View Full Version : Attn. Firefox users, new release!

07-13-2005, 12:53 PM
Firefox 1.0.5 rleased (http://www.mozilla.org/)

The Mozilla Foundation Tuesday updated its Firefox stand-alone browser to version 1.0.5, fixing several vulnerabilities that have popped up since the last minor upgrade two months ago.

Firefox 1.0.5, which has been in testing for several weeks, can be downloaded from the Mozilla Web site free of charge.

"This is a collection of security bug fixes and stability improvements," said Chris Hofmann, Mozilla's director of engineering. "We're also trying to anticipate some potential security problems with this update by patching vulnerabilities that alone aren't that significant, but might be used together to create an exploit. Most of them involve quite a bit of user interaction."

Overall, added Hofmann, the update is an attempt to "stay ahead of the bad guys." One flaw from June appeared to have been passed by. A month ago, Danish security firm Secunia announced that most browsers, including the then-current Firefox 1.0.4, were vulnerable to a JavaScript spoofing error that could let attackers steal passwords and other confidential data. Although a Mozilla spokesperson said that 1.0.5 fixed the problem, TechWeb ran the browser through Secunia's vulnerability test and found that it still failed.

However, this edition does fix the frame injection vulnerability that had crept back into the Firefox code in versions 1.0.3 and 1.0.4.

Hofmann also said that similar updates for Thunderbird and the Mozilla suite would follow later this week, and that the second alpha for Firebird 1.1 -- dubbed Deer Park in an attempt to stop users from trying out the unready browser -- would appear sometime Tuesday.

Deer Park is progressing, albeit slower than earlier Mozilla road maps, which as recently as January touted June as the release month for the final of 1.1. "We should have a beta version [of Deer Park] in about a month," said Hofmann.

Firefox 1.1 will be the first version of the open-source browser to offer an internal software update mechanism that doesn't require a complete download and re-install to upgrade the code.

07-13-2005, 03:04 PM
:thumbs: Thanks PE !!

Caged Anger
07-14-2005, 12:30 AM
ooo...I wonder if the Pimp Skin fits any better now on this one... :rofl:

07-14-2005, 02:49 AM
Thank you PE!!!:thumbs:

07-14-2005, 03:01 AM
ooo...I wonder if the Pimp Skin fits any better now on this one... :rofl:
Is that the name of it? I use the Walnut one.