View Full Version : First SS2 mod announced!

Dangerous Dan
06-14-2005, 05:46 PM

this is cool, we'll have a cool multiplayer mod that people might actually play and have servers hosted for this time around :D

06-14-2005, 05:58 PM
How can they announce their mod without seeing the core game, code, design or mapping tools yet? Did they get a sneak peak or are they just making plans to make this mod?

Dangerous Dan
06-14-2005, 06:15 PM
How can they announce their mod without seeing the core game, code, design or mapping tools yet? Did they get a sneak peak or are they just making plans to make this mod? likely just plans to use the serious engine 2... CAD creations are pretty loyal to the seriously! community, so it's not unexpected. although the first BTB was pretty cool, so now that the mod team has some experience with this kinda thing (multiplayer total conversions) i can only think the next product will have a far more profesional edge to it.

06-14-2005, 06:19 PM
excuse me, but..... :rofl:

Dangerous Dan
06-14-2005, 06:36 PM
excuse me, but..... :rofl: have you ever played the game? :raiseseyebrow:

if there was even 5 people in a map it was faster and more frantic than Seirous Sam in many respects... it was simply made well after SS was already dead, hence no one played it...

06-14-2005, 06:59 PM
I'm sorry, grasp away

Dangerous Dan
06-14-2005, 07:26 PM

on a side note, its not uncommon for mods to be announced prior to an engine's release... just look at HL2 and Doom3...

06-14-2005, 09:03 PM


Die Hard
06-14-2005, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the info Dan. And Pure, go ruin someone else's day.....

06-15-2005, 01:42 AM
so excited..... NOT!

06-15-2005, 01:43 AM
this game will be a total flop.

06-15-2005, 02:07 AM
this game will be a total flop.
and Shotgun,
go ruin someone else's day.....


:wave: DH :tounge:

06-15-2005, 02:31 AM
this game will be a total flop.
wow, you should be playing quake or utk or something else instead of whining about sam2, before it comes out even. if you feel like croteam has abused you over the $10 you payed for sam, then you need to move on....

Dangerous Dan
06-15-2005, 02:38 AM
i used be think pure was pretty cool, but i'm begining to think i didn't get to know him well enoguh wheni made that decision...

06-15-2005, 02:57 AM
News about Sam2 should be expected on a site that was founded on SS:SE, so I don't understand why everyone is getting themselves all fired up about it. This shouldn't be a huge deal. Hopefully, they'll realease a demo and everyone can give their opinions after they've played that!

Anyway, Dan thanks for posting this info. I'm suprised they can already start making a mod without the game to work with, but I guess anything's possible!

06-15-2005, 03:35 AM
As long as someone remakes all the old ssam:se maps for fragmatch (except maybe red station and compound) i will be happy.

06-15-2005, 11:37 AM
i used be think pure was pretty cool, but i'm begining to think i didn't get to know him well enoguh wheni made that decision...
always keep your options open, and never take things to Seriously :D


Jim, very profound post :thumbs: :thumbs:

wow, you should be playing quake or utk or something else instead of whining about sam2, before it comes out even. if you feel like croteam has abused you over the $10 you payed for sam, then you need to move on....

06-15-2005, 12:50 PM
i don't think ssam2 is going to flop but i do think that it is not going to be what it was in previous versions. what i mean by that is i think croteam is really aiming at the console industry more then the pc industry. what other expect like myself is the same type of game it was with sam1. i think people are entitled to say what ever they feel here since it is a public forum without being ridiculed. from what i see so far (and just from what i have seen on the web) is the game will be multi-player but yet have i seen a death match pic or video. i think that's what shotgun means by it's going to flop because it will not pull the same type of community back as it did when all of gm was playing. i could be wrong because i can only base an opinion from what i have seen around the www.

now as far as croteam goes, i think people do have the right to be annoyed since they have made promises and never kept them. people like rodzilla who feel that people do not have the right to complain because of the problems in the game. when someone tells me to stop bitching about something that should of been fixed, my answer is go f yourself. people have the right to say they are unhappy and there are reasons they feel that way. where is the patch? i recall the days when rodzilla would have a tantrum when people would ask that in the serious forums. "they are working on it" is what everyone continued to hear. no updates, no nothing. it doesnt matter really because croteam will be making most of it's money from sales on the xbox. i do not blame them because more people will be playing it on a console. actually, dd made a comment in another thread about just gaming on a console which is kind of where the world will be going in a year or two. when computer parts cost as much as they do, it really makes no sense to be wasting all that money just to play games when they are available to be played on a set top box. hell, a video card today that is as equal to what is in these consoles will cost you 400 bucks or more (a lot more if you live out of the states). that's just the video card and not counting the rest of the computer that you will need to run these new games. atleast a console will last you a few years without the need to upgrade any parts other then addons to the console. croteam will not have to worry about updates either for a console. i guess it just makes sense that they built ssam2 with all of this in mind and with that people expecting sam to be as it was will be discouraged. i am sure most will still buy it regardless that has bought the previous versions.

as far as ssam2 goes, it does not matter when they release it because i am expecting the worst. if things turn out to be good, then i guess i can be impressed and or happy. but i would not bet on it from judging the size of the company and the history.

Die Hard
06-15-2005, 01:05 PM
If Sam2 doesn't have decent on-line, multiplayer frag matches then I will probably hang up my boots.

At the moment I believe the game is worth all the personal hassle it creates. I don't think even I could justify that with any other game. No other games give me a buzz like Sam can.

Fingers and toes crossed......

06-15-2005, 01:20 PM
Well said DH.


06-15-2005, 01:44 PM
I'll keep my fingers crossed. Hope SS2 is better then SE :D .

its a fun game, only the annoying netcode :down: . When its worse i gladly switch to ut.:thumbs:

06-15-2005, 01:55 PM
If Sam2 doesn't have decent on-line, multiplayer frag matches then I will probably hang up my boots.

At the moment I believe the game is worth all the personal hassle it creates. I don't think even I could justify that with any other game. No other games give me a buzz like Sam can.

Fingers and toes crossed......

this is true because we still play it.

what i really want to know is how did you cross your toes:)

06-15-2005, 02:40 PM
Hey, BiggD, your post there pretty much sums up my thoughts of the PC vs console gaming scene. I mean, to be honest, i love PC gaming, and I was born and bred on it... but i simply cannot afford to constantly upgrade... I'm currently running a 4 year old PC, and it dosent even register on the scale of computer crappiness....

Now a Playstation 2, which came out a year before i got my computer, orignally cost like 1000-1500$ less, and continues to have amazing games come out for it, in addition to being online playable......... I scoffed when i first saw the expected prices of the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3, but then i realized that that is about the price of a fancy new graphics card.....


Dangerous Dan
06-15-2005, 08:29 PM
BiggD - those are my sentiments exactly. Basically, when i first got my comp i was on top of the world, couldn't have been happier. But man, that was sure short sighted of me looking back... right now I'm tempted to simply buy a nice cheap vid card for $150 or so, just enough to play Serious Sam 2, and then call it quits for the time being... $1800 is a helluvalot of money for an unemployed student te be dishing out every 2 years. When ya think about it, one could go out and buy an XBOX360, PS3, and Revolution - all at high launch prices - and translating that value over to the PC would get you something barely consiterted compitent for serious gaming.

Ra\/en - yeah, we talked about thatrecently, but that post pretty much sums things up very nicely in print form...

06-16-2005, 01:16 AM
If there is no good DM, this game will give me 10 hours of joy until I throw it out.

06-16-2005, 01:26 AM
I bought an X-box last November to play Halo2. I finished the game and then went to check out online play. I really wasn't that impressed. It had an UT2k4 feel to it that I don't like. I did have a flying game that was pretty cool to play online. Well, I never really fired that sucker up after a couple months of play time. I sold to a guy at work and I am happy I sold before the news of the new X-box coming out. I don't know I just didn't like the feel of the console games compared to pc-games.

I for one will not be buying any of the new consoles. I will be bucking up one of these days and start putting together a new pc. I haven't really had a reason yet to build as this any of the new games in the last year or two I didn't care for.

Now for Sam 2

06-16-2005, 02:33 AM
well dd, i am in this field because i love it but i see something changing. something very big is happening and those of us in this field should be paying close attention or we could end without a job. i have been designing systems, servers, networks etc for a while and looking at the progression in technology these days, it really doesnt pay to go out and buy the top of the line anything. i actually have a new system a few months because it's what i live for but what i see going on in technology it makes me wonder if i am going to be able to keep up or worst, do i have the energy for what's going to change.

i have been discussing these thoughts with others around me and when i saw your post regarding the bf benchmarks, i looked at what you said and it dawned on me that what i am seeing is actually going to happend.

like tip mentioned he didn't like the feel of the console and myself i feel the same way but looking forward or ahead of what is soon to be coming to a bestbuy near you is far bigger then just a game console. these new consoles are super computers which will both have technology a computer in anyone elses house don't have. i would bet my kidney that many people will be looking at a small os (based on unix) to be running along with this console which actually should be considered an entertainment console rather just a gaming console. there will be people streaming their movies, music, pictures and any other kind of media through this device onto their hd setup. this is the future and i guess i realize this because i have been designing a media center for the home which must be affordable to the average household. using ms's media center os along with let's say the xbox360 and you pretty much have anything and everything right in your living room without all the load fans blowing. right now they sell media center devices that allow you to do this. dlink has it's own unit based on a unix os but linksys has one specifically designed for ms media center. this device which costs over 300 bucks does nothing but connect to the media center via home lan (wireless/cable) and allows you to stream your media. to me that's not worth 300 bucks because you can actually if you wanted to build a pc for that much. the thing about building a pc for this operation is the units just do not take the shape for your entertainment center. now you will have this console unit which does everything and allow you to do your basic web operation and e-mail along with playing games and you know what? that's all many people use their computer for.

with in a year, people will have more of a choice to use different operating systems. the mac will be much cheaper and affordable that people will switch to it for the home. computers will go into a transition where as they get smaller, they will end up as set top boxes unless you are using a computer for professional use. the set top boxes will be just as powerful and ibm see's something others arent paying attention to which is the cell processor. i enjoyed slices comments about these chips because he made some points which are going to happend just not in the kind of pc we are use to. i try to think the industry is being built for the generation behind me and the generation behind you. from the hard drives we use today to the actual cases we use to house all these expensive parts, it will be completely obsolete and useless in the next 5 years. i really think the only moving part in a pc will be a small fan that we won't even see.

as each part gets faster the heat goes up. i am not sure if any of you had the chance to ever see an amiga computer operate but in those days, those computers were so far advanced that they still did things the pc is just about able to do now. they also did these things with less then 1/8 of the resources. that should tell anyone that all this hardware is doing very little compared to what the programs are being designed for. really windows was a step backwards but they were the one who pushed and monopolized the industry pushing all of the should of beens aside. this era can change and it just might with all the new plans going on.

so will buying a console take over the pc gaming industry? imo, it most definetly will with all the features and power of these super units. you can also bet that although the console will be cheaper, the add on units will cost you in the long run. who needs a computer that will get viruses and burn so much more energy when it could be in a rom chip built into a small box that does it all>?

i myself am sick of the hardware industry. there are no laws that prevent the average user from getting ripped off. things like 20 different series of a video card. who the hell can keep up with all the naming schemes? it's so easy to spend 300 bucks for a card that you thought was the best and it actually sucks. ati, nvidia and let us not forget amd and intel. they all have bs naming schemes which do not represent the actual products and it's offerings. to this day the geforce 4mx cards should really be the prime example for marketing scams. they are all guilty and the people who pay are people who just don't know any better which is usually 75% of the people buying this crap. while these companies are racing each other to release the faster parts and expecting people to pay 500 bucks for it only to have it knocked off in another 6 months by something faster and runs hotter. people need to realize that their are patterns to game releases along with os releases and that should be the only time they need to upgrade. unless you have tons of money it does not pay to spend that much to play the 2-3 games that can actually take advantage of the features. besides, who unless you are getting stuttering suffering from a 3 yr old video card, i doubt anyone who is good at any game will lose to someone who sucks and has better hardware. i mean skill has to account for something somewhere right?

wow, i really went off here and way off the subject. i forgot what this thread was about..... oh yeah, ssam2---what? yes ssam2 is coming out right?

06-16-2005, 04:55 PM
:watch: :thumbs: