View Full Version : GoV, Malice, Battler, Cyclops Shield, and many more.....

08-07-2005, 03:49 AM
I need help I'm new to albs and unfortuantely even though I may have the tools already at my hands I don't have the proficencey to use them all to solo all the arts I wish to obtain.

I wish to have :

Mad Scalars - done
SOM - done
Traitors Dagger
Croc Tear Ring
Gem of Lost Memories
Phoebus Harp

that's a long list but I need help pls :)

08-07-2005, 07:24 AM
GOLM is a solo arti, mob will be green to you. It is just a waiting game.

Traitors you should be able to solo with a bot. We did it today with 2 scouts and a bot but I think I could have taken him with my minst and bot. Once again, it's a hide and seek game with this guy. He can be in one of 3 places.

Malice I can help with.

Battler can be done with necro but it's a pain. He switches targets for no reason. I would go help if we can get enough to zerg him.

Croc tear I would like to try with my necro. I'll help next week.

Never done GOV except with a zerg.

Skylen and the golemgirls did Phoebus for me. I have heard that a servant necro can do it also.

Think that about covers it. Cya next week.

08-07-2005, 08:52 AM
GOV can be done with cleric, minstrel and servant necro (I hope that I didn't miss a patch note on that one). I think I can help with that one if it's an acceptable time, same with Malice (you will need several coin runners there), Phoebus (sorces and about 1 fg) and Battler (tricky one, nasty one, personally I hate this encounter :P).

Croc tears ring can be done with cleric and servant necro, if V wants a real cleric I can help with this one too.

Just post some times where you would like to do it and I see if I can make it.

08-07-2005, 04:48 PM
Willing to help, schedule a time. I can offer one played character to aid you.

Every artifact you've listed can be done with a ML5 Cleric, ML9 Cabalist(or serv necro for all but battler, serv necro preferred on gov), Minstrel, plus a bot if cleric isn't 40enh. The GoLM really should be solo'd, it's too simple and a long respawn to waste people's time, you should be able to 3 shot the mob.

appx time is depenadant on time from the haven, to encounter, to completion.
~GoV~ appx time: 30 minutes
Easier at night spawn; i'd bring a necro, di2 cleric with fop, minstrel. Toss up DI and drop your font. Using the minstrel to kite this, pull with him and travel in a direction close to the necro but not close enough to the power font. Let the necro pull off Danos solo while all the mobs are aggressive to the minstrel (only tricky part really). Let the servant spec necro toss up damage shield, as the minstrel kites the other monsters away (can't kite to haven anymore, the patch has set them to deaggro if you do). Light heals on the abom after DI has run its course, being careful not to heal aggro off the abom. Pick up loot.

~Malice~ appx time: 45 minutes
Easier with more coin runners, but it can be done with 1 ML9 cabalist (matter spec of course) and a 40+enh cleric with power font. Set the cleric up on the east side of the encoutner in a fop, outside of aggro range of the monster. Activate the encounter with the cabalist, ml9 the pet and toss it on malamis. Now the cabalist is free to run coins, while the cleric heals the pet. I'd start with disciple chest first, but whatever floats your boat. Finish both chests, focus shell your pet. Pick up loot.

~Battler~ appx time: 90 minutes
Due to the previous patch, this one requires more competance. I'd bring a ml9 cabalist, and a 40+ enh cleric with fop. Tricking this mob is a requirement now, you must drag the Battler mob to a tether point, to which it will deaggro and go back to its start location. On your first pull, send your pet in having it strike Battler, so that Battler will hit him at least once, but not enough to kill the pet. Place your pet on passive and run to tether. When battler is about to turn back, send your pet to 'go target'. When he strikes the tether point, your pet will still be following Battler, but neither your pet nor Battler can attack eachother at this point. Battler will walk back to his starting location. The trick here is to ml9 your pet now, and turn on its focus shell, so that while they both walk back to that location, your cabalist is about 3-4000 units away from battler. At that range, Battler won't switch aggro from your pet to you isntantly. Send in the cleric into about 2k range, and set up the font quickly. Heal the pet as necessary, but not enough to draw aggro from the pet. When your power bar is empty on your cabalist, you may approach a closer distance to battler to start a new focus after using RP or tarts or something. Pick up loot.

~Traitor's Dagger~ appx time: undetermied
It's a normal red con mob. The only trick is finding him at any of his 4 locations. VoS has them marked http://www.visionofsages.net , i'd check there. A buffed minstrel should be able to solo them with light heals. So just find a bot with a fop and go treking around. Turning away to kite this mob enganges his ability to leave the area, and he will run from you. Don't turn your back to him, and its just a straight up easy fight. Pick up loot.

~Croc Tear Ring~ appx time: 20 minutes
I'd bring a minstrel, focus caster/necro and a bot with fop. Head out to the ctr islands, i prefer starting thsi encounter in the water if Cynere is located there. Using the same skills from GoV, you can pull her with an out of group minstrel and kite the adds if you're a ML2 sojourner minstrel. Otherwise, just pull her in group, mez the adds, have the ml9/necro pet aggro and damage/focus shield her down. Limit your heals at first so that you don't draw aggro. Pick up the loot.

~GoLM~ appx time: undetermined
Yellow con mob. The only trick is waiting on the spawn. Just buff yourself and prepare to camp the location for hours. Enjoy toa. Kill, pick up loot.

~Phoebus~ appx time: 45 minutes
I'd bring 2 clerics, one with fop, a servant necro, and a cabalist to make this smooth. If you wish to 'trick' the encounter, pull out of group solo with a bot, letting the bot die away from the encounter. Send ml9 focus pet onto the mob at about 2k range, so that the focus pet hits the monster at about 3k range, like battler. This will limit the adds, and is a way to duo it. Otherwise, as a 4man team, use the ml9 focus caster and a cleric to scribe the adds while the necro and a cleric deal the deed. Monsters will aggro all around where you pull, depending on which faction you pull from. Each monster has a specific bonus attack (chick one spawns baracuda, naxos one dd's, other one mezzes). Pretty simple, pull, focus, scribe, pick up loot.

08-07-2005, 06:14 PM
Croc tear is actually simple and takes about 5 mins max if you have POF cleric...what I do is take a boat to one of the islands that is really small...leave cleric out of group and on the boat to start encounter...pull a couple of the blue/yellow gators on the island. When you do this...Cynere will rush to their aid and come out of water no matter where she is at, at the time. Since cleric isn't in group she comes with her 3 oj adds to necro...put up damage shield, throw cleric in group...do a couple PBAE to get aggro established and heal away..

08-07-2005, 09:41 PM
Wish that you were on now, they are doing an artie raid starting in about 15 minutes, so then ya could atleast get credit. :(

08-07-2005, 11:58 PM
this IS the place for damn good info!

08-08-2005, 05:41 PM
Good call ozzy, just tested it, works out to be the same time as my walkthrough with less characters used. Guess I'm just addicted to ablative >_<

08-09-2005, 01:23 AM
I wanna have your babies Yetti !!!

08-09-2005, 02:34 AM
I wanna have your babies Yetti !!!