View Full Version : WIN A Darkness Rising BETA

08-10-2005, 04:36 PM
/charcopy igraine toonname

on the pendragon server and come out to win a beta tester account access to the darkness rising expasion :thumbs:

starts at 4pm EDT on Pendragon and it's King pf the Hill!

more info at http://www.camelotherald.com/more/2117.shtml

08-12-2005, 12:09 AM
yes i as gonna go but some family stuff seems to have come up and im the dog sitter now :( wonder if they'll let me keep the sharpei in the room?

08-12-2005, 05:20 PM
looks more like a valkyn though ... LOL

08-12-2005, 08:56 PM

08-13-2005, 04:31 AM
If only in the new expansion they allow me to have a all pink horse I would make love to all of mythic's staff including the trashcans and file cabnets.

08-21-2005, 02:24 PM
Here's the linky (http://vnboards.ign.com/Bedevere,_Igraine,_Tristan,_Galahad,_Morgan_le_Fey/b22958/90732061/?19) to where you can download the new Darkness Rising trailer. It just basically features the new Champion Weapons.

08-23-2005, 03:25 AM
thanks for the linky i already saw it though :) Looks kinda like people may regain interest in Darkness Falls... Who knows I think Mythic is getting desperate

08-23-2005, 03:05 PM
Maybe, but it's not like they havent been regularly coming out with yearly expansions before. I wouldn't really say our 2005 expansion was created out of desperation as it's been routine.

Now classic servers and the island? Yeah, it was probably their motivation. They're trying to fulfill the floods of 'QQ I want OF's back', 'get rid of ToA that freaking game ruiner' feedbacks. :bawling: If anything, classic has kinda killed the game for me, not thier expansions. People bitch so much and they're trying to appease the whiners and in turn I think it was for the worse IMO. Damn you QQers! :doh:

08-23-2005, 04:41 PM
I played as Csrsanya during the hide-n-seek. I don't think Sanya was pleased. Good times.

The game was a grind with or without ToA. Personally, I think that changing servers was more difficult with toa, but generally after you were somewhat established on a server, toa made things more simple. Rather than diving into a new rule set server, they should have hired me to fix all of their mistakes. No need to toss out toa, just make it ez-mode. No mlxp, no artifact xp, and mls to need more than 6-8 players.

How's your team doing seppy? Almost all done with pve yet?

Miss you guys!

08-23-2005, 06:32 PM
they tried to do that after catacombs came out with the platinum edition which i think included all but the newest expansion. You are right though they are going they wrong way about it to attract new players.

As for artifact leveling, they should encourage us to level our artifacts in RVR making the game just as easy to do as intended instead of the never ending pve grind. Also, wouldn't mind seeing the artifacts become a quest that if you kill danos and comeplete maybe an after quest later you can go talk to him and get the GoV that way price gouging can be contained. Scrolls were the worst idea EVER. They don't drop fast enough and you end up with TONS of low lvl crappy artifact books that you don't want and can't sell. Also, why are there CRAPPY artifacts weren't they supposed to be all good? Mythic did drop the ball with TOA id's say an expasion as large as TOA should have been held off the "yearly installment". Classic servers were merely just the QQ quencher that was afore mentioned...again a hastey decision made to please a population that had many more issues then just TOA. Many of the clustered servers did not like the new ZERG mode all the time in NF so they went to unclustered servers then those same people who were pissed at getting arties all over again moved to Classic servers and ruined EVERY non-classic servers population balance. so now more clustering has to take place.

IMO...and it is my opinion only....they should get a server sign up and decide once and for all a set of servers that you can perma transfer your toons too and create new non clusterd realms. Of course that could backfire too making one hugely popular server and a bunch of non populated ones but if you could just transfer any toons to any server for a fee maybe then it might be a lil more controlled.