View Full Version : How to Quit

Mad Fox
07-12-2005, 12:13 PM
What is a nice and polite way to tell an employer whom you have only worked for a week I quit and it just wasnt for me. I hate this stinkin job.?

07-12-2005, 12:17 PM
Was it a job you really enjoyed? If not, then i am sure you will find another one.

If your boss was an ass, then every person you frag today in UT, or Sam just pretend you are killing him. :D

Die Hard
07-12-2005, 12:21 PM
Give your boss the following letter in an envelope:

Dear Sir,

I hereby tender my resignation and to that effect give (1 week or 1 month depending on how much notice you have to give. Normally dependent on whether you are paid weekly or monthly) you one week/month notice of my intention to leave your employment on ../../05

I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you and can assure you it was not my intention.

Yours sincerely

blah blah :thumbs:

07-12-2005, 12:22 PM
Give your boss the following letter in an envelope:

Dear Sir,

I hereby tender my resignation and hereby give (1 week or 1 month depending on how much notice you have to give. Normally dependent on whether you are paid weekly or monthly) you one week/month notice of my intention to leave your employment on ../../05

I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you and can assure you it was not my intention.

Yours sincerely

blah blah :thumbs:

Die Hard has had some practice in that area. :P

Die Hard
07-12-2005, 12:24 PM
Die Hard has had some practice in that area. :PMany, many times :D

Caged Anger
07-12-2005, 12:26 PM
before you go giving up your highly acredited position at Angelina's Sub Shop, you may want to reconsider as soon as that first check gets handed out and you suddenly find yourself flush with cash :thumbs:

Mad Fox
07-12-2005, 12:29 PM
before you go giving up your highly acredited position at Angelina's Sub Shop, you may want to reconsider as soon as that first check gets handed out and you suddenly find yourself flush with cash :thumbs:

I figured it out the other day that after taxes my work will only be worth aout $80. And that job aint worth it.

07-12-2005, 12:30 PM
Many, many times :D

LOL i know....................did not mean that. :P

07-12-2005, 03:12 PM
lol...hes got that saved on his computer =D

07-12-2005, 05:26 PM
I quit and it just wasnt for me. I hate this stinkin job.

:thumbs: That oughta do it !!!

07-12-2005, 06:12 PM
he he, that's the first thing I thought, too! :D

07-12-2005, 07:54 PM
Since its not a professional job, it won't matter how you do it. You will never use it as a reference or even list it on a resume that would be going to an office. Jobs like food places that hire a lot of teenagers expect a high turnover so to be honest, you will probably be forgotten before you even step out of the door. So do whatever the hell you want.

This is how I quit my teenager jobs:

Job #1 - Local grocery store: I didn't realize you actually had to clock out for lunch or even pay for them if you grabbed it from the deli. After 2 months the owner asked me about it so I just quit on the spot.

Job #2 - Mall sports store: Quit because manager pressured us to sell even though we didn't have a commission. 1 week notice.

Job #3 - Target: Walked out the day before Thanksgiving and told the regional VP that she could have saved her college tuition if she knew she would end up at Target for her career.

Job #4 - IT Teaching Assistant at local credit union: Fired because I couldn't staple papers neat enough.

After that I hit 18 and started working in an office ever since. Your career doesn't really start until then so I wouldn't even worry about it until you hit the office life.

Caged Anger
07-12-2005, 08:39 PM
Job #3 - Target: Walked out the day before Thanksgiving and told the regional VP that she could have saved her college tuition if she knew she would end up at Target for her career.

:rofl: LOL

Free Styler
07-12-2005, 09:39 PM
Well i'm not a good exemple myself about quiting jobs.

one of my jobs..super market.They told me i was not giving my 100 percent when putting things in the bags and giving service to the clients.Thing is nobody tiped and i could not care less.
I told the lady in charge listen super market girl unlike you i dont give a **** about this stupid job so let's leave it that way for now.If you dont like the way i work fire my sorry ass and ill be out shortly.

Ps.Heres a good one i said once.i'll have to translate a bit cause it was said in french.

The girl in charge wich btw gained her selfconfidence giving orders to everybody was very ennoying to say the least.Well...anyways her name was caroline and she was pretty fat indeed(no offence to fat people btw:) ).Anyways the first time i met her, when one of the clerk told me she was my boss....the clerk said well mark this is caroline the boss and i replied...might i say this was really a accident hehe i replied hello calorie lol.I was like how the hell did this come out of my mouth.Even worse i was lmao and could stop myself laughing when i said it because i said it by accident and could not beileive i had actully said that.Well she was looking at me with pretty shallow and mean eyes.

For those who dont understand caroline is very similar pronounciation as calorie and she being fat calorie was a good nick name indeed.I doupt a explanation was needed but anyways i said it anyways.;

Me has a salesman in a respectable companie.The new employe who is hired wins more money then me.I training him, doing all his work and he his a slow learner.
I go see the big boss.Get in the office.Btw i had a very profesional attitude and was very polite.Btw im not even supose to know that information but the new guy told me is salery without even me asking him the second day.I'm thinking damn that is stupid of him.

I just cant help myself..winning less i have more experience **** it.

I tell him we have a problem the new guy is winning more then me?
He looks at me with big eyes and tells me how did you find out?
i tell him he told me
He says well....trying to find a explanation and all bla bla bla bla syndicate and laws being the reason he had to give him more and bla bla.
I say well just put my salary to the same amount and we wont have a problem then.

He goes on about bableling that he cant because of the new laws implemented and all and all.

I get up say have a nice day it was nice working for you.
He says no you cant leave like this.
and i say why not?
the door is right there.
And i leave.

Well bottom line his my level of importance to a job is only related to my level of hapiness in that job.Being at it is that my level of interest for a job has never been higher then 4 on 10 for now. i really dont give a buzzer.

maybe not the best attitude for a model citizen of this society.but to be honest i dont give a buzzer.hehe

one good side about me tho is.Im a good worker when i actully work being physical mental paper work sales work or any other not to fun jobs i have had the chance to experiment.

Im still looking on the bright side of things and will eventully find something i do like.

Die Hard
07-12-2005, 09:45 PM
One of my earlier jobs was at a fine art company. One of the Directors was so up his own ass and a real snob.

In my third week, we were at an exhibition and he asked me to go and get some coffee's. I'd gone the last time so I told him that if he wanted one he should go himself. His response was to say "Do you know who I am?" I said "yeah, your a thirsty lazy bastard."

Needless to say there was no ride home for me :)

Mad Fox
07-13-2005, 12:02 PM

OUTLAWS The Machine
07-13-2005, 12:23 PM
Just tell them you got a better offer somewhere else.

Caged Anger
07-14-2005, 12:28 AM
the voice of reason has spoken.....elsewhere

07-14-2005, 01:03 AM
Dear Sirs,

I am sorry to inform you and your fine carniverorus establishment that I can no longer work for you as I have found the vegan way of life.


Mad Fox.

07-14-2005, 02:53 AM
Dear Sirs,

I am sorry to inform you and your fine carniverorus establishment that I can no longer work for you as I have found the vegan way of life.


Mad Fox.
ROFL - You just totally made my day w/ that comment Slice! Quote Of The Day.


Mad Fox
07-14-2005, 12:45 PM
Dear Sirs,

I am sorry to inform you and your fine carniverorus establishment that I can no longer work for you as I have found the vegan way of life.


Mad Fox.

Great I might use that

07-14-2005, 02:31 PM
Great I might use that

You should so much actually sign it "Mad Fox"!

Mad Fox
07-14-2005, 08:17 PM
Yeah it would confuse the heck out of him