View Full Version : GP of Indianapolis...

06-19-2005, 08:16 PM
I don't have any words to describe it. :mad:


Black Rose
06-19-2005, 10:23 PM
It was a ghost race....a total farce and it was embarrassing. The reglement should be redone.
Very sad that nobody was able to find any solutions....blame the FIA http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/motz.gif

06-20-2005, 12:49 AM
And now race fans we bring you the "Formula NONE" highlights from Indy ...

/patiently taps foot

/goes to pee

/still waiting

/keep scrolling

That's right race fans, there were not any.

That's truely a sad situation when they couldn't work out something and give the fans what they paid for. I understand the tires were supposed to be unsafe and that's totally Michelin's fault for not pre-testing enough. The only team that refused the chicane was the Ferrari team which happen to run Bridgestones. When the FIA can't stand up to them, then you have to wonder who is running things. Last time I checked the F in FIA does not stand for Ferrari. Also I was shocked to learn that F1's field was only 20 cars for the race and that sucks compared to the 42 car fields that NASCAR draws, not to mention the drivers that don't qualify fast enough to make a NASCAR race and are sent home. I also read that they only sold around 100,000 tickets compared to the 300,000 they sell on the 500 and the NASCAR Indy race weekends.

I hope none of you wasted you money going to this ... hmmm i'm not sure what to call it, you sure can't call it a race. :down:

06-20-2005, 12:55 AM
Well I have to correct myself because I kind of made a mistake, they did have one highlight for the "Indy Formula NONE" weekend and that was provided by F1's President & CEO Bernie Ecclestone's when he made this stupid ass comment, "You know i've got one of those wonderful ideas ... women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances".


06-20-2005, 02:53 AM
How does Michelin not have safe tires for this race? How? HOW??!!:mad:
The blame rests squarely on their shoulders. imo.

BTW-Can we please get an American Grand Prix at a permanent circuit like Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, or Road Atlanta?? That temporary set-up at Indy is an embarrasment.

06-20-2005, 04:38 AM
I wonder what Psi has to say about it considering him and his wife made the trip to go to the race.

Die Hard
06-20-2005, 11:48 AM
The most pathetic thing I've ever seen!

BTW. The reason Ferrari refused the chicane was becuase the only way they could win was if the other teams didn't race. They needed the points and got them.

06-20-2005, 02:25 PM
"You know i've got one of those wonderful ideas ... women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances".


Nah, just keep em naked :D

::: DARK PSI :::
06-20-2005, 02:34 PM
He is an absolute moron for saying that comment to the public.

Well I have to correct myself because I kind of made a mistake, they did have one highlight for the "Indy Formula NONE" weekend and that was provided by F1's President & CEO Bernie Ecclestone's when he made this stupid ass comment, "You know i've got one of those wonderful ideas ... women should be dressed in white like all the other domestic appliances".


::: DARK PSI :::
06-20-2005, 02:35 PM
Agreed. It is time for the US Grand Prix to move on. Perhaps Long Beach here we come?

How does Michelin not have safe tires for this race? How? HOW??!!:mad:
The blame rests squarely on their shoulders. imo.

BTW-Can we please get an American Grand Prix at a permanent circuit like Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, or Road Atlanta?? That temporary set-up at Indy is an embarrasment.

::: DARK PSI :::
06-20-2005, 03:21 PM
My heart goes out to all the fans that traveled from overseas to see the race. They interviewed one family from Columbia and here was the total price.. (give or take a grand.. i am pulling this from memory)

Airfare for the 8 of 'em: ~$5,000
Hotel: ~$2,700
Tickets to race: ~$1,360
Food: God knows

That is over $7,000 for the trip for one week. That is absurd and they don't even get to see Montoya race. What a crap fest.

I feel so bad for them and others who made the trip to be so let down.

Shame big time on the FIA. :down:

It was a ghost race....a total farce and it was embarrassing. The reglement should be redone.
Very sad that nobody was able to find any solutions....blame the FIA http://www.my-smileys.de/smileys2/motz.gif

06-20-2005, 07:30 PM
In a perfect world everyone should get back every bit of their money back, but there is no way that's going to happen. They should at the very least, refund the price of the tickets back to the fans and the cost of doing so passed on the FIA, Michelin and to Bernie Ecclestone directly and the two companies that he owns, Formula One Holdings and the Formula One Constructors' Association.

That's too much power for one man.

DP hopefully your race babe will give it another chance. /crosses fingers :D

BTW There still might be a slimmer of hope. Pretty interesting read.

::: DARK PSI :::
06-20-2005, 07:47 PM
Cool, thx Shoggy..