View Full Version : Sammy preview
06-28-2005, 03:59 AM
06-28-2005, 05:39 AM
Very nice
Wondering if there will be a frag match using not only new maps but the old ones too.
Thx for the preview Sho. cheers
06-28-2005, 07:55 AM
Very nice
Wondering if there will be a frag match using not only new maps but the old ones too.
Thx for the preview Sho. cheers
From what i read in various PC magazines over here there will be no fragmatch at all :(
Black Rose
06-28-2005, 08:00 AM
From what i read in various PC magazines over here there will be no fragmatch at all :(
:eek: OH NOO :bawling: :mad: :(
06-28-2005, 10:31 AM
From what i read in various PC magazines over here there will be no fragmatch at all :(
that's bizzar!
I got to go with Huggy's son, and that it looks nintendo, even the health and armor scales look cheesey.
I really didn't want to wait until 2006 for the next fun FPS to come out :mad:
06-28-2005, 10:34 AM
From what i read in various PC magazines over here there will be no fragmatch at all :(Add that to this little nugget from the article
Price bumped to $50; can the simple Sam formula hold up over twice the length? Without Fragmatch I don't believe I would spend that much for a game that will eventually end up on the shelf gathering dust.
The White Lycanthrope
06-28-2005, 11:41 AM
:bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
No fragMatch ???????
Impossible !!!!!!!!
:bawling: :bawling: :bawling:
06-28-2005, 05:38 PM
Same here, no fragmatch, no money from me.
06-28-2005, 06:29 PM
From what i read in various PC magazines over here there will be no fragmatch at all :(
Which magazines have you seen that in?
06-28-2005, 06:33 PM
If theres no deathmatch theres no way I'm paying 50 bucks for it. One of the things that made the orginal Sam game great was the co-op and frantic deathmatch but we here at GM don't need to be told that. If this IS true I'm sure this is not only gonna piss a lot of people off but the game will probably flop as well unless its as good as Half Life 2 which I seroiusly doubt.
06-28-2005, 06:52 PM
I just talked with our Take2 rep and he said they will not be talking about multiplayer details "for a while". I am completely frustrated trying to get information about this damn game. Nobody will say anything and if you aren't a huge gaming site, they pretty much ignore you.
Croteam has gone from a developer that communicated nonstop with fans and respected our opinions, to hiring a firm (Take2) that not only ignores, but seems to enjoy taking a virtual crap on the fan community.
06-28-2005, 07:20 PM
No Fragmatch=No Sam2 for me.
I don't care if the game was $10 I wouldn't buy it.
Now if it has Fragmatch I'll pay whatever. I just don't like buying games and finishing them. Once I get to the end, the game is over for me. Sure don't like looking at all the wooden-knickels I have on my not playing anymore shelf. I have gotten more selective lately. I don't think I have bought a new game in almost a year. My last was DOAC and that is on my don't play anymore shelf now too.
06-29-2005, 01:55 AM
croteam sucks
fuc k croteam and take2 for not putting in fragmatch i hope your sales drop through the floor and you go bankrupt you money-hungry assholes
06-29-2005, 03:19 AM
you people are going to make rodzilla upset.:D
like i said, they do not care about the deathmatch market. they are strictly aiming at the console market.
there are other games coming, so who really cares at this point? they will still make a lot of money regardless and really, that's all it's about.
06-29-2005, 10:04 AM
Which magazines have you seen that in?
It was in one of the major PC gaming magazines over here in germany (GameStar) and they quoted the developers "Deathmatch? Others can do that better"
According to the Magazine they said that at the E3
OUTLAWS high ping camper
06-29-2005, 03:08 PM
you people are going to make rodzilla upset.:D
like i said, they do not care about the deathmatch market. they are strictly aiming at the console market.
there are other games coming, so who really cares at this point? they will still make a lot of money regardless and really, that's all it's about.
You hit the nail on the head Mr. Big. The PC market is an after thought. The game was developed for consoles because that's where the real money is. Yeh, I know there will be a PC version, but with such a small market, any bugs will be ignored.
Will I buy the game?..........yes.......will I pay $50?.......I'd like to brag that I won't buy it until it's sitting in the clearance bin, but that would be a lie. I'll pay the $50 because I love the game.
In a couple months a demo will come out with some gaming magazine and we'll all go nuts.
So let's all try not to bash the hell out of a game that hasn't even produced a demo yet. :D
06-29-2005, 04:41 PM
I really don’t care for how it looks and what people think especially a 9 year old about SS new version but that it has the frag and without it I can’t play it. SS is the only game I would once in a while play because it’s been around a long time and tradition. SS is a game I would leave install on my system instead of UT or any other game. They are all the same bullsh1T shot-them-up but SS has been with me for a long time and I feel many who have played this game as long as I have may feel the same way.
We been waiting for it to come for a long time and promises have been broken but it has made progress after so many years of waiting and it would be nice to have frag and keep the tradition going after so many years.
06-29-2005, 11:18 PM
So let's all try not to bash the hell out of a game that hasn't even produced a demo yet. :D
:thumbs: What he said !!
06-30-2005, 12:51 AM
So, the part you played at E3 sucked?
07-05-2005, 02:15 PM
This is better than Comedy Central...
1) Croteam didn't "hire a firm (Take 2)" - You see, I know this might seem complicated, but most developers don't have the millions of dollars up-front that is required for developing a video game. So companies exist, and they're called publishers, and they provide the money for development. Still with me?, when a company ponies up $10+ million for a game they won't see any results on at all for 3-5 years, they usually want some say in the deal. This includes such things as handling marketing and PR, because...GASP...a company that shells out all the money for something might just be interested in the sales of the game, which are directly linked into advertising and PR. Another thing that comes with the deal is that the publisher tells the developer what they can and cannot do, and especially with regards to PR, as the publisher is usually handling it, they usually DO NOT want the developer to release information themselves, as it takes the control away from the publisher.
2) I'm not sure where you heard that there was talk about no deathmatch in the game at E3, because there wasn't. If you don't believe me you can load up the 30 minute video of the game during which I specifically asked the game's producer from Take 2 Europe about multiplayer modes other than co-op and he said they weren't saying anything at all. They still haven't.
Personally I would be extremely pissed if they didn't include deathmatch, but it's really a decision that 2K Games makes and while there's lots of reasons why I think it would be a bad idea, I can somewhat see their reasoning in it IF that is the case.
07-05-2005, 02:43 PM
My problem isn't so much with Croteam as it is with Take2. For a game that is coming out in 3 months, there really isn't that much info available right now that couldn't have been found out last month at E3. Look around at other games that are being released this fall and look how their developers and publishers handle their fan communities. Id, Epic, hell...even DreamCatcher posts on their forums, sends out PR emails, and at least answers their fans when they have questions.
Seriously and GameMecca are Croteam's top 2 fan communities and there really isn't any info being given to us that you can't find at one of the vanilla game media sites like Gamespy/IGN. You guys have some nice video that you took at E3, a trade-show any site can get into, and we have some old interviews that have juicy info from before Take2 took over.
The bottom line is that either Take2 should be on both of our forums staying in contact, or Croteam should have negotiated a better contract that at least lets them talk with their fans. Not release major info, just talk. There is no way Seriously would have grown as much if Croteam never posted there. The result now is that instead of being extremely excited for the next Sam, we are left frustrated and pointing to a generic game site for info.
07-05-2005, 03:16 PM
Hence one of the reasons I posted all 32 minutes of the video.. ;)
07-05-2005, 07:20 PM
Very well said Sal
Die Hard
07-05-2005, 07:48 PM
This is better than Comedy Central...Why do you think we keep coming back all the time ;)
I agree with Sal as well. We need stimulation for crying out loud!
07-05-2005, 08:23 PM
Personally I don't see why they can't just list what features the game will have because withholding information like what modes of play it will feature is just stupid. It's common practice to tell modes of play and what is new. It makes no sense since they have already confirmed it will have coop and yet they are all hush hush about if it will even have DM or not. :rolleyes:
I doubt Croteam would ever visit here or even see this, but if it does not have DM Croteam, I really hope you enjoy the few months of publicity you get from the initial release. Players can only go thru the coop modes so many times before the new will wears off and the CD finds it's way to the dusty shelf where games from companies that make bad decisions go to die. I think you and Take2 have made a major mistake in cutting out the players that kept this game going.
07-05-2005, 08:38 PM
There is one of two things happening here:
1) Croteam doesn't know if it will have enough time to finish other online modes than co-op so Take2 can't say. They wouldn't want to say something and then have to backtrack.
2) Take2 isn't releasing info about other modes because they want to slowly build the hype towards when it is released and they don't want to give all the info when the game is still a few months out.
Personally I hope its option 2 because if Croteam has been developing Sam 2 for 4 years and still doesn't know what will be done 3 months from release, then there is a major problem.
If this is just a case of Take2 slowly trickling out information to build hype as it gets closer, then its just an annoying publisher following some stupid PR gameplan, and Croteam is hopefully putting the final touches on all modes.
Or maybe there is even an option 3...Croteam has some insanely weird multiplayer mode that they don't want to release until its damn close to release to get a jump on all the competition.
Thanks to all the silence, we probably won't know until a week before release.
07-05-2005, 09:20 PM
Will Rock had nobody present...similar to SS2.
I'm not really sure what you're talking about, but I'll take a shot at responding anyway :)
SS2 had two official representatives - The game's PR manager from 2K Games, and the producer from Take 2 Europe. Croteam was originally planning on sending two people but that changed about a week and a half before the show, as they were too busy working on the game to get it out in several months and couldn't take the week off for E3.
07-07-2005, 02:36 AM
"Croteam was originally planning on sending two people but that changed about a week and a half before the show, as they were too busy working on the game to get it out in several months and couldn't take the week off for E3."
Too busy working on the game? They have been working on it for 4 years and you are saying that in the few months before the game is suppsoed ot come out, they are still frantically working on SS 2? This does not sound good at all.
Prepare to get the biggest bummer in gaming history guys. Do not expect anything great with Sam 2. Prepare for no DM. They only thing that can be done in that case is to create a DM mod, but that's an extrea hassle, as you can see, and I'm almost sure of Croteam not putting in an auto-download featuer, something Quake 3 had, and QIIIA is older than SSSE!
Free Styler
07-07-2005, 05:07 AM
No deathmatch = im not buying the game.
Tho im proud to say that i gave my efforts when i bought will rock and gave my 2 cents to the companie.
Tho there are other ways to get a game i still gave my 2 cents.
serious sam second encounter was my first online game.Wich is why i played it that much i think anyways.
I enjoyed every minute of it.
But these days companies have competition just like frag matches.
If you dont give information to people and expect and big boom then
im sorry but it does not work like that.
Having given "gasp"information to people who play the game would of been a good idea.
Now quake 4 seems like the way to go for me :)
serious sam second encounter will always be in my memories.
Never played the coop or the single player mode..oh sorry got to second level and played coop twice.
Well anyways was fun playing against all of you guys i played with in the past in frag matches.
I had fun every minute.
CROTEAM thanks for second encounter and hope the future is upon your reaches.
If you do include frag match, i'm still going for quake 4:)
07-07-2005, 09:04 PM
Too busy working on the game? They have been working on it for 4 years and you are saying that in the few months before the game is suppsoed ot come out, they are still frantically working on SS 2? This does not sound good at all.
Heh..maybe before you go on another rant like that, giving everyone such grand advice, you should make sure you have a clue what you're talking about first. The months prior to a game's release date are always packed with long hours and frenetic work, that's the way the development timeline for nearly every game ever made works (and it's also common in many other markets in software and even things as far away as mechanical engineering). It's usually referred to as crunch mode or crunch time, and if you would take a few deep breaths before mindlessly ranting against the development maybe you would have realized the logic in such things as deadlines and how it's oftentimes hard to have such perfect planning that you can meet a deadline without stressing over it or working longer hours.
Now maybe you realize why taking two members of a small development team and sending them on a 10 day vacation to LA a few months before the game's ship date (more important than normal deadlines for obvious reasons - you usually can't miss the ship date, although you can miss other deadlines without much consequence) would have been a bad idea.
07-07-2005, 10:30 PM
Maybe they were in the restroom for the 20 min I played the demo:rolleyes:
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