View Full Version : Video Cards for $200

06-28-2005, 04:34 AM
So now that I got my cousin comp and some other expenses outta the way I hope, if all goes well, to finally order those parts ive been wanting for a while and biggity bang get my new PC up and running. The question open for disscussion is which one of these 200 dollarish cards is better, the Geforce 6600gt or the Vanilla X800 128MB version.

I'm definatly going to the buy the MSI versions because I've had good experiances with all their stuff that I've bought and my cousins MSI X800 XL is kicking ass. I also like their game bundles compaired to the other companies. Keep in mind that I don't play favorites I've had both nVidia and ATI and i've liked them both. However I will say ATI has always been a bit more buggy than nVidia but nothing I can't handle.

1st choice the MSI Geforce 6600gt

2nd choice is the MSI X800 128MB version

I know the 6600gt has a faster core and memory clock but the X800 has a 256-bit mem interface, 12 pipes, and is open GL 2.0 (although the description in that model says the geforce is open GL 2.0 I really dont believe it seeing as how the rest of the 6600gt's are open GL 1.5) So i guess which would be the better buy is what I'm asking. More pipes and memory interface or faster clock speeds. Thanks for the input.
