View Full Version : New Sig

Mad Fox
06-05-2005, 01:01 AM
Just got mine from Caged, enjoy all

Caged Anger
06-05-2005, 01:48 AM
i might touch it up a bit, the writing is still hard to see...

Mad Fox
06-05-2005, 09:29 PM
ok thanks

06-06-2005, 04:21 AM
www.swishzone.com - upgrade your sig skills guys :)

looks very well

Caged Anger
06-06-2005, 10:22 AM
Hybrid, are the discontinued products freeware now then? I don't see them asking for my credit card so I guess so but I wanted to be sure.

and if it is, Hybrid I will send you something in a box (not sure what, but it may be edible...) :thumbs:

06-07-2005, 06:31 PM
pm me if u need medipack for it hehe ;)

Caged Anger
06-13-2005, 06:35 PM
okay, downloaded the lite version and haven't a clue how to work it. Its nothing like MX is so could you gimme some pointers here?

06-13-2005, 09:11 PM
its much easier than MX
first of all set dimensions -- located at right control panel near your blank project called "movie"
400x100 is my sigs dimensions

right click on blank, choose insert --> image
put something for background in for test (same dimensions)
now, insert --> text
take a look on top of swish
there is timeline drawn in lots of white cubes... and your test.jpg
this is where you will add and edit effects (same as working with sound editors like ejay)
ok lets add some text
press insert (not on movie, somewhere in area) --> text
write down something in rightpanel,,, i love GM for test
take a look at timeline, there we go, our text appears with timeline
scale/position ur text with mouse for example right/bottom
paint it if you want
press "Tint" in rightpanel
choose alpha --> transparent (ye ye that what it means - opacity)
put it for example 50%

okay now lets move to effects
head to timeline
press first free block after text
press add effect button located very near (green FX icon)
choose looping continously
play movie
Thats it, export it to swf rought file menu

in same way manipulate with images (best effects if u break then into peaces (right click))
my sig:
3 same images of fairy, one totaly white, second blue, third coloured
i added flash effect to white one and scaled it bigger, then aligned coloured on top.
then on top of coloured i put blue one, divided into 50 pieces and exploded with effect.
thats it.
download effectsin website
Good luck mate