View Full Version : Free Ninendo DS or Nokia N-Gage System!

06-08-2005, 08:28 AM
Free Ninendo DS or Nokia N-Gage System! Link (http://www.pdv001.com/index.php?id=o000064)

Ban my ass now!!!!!!

solid snake295
06-08-2005, 09:01 AM
if it was a free PSP i might have clicked that link, but its not, so you just earned yourself a life time supply of teh bann!!!
free of charge!!!!!1111 :ha:

Mad Fox
06-08-2005, 10:19 AM
bye !!!!!!11

06-08-2005, 11:04 AM

Read the rules punk. :D


Die Hard
06-08-2005, 11:21 AM
:wave: Cheerio

06-08-2005, 11:54 AM
this says it all (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama.php)
:loser: :loser: