View Full Version : Yodeller Bugs

C4 Guy
08-09-2005, 04:25 PM
Just went on doing the first experiments in making (Villains) Yodeller. And I must tell you, this map sucks pretty bad. It's so full of flaws, I just couldn't believe it. :eek:

One serious bug is the one in the screenies. If you walk over a certain point while looking a bit upwards you get the same effect as if you'd go underground.

I hope I can fix this, because otherwise I think I'm going to build the map new from the scratch... :mad:

Well, maybe this would fix the lag problem. Hope I can avoid this, though.

PuRe AnGeL
08-09-2005, 04:45 PM
lmao :P gL wit sortin out the problem :D

Lady Doom
08-09-2005, 04:49 PM
lol mr Wizard mate we knew this map is a little fuc?ed up but Ypu know every bug there.hope U can fix it 'cause it gives us the creeps.we know U can do a lot about this sh1t.GL and we can't wait to see what You do:thumbs: U r da man;)

C4 Guy
08-11-2005, 05:09 AM
After a helluva work with joining and deleting sectors, editing polygons and some headache I think the map is fixed. There were huge holes in the mountains after the main problem was fixed. :confused:

Thx to the testers from yesterday, incl. Lady Doom who had to leave earlier.

Maybe someone with a good server can host for a lag-testgame? Would be good to see it it's less laggy than before. You can't tell that from my server. :D

08-11-2005, 05:17 AM
hehe that was a fun map with the water trap and the rocket-shooting mountain that almost ruined my perfect lol
fun stuff