View Full Version : Might be taking a break for awhile

07-21-2005, 09:10 PM
Hey all. Wasn't sure where to post this, so I figured I'd do it here, as I have no access to the private OoD forums where the people who I want to see this can, and the VN is too public for my taste.

The bottom line is that I'm not having fun at the moment. I can deal with just about everything, but being forced into soloing 100% of the time, against the Mid 8-mans and Vampginas (in groups of 6) all over the place it's not the fun/stress relieveing and enjoyable game that it used to be.

Jay headed off to Gareth (After being M.I.A for the last month or so), and during that time I had a blast filling in whatever spot you guys needed. I didn't head right over there because I enjoyed the new type of RvR, and was learning to do well, at least I think so. It gave me the chance to not only play that new style, but to play with a group of people I really enjoyed being around, I was having fun with you guys. But just like I told several of the people when we were playing in Mid, I was always trying to be careful not to have "too" much fun, or to get to attached to the situation. I failed at that task.

Recently (last week or so), I find myself solo, with no one around, and listening to people talk in TS about how good the new group is going to be, when that is combined with the fact that I know I'm not a par of that, it becomes difficult to deal with. Well, as was the case in Mid, I find myself the odd-man out, though I don't blame anyone for this because I put myself in the situation. I know that honestly I shouldn't feel slighted at all, because, like I said, it was a situation of my own creation, but I guess it's something I can't help but feel.

But still, I was always there whenever anyone needed anything, and I always tried to help. I hope that can be how people think of me. Right now, there just isn't a lot of fun in the game for me, and I found it upsetting me today. When that happens I know I've got to take a look at things, cause if this game isn't a stress reliever, well then its not what it should be.

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I know by stepping back I can see what is going on, and I can understand why it has me so upset. Being on the outside looking in isn't a good situation, but being on the outside, rarely even getting to look inside is much worse.

Other than that I really don't know what to say. Maybe I have the situation/attitude wrong, but I don't think so. This isn't any type of attack, but I needed to let everyone know how I felt, cause it was getting difficult to be constantly overlooked. It's difficult for me to constantly help people (Scrolls/Arties/Pling/grouping/etc..), then be just set to the side on occasion. Again, I don't think this is personal, maybe its just a matter of passing under the radar, but it hurts nonetheless. Just needed to get it out there, for my own sanity if nothing else.

P.s. I'm not sure how many of all of my OoD friends really read this forum, but I figured it was my best shot.

07-21-2005, 09:47 PM
Thanks Gar. Moving it in there would be much appreciated :)

07-21-2005, 09:52 PM
Woot! Now our guild is driving non members to leave!

Rennard, since you don't have access to the private section I will tell you that you aren't the first one to have this problem. I will leave it at that and not get into details lest I be burned at the stake for questioning anyones method of having fun.

If you roll a stealther or have access to one we have been rolling a stealth group most nights and having a blast. You would ALWAYS be welcome.

07-21-2005, 10:00 PM
I hope no one takes it as an attack. I just too often don't say what I feel, and in this case I needed to. Considering it was something that I was contatnly thinking about because of my overall closeness with so many people involved in the situation.

07-21-2005, 10:10 PM
I put in a request with the admins to give your account access for the private area...

Rennard isnt OoD Term :P

Well, it's tough right now Ren because even our grp isn't running Igraine at the moment. Most are lvling on classic while it's the thing to do till people get bored of it and go back to thier servers. :( There's really not much we can do if most people have left. Hell, there's not even anything I could do as some of our 8man people made a permanent decision to move entirely to classic for now. Things are all topsy turvey atm and our regular servers are a bit fuxed up right now.

Are you not interested in trying to new classic servers like most? If not, that could be a problem and not many can help you with that. :\ If you are, then start on a new foot, get out there and try to have fun with a new project but you've got to take that first step yourself. Nobody is gonna hold your hand. :P I understand entirely where you're coming because we've had a conversation about this, but initiative and self motivation plays a huge part in having fun in this game.

07-21-2005, 10:22 PM
It's not a matter of interest Sep, not at all, while it's not my first choice (a lot of people forget, I've been playing this game for just a year, I don't have all the OF and pre-ToA memories that seem to get people so psyked up). When I look at it I see the exact same thing on the classic servers, no groups and crossing my fingers, waiting for a shot. That's not much of a choice considering the new servers will not be anything but a shooting gallery/slaughterhouse for solo players, especially when I prefer to play a support class (3rd line support class isn't an option with no buffbots).

I logged on for awhile, did my best to get into it, but after dieing 5 times (at level 1) and no group, well, wasn't interested in hanging around. Its not a new thing for me, I started a Warden on Bedevere from Lvl 1, and solo'd him to near 20 recently (got him all the way to 43 and RR3 with a lot of help from Jay), so I can do the 1-50 grind, but all that work with a solo light at the end of the tunnel... that just sucks. I did my best to stay neutral and positive, but in the end I found myself in the same situation, solo.

Moving to a server that soloing isn't going to be effective and seeing the future as a solo... wel thats not much of a choice. As I said before, its my fault for getting too attached to a solid/established/static group, but it's still a problem.

As for not being OoD, I always considered myself extended family. :)

07-21-2005, 11:20 PM
As for not being OoD, I always considered myself extended family. :)

I think I can speak on the behalf of most that know you and I'm sure we all feel the same way about you too Ren. <3

07-21-2005, 11:35 PM
renn I'm not sure how classic is gonna go, I am in a guild over there with about 80 igrainers from hib/mid/alb and Jay and Celo...some members you might recognize are Xandie, Tichey, Teydis, Athena, Biggie, Jay, Celo, Wofu, Maka, Sithrak, Vegetables etc...if you wanna come over and try it out I can help you out. Like I said, not sure how it will go or how long I'll be over there, but if you wanna check it out we are on alb gareth just let me know

07-22-2005, 02:20 AM
Ren, your always welcome in any group that I am in. I know I haven't been in RvR much, but that's because I been helping Sophistic get a couple 50's on this server, so he can PL other toons, get arties, and scrolls. I rolled a new toon with him as well, an inf (for when no one is online, then I can solo or get in stealth groups) Soph has his arties, just needs credit and the scrolls, but I am sure that he will be trying out RvR and getting some RPs to get some RR here and there.

I will be gone for the next 2 weeks on vacation, but I could use a break from the PvE madness as well. When I get back, I will look ya up though. Bring whatever toon ya want to play, and well we can do whatever. Soph and I would PvE for a couple hours or so, and then play around in the BGs for a while to break the madness up. Anyways, I will look ya up when I get back, hope you are still around :)