View Full Version : finally

05-20-2005, 12:12 AM
i get to rest and relax. i, met with some friends to see star wars last night @ 12:01 am. i didnt get home until 4 in the morning and slept all day:) . anyway, if anyone was looking to see it, they will be impressed as usual. there were actually people there all day waiting for the opening of the movie but i guess if they enjoy it that much, god bless them. it really was worth the money which is rare considering the movies put out today.

so anyway, what i am posting for is i went and bought guildwars and would like some help if anyone would like to offer it. i bought the collectors edition for 79 bucks because i am not sure what i actually needed. i have yet to open the box so if anyone could please let me know if i need to do anything first or any suggestions before i install. all help and suggestions are appreciated with much love.

05-20-2005, 01:02 AM
Here is a link to help ya get started. I think the Collectors edition gives you a shirt/mic and headet and a few months of Team Speak for free.


Caged Anger
05-20-2005, 01:06 AM
okay Biggs, go with me on this one.....pull out a knife, break the seal..... ;-)

05-21-2005, 01:33 AM
okay Biggs, go with me on this one.....pull out a knife, break the seal..... ;-)
thanks ****er, i just sliced my finger:(

05-21-2005, 01:40 AM
lol!!! :P now open the box lol!!

05-21-2005, 04:28 PM
To Biggs and whoever, I would be glad to help you in any way possible to help get you started.

This is my short and sweet description of the game. Read my lips, 'MY' short and sweet description of the game. Someone will come behind me with the "Hey you forgot about the ..." crap. That's ok, let them write their own, i'm just touching the highlites as I remember them and so I don't give you information overload and scare you off. ;)

Anyways, when you first start Guildwars, you can create either a Role playing for PvE (player verses environment) or PvP (player verses player) character. There is a limit of 4 total characters that you can create. You use the first 3 to make the fourth. There are six differnt professions to choose from, each char can have two different professions, a main and a sub. The different combos and the ability to respec you char on the fly (for free) to suit the need makes this game fun! PvE in this game is fun and isn't a grind like in some games. You could reach level 20 in a matter of a few weeks by just goofing of with 'casual' play or you can get there in as little as a few days.

When you first start out, you are in what they call, Pre-searing Ascolon. It's made up of a few small zones with different villages/towns/forts in them wher you will find merchants. It's sort of a a beginners section where you learn how to play the game, earn some spells/skills by doing quests and learn how to use them, earn some money, etc ...

Look for the NPCs (Non Player Characters) in the different towns/zones with a "!" (it's hard to see on the forum, but it's an exclamation mark) above their heads. I would stay in Pre until you have done every quest you can find, reach at least level 7-8 (only takes about 4-6 hours depending ...) and need to have at least 800g so you can get your new armor. I had to add that but, I will give you the money needed to get you started once you reach Post-searing. Once in post, you can't go back to pre so I/we can't help too much other than with advice.

Long story short, there are quests you do along the way to get to level 20. At first group size is limited to 2, then to 4, to 6 and then 8. You do quests called co-op missions to unlock other zones. There are tons of peeps begging willing to group in the different areas and even if you don't want to group with real players, Guildwars has what they call henchmen that are NPCs that you can invite to group with you and they play different roles like melee, caster, healer, etc ... Rinse and repeat until 20, that's pretty much the PvE story.

In this game you follow a storyline and the unfold before you as you play. I have to admit, the PvE is a joy to go thru even the second time around, not sure how much i'll enjoy it the 3rd. At least it will be faster because i'll know what to do. In some other games like DAoC it takes months and months of grinding it out on the same ol' friggin' mobs over and over and over, day after day after day ... not to mention getting artifact items and those long ass master levels. That is BORING and looking back, I can't believe I went thru all that CRAP! :down:

Moving on to PvP:
The 'end game' is setup so you can group with others to go out and battle head to head with other groups in what they call 8v8. There are smaller arenas to do 4v4 so you can learn the ropes and stuff.

There's 2 different ways to 8v8:
1) When you first start Guildwars, you can create either a PvP character using the pre made builds that Guildwars has and go have fun. No need to PvE at all. Lots of people just do this, that's ok, but ... you don't have access to all the items to help compete against the best.

2) Like I said earlier, you can make 4 total characters. The game is designed to use the 1st 3 char. spots to make PvE chars. With those you level to 20 and unlock skills/items with the different classes. Let's say you roll 3 chars, one a Elem/Monk, one a Warrior/Necro and one a Ranger/Mesmer and get them all to 20, unlock the different skills/items for each of them, you can roll a 4th using any of the 6 to make a uber character.

Whats cool is that you can delete it and reroll another in about 2 minutes and be ready to go again if you don't like it. If your group needs a healer you can roll a Monk/whatever or if they need a meatsheld you can roll a Warrior/whatever. I'm sure i've skipped some good stuff but i'm pretty sure you get the picture.

See ya ingame! :thumbs:

05-21-2005, 06:25 PM
BIGG! Yeah! I have a toon that I was about to go post w/ (you'll learn that later), but I would be happy to stick around and help you for a while first! Gimme a PM if you want some assistance!

He Is Legend
05-22-2005, 06:47 PM
If you need help in game Biggs ask me

my game name is Synthetic casualtie

05-23-2005, 01:07 AM
Yeah I have the CE too. Whenever you emote your char's hands glow, thats the Divine Aura crap. You also get a Logitech Internet Chat Headset, 3 months free TeamSpeak, an artbook, and the soundtrack. IMO it was a waste for me, since I have used none of it except for the artbook. Biggs, my ranger is still in pre since I just created it today, maybe we can quest together while your still in pre.