View Full Version : Anyone play EQ2?

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-01-2005, 11:23 PM
Any good?

Doc Holliday
06-02-2005, 02:55 AM
Well me and Kat play, but have decided that it is not worth it in the end game. It is all fun in the start, but once you get to the high end of the game there is really nothing in store for you. Like the raiding is total not raiding... you can only have 4 grps of 6 at tha max. The mobs that you fight hit the tank like 2x and your tank is a gonner...
The game itselfs is not an anyways fast paced... It can take you forever to get one lvl.... Dont get me wrong, they have some awesome rewards by playing the gaming... but as far as having something to do when you get there it isnt... They seem to change things in the game to much as well.... atm they are in the state of nerfing a lot of zones as well as toons.... so not sure what it will be like after they complete this update...
Kat has a lvl 45 Warden(Druid) and I have a lvl 42 Monk(fighter).... after seeing what it was like watching Kat I noticed in raiding and in game play it is not as fun because there is really nothing to look forward to in the game... raiding sucks do to the limited amount of toons able to join in....she really enjoyed the game and played it almost 24/7 until she got to like lvl 43 and saw that there was nothing really left in the game.... I quit almost all together do to the fact that I know what raiding is from eq1 and I dont see it here...
Always if you have any other questions about it send Kat a pm and she will fill ya in... she knows the game from start to finish and is the best if ya need help with it... as well as if you need a quest run through...

06-02-2005, 05:48 AM
Getting bored with GW are we?

06-02-2005, 01:20 PM
Machine, take a look at WoW. If someone on here has bought the game recently, they should have a 10 day guest pass you can use. Note that characters from guest accounts can't be transferred to your real account when you buy the game.

06-02-2005, 02:18 PM
World of Warcraft for the win. :)

Man, I'm such a sellout. :(

Doc Holliday
06-02-2005, 06:37 PM
yeah WoW is where me and Kat are going when we our eq2 accounts sell.... all tho we have a few questions... like cheats... are they really used that much.... if so we dont think we are going to try it... not into all the bots and such

06-02-2005, 06:49 PM
There are no WoW bots or cheats that I am aware of. Blizzard is very good and finding and stopping any. If you guys join a PvE server join Aggramar. We have had minimal downtime and you can find me and Death Engineer there. :)

OUTLAWS 9.99repeating^32
06-02-2005, 08:23 PM
You can find my opinion about the game here (http://gamemecca.net/forums/article.php?a=40). Also, you can check out other reviews at GameRankings (http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/561210.asp).

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-02-2005, 09:22 PM
How much is WoW per month?

OUTLAWS The Machine
06-02-2005, 09:23 PM
Getting bored with GW are we?

a little. Not really gotten to the PvP part yet though. All the missions were fun the first time through, but not very exciting the second round.

06-02-2005, 09:48 PM
Yes. After the end of the free month included with the game, you will need a subscription in order to continue playing the game. You have three options, as you will see when you create your account: a month-to-month package at $14.99 per month, a three-month plan at $13.99 per month, or a six-month plan at $12.99 per month. You can also substitute game cards, sold at major game retailers, for the monthly subscription.

You can read the FAQ here: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/faq/

Also, you are picking a great time to join if you do because Battlegrounds is going to be released in about a week or so.

06-02-2005, 11:59 PM
a little. Not really gotten to the PvP part yet though. All the missions were fun the first time through, but not very exciting the second round.
A bud and I are looking for consistant people to be online for DAOC. On Igraine atm, but willing to go to other servers and realms. :cool:

Doc Holliday
06-03-2005, 02:03 AM
The reason i ask about cheats is do to it stating such on the website....

WoW World of Warcraft Free Trial

Because World of Warcraft will have a monthly fee, most people will want to test the game before they subscribe to it. Therefore World of Warcraft will have a free trial where people can try the game for a limited period of time.

The trial period will probably last for 1-4 weeks, enough time for someone to try the game and decide whether or not it is worth paying for. The trial will probably not have any limits (except for the time limit); it will be just like playing the full version of the game. It is still unsure if a Free Trial period will be available at the time of release.

Want to buy World of Warcraft Gold at real cheap prices, (I deleted site name) is the trusted place to buy.

Looking for World of Warcraft cheats, exploits, hacks, guides, strategies, and more? Get it all at (I took out the name of the site because I dont promote cheating....)

Silent Sam
06-15-2005, 10:16 PM
I guess I'm the one of the few EQ2 fans here :)

Never played WoW, but have heard that its fun. I really like the overall look and feel of EQ2. It has a kind of grandiose feel whenever you enter new territories. The graphics are amazing BUT you gotta have good hardware if you really want to appreciate it. If you don't have a great gaming rig I don't think I'd bother with EQ2.

I've been playing for many months now and its totally got me sucked in. Its pretty much the only game I play right now. No PvP as of yet but if I wanted to beat on someone I'd probably fire up Counterstrike anyway.

If you do check it out I play on Faydark. Send a tell to Razerclaw or Scyde and I'll make sure to hook up you Gamemecca folks :)