View Full Version : BIGGs Ney York Lan in OCT

06-29-2005, 03:08 PM
Yo BIGGs.............what about it....you still haveing one or what?

07-08-2005, 09:31 PM
50 views and not 1 reply... Your last Lan looked amazing.

Die Hard
07-09-2005, 10:22 AM
:hmmm: NYC in October....

Mad Fox
07-09-2005, 01:01 PM
Sounds fun

07-11-2005, 07:48 PM
:hmmm: NYC in October....
if not, try Louisville in OCT, doesn't sound as fun, but Lanwar's rule!

you should see at least 4-5 {DS} peeps there, well, when we're not out :D

08-17-2005, 12:53 AM
Hello all, just want to post on this subject.

The question is am i going to be having this Lan party and the answer simply is I am planning on it and I want to. The problem I am having is where should I have it. As some may know NY is very expensive and Planning is key to this operation to make it affordable so people can make it. I originally planned on renting a hotel out but the problem with that is it will be too expensive if i do not get enough people to go to counter the costs.

My plans are as followed;
Have the party catered so people won't have to go out and buy food and also have some snacks there people can purchase along with soft drinks. I figured that some people may enjoy some real NY food instead of dast food which will add up in one's budget.

Have this party sometime in October.

Need to find out how many people are actually going to go so I can figure out how much this will cost and find a place that will be able to host this event.

After finding out who is going, setting arrangements for them so they will have a place to stay with out taking a mortgage.

I figure if poeple come on Friday, we can setup that night, go to some clubs or bars on Friday Night. I will have some staff helping or maybe doing all the setup for us as we party that Friday. Saturday, we Lan party until we drop and Sunday, who ever would like to go site seeing in Manhattan, I will take them on a tour myself and visit some of the nice parts of the city. I will most likely take that Monday off so if anyone is in the mood, we can party that night also in Manhattan.

Now There are Better AirPorts In NY. If anyone want's to see how much it would cost if they were flying they can look at...
Kennedy Airport
MacArthur Airport ---which is the best airport on Long Island.

I need to know who will be definetly be able to go so that this can be planned. I am sure that this will be like no other parthy you have been to because I am throwing it and will have many suprises that will make you turn away from your screen for a little. I suggest if you are planning on coming to be happy and prepared for nothing but fun and some memories to take home. I also ask if you are under 18 and would like to come, please have a parent come with you especially if it's your hot divorced mom:D . There will be no time for fighting here or no bad attitudes. Those must stay home if you are planning to come. Besides, for those that have never been to a Lan Party, the atmosphere is usually great.

I guess I can't say any more or plan any further until I get some sort of count of people that are going. Maybe some of you want to get together and drive along with each other or figure out another way to get to NY. If I do not see that many people that want to go, I will consider dropping these plans.

P.S. For those that have a problem bringing a computer will need to get in touch with me if they plan on coming. I will make sure you have (i have to word this correctly because someone will make a joke) a computer to play with that will also be fast enough to compete. No one should worry about this.

P.S.S Please post here suggestions along with the games everyone want's to play. I plan on having some pretty good prizes for the winners.

I hope to see those i have already met but wish to see those I have not yet:thumbs:


OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-17-2005, 01:33 AM
1. What is the minimum number of people you need to attend, in order to be able to afford this event?
2. What would the cost be per individual attending?
3. If more went (than the minimum) how much would/could the cost drop?
4. Do I get first dibs on the hot divorced Mom's?

08-17-2005, 02:21 AM
Hmm I have resorts... Maybe take it South? Jarvis one of Gods clans members will be here in October anyways and I plan on visiting him in Key Largo. We have a suite that can easily be converted in to a lan room and we pretty much are slow in October. I don't want to step on anyones toes but I will check my schedule and see if I can do something. The only problem with October in the Keys is Hurricane season. One never knows when they are going to come about.

08-17-2005, 03:45 AM
1. What is the minimum number of people you need to attend, in order to be able to afford this event?
answer---I need to know how big of a place to rent out.
2. What would the cost be per individual attending?
Answer---I would like to keep it under 50 bucks
3. If more went (than the minimum) how much would/could the cost drop?
Answer---Absolutely. I am not trying to make a profit and if business was good this year, I would have liked to do it all for free.
4. Do I get first dibs on the hot divorced Mom's?[/QUOTE]Answer---If Pure goes, you may have to fight him on that one. I will remind you that this is NY and there are many women here for the guys and men for the ladies.

08-18-2005, 04:07 AM
I'd love to come and probably would. I don't have the kind of cash NY would suck out of me. A car in NYC costs to much to park so I would take the train up for the day and go out that night. Grab a train at the end of the nightlife and head back home.

I live near Philly so it is only about a two hour ride.

Sounds like a lot of fun and would be great to see everyone.
:thumbs: :thumbs:

08-18-2005, 11:07 AM
4. Do I get first dibs on the hot divorced Mom's?Answer---If Pure goes, you may have to fight him on that one. I will remind you that this is NY and there are many women here for the guys and men for the ladies.[/QUOTE]
:D he read my mind!

Bob, we'll split duties, I promise to give ya first dibs and to be your wing man first night out, after that, everything is fair game :devil:

08-19-2005, 12:12 AM
I would be interested in going to either location and I think I could talk Big Unit into coming down also. If I know the date I will make arrangements. Theres not a skill requirement is there :D

08-19-2005, 12:21 AM
NY has Ventas Big not Women :) I would not be able to attend in NY but in the keys sure whats a 2 hour drive.

OUTLAWS high ping camper
08-19-2005, 10:28 AM
Answer---If Pure goes, you may have to fight him on that one. I will remind you that this is NY and there are many women here for the guys and men for the ladies.
:D he read my mind!

Bob, we'll split duties, I promise to give ya first dibs and to be your wing man first night out, after that, everything is fair game :devil:[/QUOTE]

lol, fair enough.

Any particular date set yet?

08-20-2005, 01:01 PM
Please do NOT have it the weekend of October 22 That's Lanwar 28

08-22-2005, 05:28 AM
i am still waitinf for more responses. it seems that the count is really low right now to even bother. i am going to wait until the end of this week to see if it's even worth having.

08-22-2005, 11:21 AM
maybe you should've tried your clan forum too ;)

Honnestly though, I rememebr how hard LaSH and Goober worked on their lan, and the response was only 12 people, and that's when everyone played 1-2 games, now with all the MMG's being played, I think it's a tougher stretch to get the people. Also, look at the response when Aries came to the USA, there weren't too many North Easterners busting their asses to meet him. But I will say they missed out on spending time with a quality human being.

Good luck bro.

08-23-2005, 12:40 AM
I would have like to meet Aries but bad timing for me and as for the Oct Lan can't do it now especially in a short notice.

New Job, school and Grandmother not doing very well and my other grandmother just passsed away.

Plan on calling Bigg's btw.

08-23-2005, 10:35 AM
sas, i am sorry to hear about your grandmother. that is sad news and wish you my condolences and your family. i saw that you called last night but i got home late from working and pretty much fell asleep in a sitting position when i got home. i will try to get in touch with you sometime this week.

as far as this lan goes, i know the timing and short notice is the killer of this thing. i also wish i was around to meet aries when he was here but i had some things i had to deal with. i guess at this point i will cancel any late attempt of putting this together due to my late start. I may try next year or early 2006. things are just very busy and i am right now fixing so many things i gusss it would be easier or less stressful if i just canceled this idea now.

ok i must shower and hit the road to NJ. Nothing worst then the cross bronx:bawling: .

Die Hard
08-23-2005, 11:35 AM
I would be up for it. Unfortunately I can't give you a definite yes now but it's a more than likely.

Will you be playing any Sam? :D

08-26-2005, 02:21 AM
die hard, it looks lik ethis is not going to happen. i announced to late as i was awya from gm dealing with some personal issues. i can not expect to get people to make plans with short notice. i guess i will just hook up with the crew at lan war in october.