View Full Version : Please everyone help me make a choice.

07-24-2005, 04:36 PM
Being that I am lazy to do anything I decided to keep my promise with DOA to get a site.

Now these flash websites and forum can be changed to different colors and I can also change the images as well but want to get your ideas to which one I should purchase.


The Devil female, I can replace it with a reaper or a dragon that I have and animate it too. More work for me but it will be worth it if I have too.

I value all GM members’ opinion and would really love to have everyone involve in this so that I can purchase it and begin to work on it.

GM to me is the main place and I like to keep it that way because I have friends here and being that this new site has a forum I would rather focus in coming here, so I decided that only DOA members will be allowed to come to this new forum and would rather come to GM 90% of the time, besides I hate to have to work more to maintain it. heheheh

I only would like to make it for DOA for some information but mostly to have our own to gather more and new players. I will have a link to GM and it will be a big one to make sure they come to GM.

Salvation and his helpers have done so much for me and especially for the DOA that I want to make sure that they all come to GM, besides it’s a great place to come and to meet great people.

Please vote, and if you like add your comments and thank you for your time.

Link: http://www.ironkingconstruction.com/doates.htm


07-24-2005, 04:45 PM
voted :thumbs:

Asian Invasian
07-24-2005, 05:08 PM
3 :P its teh best

07-24-2005, 05:15 PM
voted :D

07-24-2005, 05:18 PM
3 and 9 to me I like best so far.

Here is the link to the site and you can actually see a small simple of how it displays in flash etc.



07-24-2005, 05:18 PM
voted :D
Thx Pure:thumbs:

07-24-2005, 05:20 PM
3 is teh pwnzor :D

07-24-2005, 05:25 PM


07-24-2005, 06:05 PM
Voted. :thumbs:

rancid monkey
07-24-2005, 07:22 PM
voted :D

Caged Anger
07-24-2005, 08:13 PM
I liked #2

07-27-2005, 02:08 PM

07-27-2005, 05:39 PM
voted :D

07-27-2005, 05:52 PM
I voted for #1, even though i liked 1 or 2 others better. #10 for example would be good for an alien vs predator fansite or something but not for a clansite. Too dark and stuff

07-31-2005, 02:56 PM
You might want to take a look at another Gamers Flash template SAS..... this site has a couple diff ones that are a little more ominous imo :/\

Flash Template Site (http://www.perfectory.com/templates_flash_site.htm)

They have a couple different examples that you might want to consider

Flash template 1 (http://www.templatehelp.com/aff/preview.php?aff=perfectory2&skin=22&locale=en&currency=0&pr=yes&src=yes&nt=yes&help=yes&sample=yes&faq=yes&nmg=yes&auth=yes&down=yes&chm=&hide_flash=0&search=&PHPSESSID=006c210431f821bf9db0693b4613e879&referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbmcard.com%2Ftheme%2FGam es.php&i=6854)

Flash template 2 (http://www.templatehelp.com/aff/preview.php?aff=perfectory2&skin=22&locale=en&currency=0&pr=yes&src=yes&nt=no&help=yes&sample=yes&faq=yes&nmg=yes&auth=yes&down=yes&chm=&hide_flash=0&search=&PHPSESSID=31cbc45b194edf78b54691fd0cb612f9&referer=http://www.cbmcard.com/theme/Games.php&i=8014)

And no, i havent voted yet :P

07-31-2005, 03:26 PM
man them 2 sites are awsome the ones with the music and animation :thumbs:

08-02-2005, 03:52 PM
I like second one and I know about that site.

All of the ones I picked all have music.

The second one would be easy to make changes but I still like the number 3 , 4 and 9.

Thx TIK btw