen

Single Player - the demoist enters this section, keeping multiplayer's options unknown
Profile Settngs

Second menu

Continue Playing
Load Game
Custom Level
Start Playing Campaign

In-game Pause button Menu

indistinguishable (24:50 into the game), but its clear there are eight options

06-09-2005, 03:53 AM
Funny, I haven't played any Serious Sam game, other than SS2, in over a year and a half. May actually be more than that, but I don't really keep records of when I play, I don't care that much. Who's more of a "punk kid," the guy professionally reporting on games at an industry trade show, or the one incessantly bitching about how much a game that isn't even all that close to coming out is going to suck, and throwing names around?


exactly why point fingers and why do u have 23 posts


Free Styler
06-09-2005, 05:48 PM
Who is godzilla anyways?

I'm just wondering why theres so much tension going on when diplomatic interpretation could be awnsered in a respectable manner.

I agree with bigg tho on 1 thing.

Half of you half witted glassed geeks out there would not feel or should i say, would not say half the things you say in real life compared to these forums.

theres likes a "whos's the man " kinda thing going on all the time here or anywhere on internet.

That's what i hate the most.

Not to talk about the whinners cheaters and the people who get the sentiment of power with the names of their jobs.

Maybe analizing the reaction of seomeones reply to your post should of been your main priority.

But no... you felt like bringing the fight so you could reply with a stupid remark about who is the best with a job title.


Maybe the fact that people arent so all friendly about the upcomming realease is because where like a ghost town .

For ages croteam had promiset patches and bla bla whisles and bells.

What do you expect happend when those things are not delivered.
people are pisset and septical about what's comming next.

So in all honesty i think that biggs question was a legitamate one
who could of simply been anwsered with yes or no.

Good work anyways for the game.

06-09-2005, 07:10 PM
Life is not peachy.

We have these rediculous dreams of Serious Sam being so great adn bringing all the old school players back.

This dreaming is as useful as a bucket of s---.

Sam 2 is going to dissapoint. Sure, some will stick around for a little bit waiting for "the patch" which never will come out and that's when 90% of the community will leave and play Quake IV or whatver game will come out.

Then, the 10% of people who stay, will create some bull**** rules about every part of the gameplay that will cause even more people to leave and Sam 2 will be a mirror image of Sam 1.

Croteam will issue a bull**** "patch" to get rid of some bugs and whatnot. Half of the 5% will play one version and half will play the other. If there is no version changer like in Quake 3, this game will stop being played faster than Daikatana.

IF you are expecting something out of this world, you better check yourself because that's just you being stupid and unrealistic.

06-09-2005, 07:21 PM
Who is godzilla anyways?

Half of you half witted glassed geeks out there would not feel or should i say, would not say half the things you say in real life compared to these forums.

Godzilla is a giant lizard who roams the streets of Tokyo looking for a fight with Rodan.

Thanx for the second comment though... you don't give much support to that "thesis" yet you still feel the need to say it.

If you used logic you would understand that your comment is completely irrelevant to this thread. Rodzilla's comment was pretty funny, so bigg didn't have to pretend to get offended. As for people saying things on the internet and real life...why do you care?

Not everyone can be as nice as people like you FS, many are just lonely and have no friends so they act tough on the internet to make them feel better. I think that's perfectly human/normal.

Give the people a break, i won't draw conclusions about the internet and the moral code implemented in it. But i will say this, as long as there are open forums on the internet people will post their thoughts, and argue other people's thoughts. Sure there might be some degree of sacracm in those posts, but people talk like that in real life and on TV.

Free Styler
06-09-2005, 09:48 PM
Whaterver execution.

you act like if your some kinda of philosopher or somethin.

People being lonely?acting thought making them feel better has nothing to do
with being normal .
has for my comment what do you care?
In every post i see you post in.Your acting like gandalf like if you had the wisdom and knowledge of whaterver you think you have.
Thing is you have no experience whatsoever towards real things of everyday life.
I dont want to be rude but
i dont think you have the awnsers to the general "questions of humanaty"
Your always reversing a conversation and making a weird twist has to the guy commenting is doing what he said not to do in his post.

All and all whaterver.
If i feel like saying something i'll say it.
And i dont need you in the background with your intelectual figure speeches.

Btw i played you yesterday in sam.
You quoted"it's to bad they dont have anymore words in the dictonnary to tell you what i think about you"
you were loosing btw.

So if ever you have the urge to say something else to me.
go invent some words to keep you busy.

06-09-2005, 11:56 PM
Yes you played me in sam and i said that jokingly, quoting Patho's recently posted story.
As for life experience what's that got to do anything. I go to freaking school where i learn about life and what it is i'm supposed to be doing to get anywhere in it.
There is no such thing as answers to the "questions of humanity" we each live our own life, most of us pursue happiness.
I am not as talented as Shakespeare or Burgess so i cannot invent my own words, but i do want to come off as a person who doesn't just post smilies or stupid or offensive remarks.

06-10-2005, 02:01 AM
dling right now, this game is gonn be sweet! :thumbs:

Die Hard
06-10-2005, 08:06 AM
Or of course EXE, you could always take a few tips from our learned friend below.......

dling right now, this game is gonn be sweet! :thumbs:

06-10-2005, 01:29 PM
:watch: :D

06-10-2005, 02:14 PM
Not everyone can be as nice as people like you FS, many are just lonely and have no friends so they act tough on the internet to make them feel better. I think that's perfectly human/normal.
:rofl: :wave: :rofl:

that's soooo funny! Most of the people from GM I've met have pretty full lives and quite a few friends.. so I wonder where he draws that conclusion from????

I don't know what's more funny, reading SSSE threads or trying to follow the dialog from pro wrestling http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/wrest/ultimodragon3.gifhttp://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/wrest/tigermask2.gifhttp://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/wrest/flair.gif

06-10-2005, 06:06 PM
:rofl: :wave: :rofl:

that's soooo funny! Most of the people from GM I've met have pretty full lives and quite a few friends.. so I wonder where he draws that conclusion from????

I don't know what's more funny, reading SSSE threads or trying to follow the dialog from pro wrestling http://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/wrest/ultimodragon3.gifhttp://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/wrest/tigermask2.gifhttp://www.addis-welt.de/smilie/smilie/wrest/flair.gif
Too bad sarcasm doesnt work on the internet ;(
The second statement was not sarcastic, but i was criticizing what FS said about the "half witted glassed geeks" who do not lead what you call "full lives".

What is exactly a full life in your opinion Pure?

06-10-2005, 08:21 PM
Funny, I haven't played any Serious Sam game, other than SS2, in over a year and a half. May actually be more than that, but I don't really keep records of when I play, I don't care that much. Who's more of a "punk kid," the guy professionally reporting on games at an industry trade show, or the one incessantly bitching about how much a game that isn't even all that close to coming out is going to suck, and throwing names around?


:thumbs: Just gotta say...good job on the E3 coverage though, Rod !!

06-15-2005, 05:19 AM
What the f*ck are you guys talking about?

06-15-2005, 05:31 AM
haha man, Rodzilla must thing us GM ppl are a bunch of tards, the way we act...

06-15-2005, 12:57 PM
haha man, Rodzilla must thing us GM ppl are a bunch of tards, the way we act...
raven, who cares what rodzilla thinks about anyone here @ gm? what is he your god? he thinks he is the ssam police who doesnt like people to talk bad about croteam.

06-15-2005, 01:14 PM
Funny, I haven't played any Serious Sam game, other than SS2, in over a year and a half. May actually be more than that, but I don't really keep records of when I play, I don't care that much. Who's more of a "punk kid," the guy professionally reporting on games at an industry trade show, or the one incessantly bitching about how much a game that isn't even all that close to coming out is going to suck, and throwing names around?


first, what's so funny about you not playing ssam other than ss2? how about when ssam2 wasnt even announced? did youplay then? did you enjoy the lag?

you seem to be a legend in your own mind considering yourself a professional because you went to a gameing event (which any schmuck could of gone to) and asking questions about a game. we had someone here at gm go and said that sam was too cartoonish. i guess he is a pro to but i doubt it because his opinion was negative. you cracked me up when i read what i quoted here because you make it sound like it was the biggest event you have been part of. to some like me, these things are a dime a dozen. i have been to many industry events and even hosted in them right here in the big apple. maybe i should put that on my resume:rolleyes: .

anyway, this is not serious forums, so you don't have read the negative stuff anyone has to say about croteam. regardless of you saying i was bitching about the game that is even done, you should read what people are saying before you open your trap. you are not any more special than anyone else here.

other then that, thanks for posting the videos:)

06-15-2005, 02:42 PM
raven, who cares what rodzilla thinks about anyone here @ gm? what is he your god? he thinks he is the ssam police who doesnt like people to talk bad about croteam.

haha no, he is certainly not my god. I wouldnt be here if i thought so. And it disgusts me how some of the ppl at Seriously! worship the ground he walks on.

It's just this whole thread suddenly got silly.

Die Hard
06-15-2005, 03:00 PM
Great, I can do silly :D:D:D

06-15-2005, 05:34 PM
well i personally don't like him which i am sure he is aware of. he is a legend in his own mind and they may worship him at his forum but here others have a different opinion. i find it ironic that they are all the same over at seriouszone. a bunch of morons who thinks croteam is the best game designer in the world.

for a company that's so great, they never update their programs as if they are perfect. the sam community was always small considering real company's out there with multiple games in which are patched frequently. this is what i mean about croteam. even though the game is 10 bucks now (sam1), i would bet a kidney that even half the people that are playing it have not paid for it.

what makes me laugh is now, all of a sudden croteam is going to come out with a perfect game. no matter how fun or good they may seem, they all need to be patched if it's on a pc. while many are awaiting this game, i dread the day's that rodzilla and co start having their tantrums when people want the game fixed from bugs.

06-15-2005, 05:47 PM
if you don't like the game, don't play it. i have seen tons of games where the online gameplay sucks so bad that a year after release the online gameplay is totally dead. strange to think that 4 years after its release, people are still complaining about the sam gameplay.... like wtf, are you ....????

06-15-2005, 05:51 PM
:watchmovi & a SS thread = :o

06-15-2005, 06:15 PM
if you don't like the game, don't play it. i have seen tons of games where the online gameplay sucks so bad that a year after release the online gameplay is totally dead. strange to think that 4 years after its release, people are still complaining about the sam gameplay.... like wtf, are you ....????
i don't see anyone complaining about the problems with sam1 at this point do you?. the point i am trying to make is that the bugs were never fixed. there is a big difference. as for not playing a game that you don't like makes sense but let us not forget that this game was paid for. if we paid for something, it should be patched which it never was. if you bought a car and the wheels had a recall wouldn't you want them fixed? well this maybe a few dollars but a company that puts out any product even if it cost a buck should be held accountable since it is a retail product.

the company, the game is what it is. i will comment on it the way i see fit. agree or disagree. for those who have a problem with my opinions can get in line to kiss my ass:thumbs:

06-15-2005, 09:04 PM
Well i don't think Croteam is the best game designer in the world, but they can and did produce an interesting and an entertaining product that has kept my interest for almost 2 consecutive years. There was not a moment when i though "ssam:se sucks" because over time has become my favorite game to play. This is partially due to it being one of the fist online games to play, also because it was simple, yet difficult to master, even today i still have not discovered all the secret jumps, and the spawn points. I don't think they (Croteam) can make Serious Sam 2 suck, or make a worse product than they have before.
Honestly i hardly every have a problem when playing ssam, except for the ocassional F9 or unexpected spam kill due to a spike popping up. For me its a great experience, and it doesn't take forever to play online because it doesn't need to download pointless feautes (e.g. Counter-Strike, and especially UT2003/4) i join servers to play the game on serious or hard difficulty with pups, all the weapons, and nooby, half-decent as well as good players like yourself Bigg and Jim.
Sure there are times of high-tension when we all play (e.g. GM ssam Tourney) and we often leave matches because they are deemed "unfair" or you just died too many times. That in particular tends to drive me off the edge sometimes, but i deal with it because there are still people that regularly play ss:se.
Painkiller is a prime example of whats NOT going to happen with SS2. I'm almost sure of it, many people at GM did not "get" PK, but the multiplayer is similar to that of serious sam, with fast movement, crazy jumps, and similar weapons. PK however is much farther from perfect that ss:se is. Hell its the game "pro" gamers play to win a grand prize of 1 million dollars, but it still has issues.
You will come to learn that the most fun games aren't perfect and have bugs but they do offer something in the gameplay department which has not been done before.

06-16-2005, 01:12 AM
Me and Rodzilla have hot crazy sex every night.

06-17-2005, 03:34 AM
Well i don't think Croteam is the best game designer in the world, but they can and did produce an interesting and an entertaining product that has kept my interest for almost 2 consecutive years. There was not a moment when i though "ssam:se sucks" because over time has become my favorite game to play. This is partially due to it being one of the fist online games to play, also because it was simple, yet difficult to master, even today i still have not discovered all the secret jumps, and the spawn points. I don't think they (Croteam) can make Serious Sam 2 suck, or make a worse product than they have before.
Honestly i hardly every have a problem when playing ssam, except for the ocassional F9 or unexpected spam kill due to a spike popping up. For me its a great experience, and it doesn't take forever to play online because it doesn't need to download pointless feautes (e.g. Counter-Strike, and especially UT2003/4) i join servers to play the game on serious or hard difficulty with pups, all the weapons, and nooby, half-decent as well as good players like yourself Bigg and Jim.
Sure there are times of high-tension when we all play (e.g. GM ssam Tourney) and we often leave matches because they are deemed "unfair" or you just died too many times. That in particular tends to drive me off the edge sometimes, but i deal with it because there are still people that regularly play ss:se.
Painkiller is a prime example of whats NOT going to happen with SS2. I'm almost sure of it, many people at GM did not "get" PK, but the multiplayer is similar to that of serious sam, with fast movement, crazy jumps, and similar weapons. PK however is much farther from perfect that ss:se is. Hell its the game "pro" gamers play to win a grand prize of 1 million dollars, but it still has issues.
You will come to learn that the most fun games aren't perfect and have bugs but they do offer something in the gameplay department which has not been done before.very well said mr execution and like you i except the plus and minuses already. in fact doing a search for any thread that contains me complaining about the problems and you may find just a few through out the years. again it's not the bugs that are the issue. the real issue is that the company never tried to address and fixed them. that's all i mean when i say bad things about croteam. i find people such as rodzilla annoying to just accept that and make it seem ok for a company (any company)not to fix any problems. and that is really my issue with rodzilla which goes way back. as far as sam goes, honestly don't care in general about it or the company. there are too many things to play and if that gets boring i will just play with myself:)

Die Hard
06-17-2005, 08:06 AM
if that gets boring i will just play with myself:)I'm sure Nitro would help you out :)

07-05-2005, 02:27 PM
Personally I think it's extremely telling that you were still complaining about me a month after I'd last posted. I'm not going to waste my time going any deeper into that, I think it's pretty obvious to most anyone but yourself biggd.

i find people such as rodzilla annoying to just accept that and make it seem ok for a company (any company)not to fix any problems. and that is really my issue with rodzilla which goes way back.

I would looooooooooove to see where I said it's ok for companies not to fix problems with their products. See, the difference between you and I is I complained for a few months about 1.50 not making it anywhere after BETA, you continue to complain years later. Not once did I ever say it's ok for a company to release a game with crap netcode, then say they're going to fix it, and then not fix it, but I really don't care enough about Serious Sam (or any other game really) to have it bugging the **** out of me for years...

07-05-2005, 02:46 PM
Well Rod you have to understand that there are still quite a few people here that still play Sam regularly. If I was still playing the game and dealing with the netcode problems on a daily basis, it would probably bug me too.

07-05-2005, 03:10 PM
Which is why I stopped playing.

07-05-2005, 06:13 PM
It doesn't bug me and I still play almost everyday. Still the most fun game I have to play, even with it's problems.

If it is true that Sam2 doesn't have deathmatch then it looks like I will continue playing the Second Encounter and save my money.