View Full Version : Exclusive Quake 4 Gameplay Videos from QCon'05

08-11-2005, 05:04 PM
YES! Finally some gameplay footage of Quake 4. I have not seen this personally due to me being on a very slow connection here in Russia, but from the comments on ESR it sounds good. They are probably not the best of quality, but it's better than nothing. :)

Information on the Videos and Mirrors (http://www.esreality.com/?a=post&id=860787)

The videos seem to be in MOV format meaning you will need Apple's Quicktime to play them. From what I have read there will be more videos during the procession at QuakeCon 2005.

Here's a Direct link to the Download Site 'Filecloud' (http://www.filecloud.com/files/file.php?user_file_id=42119)

Enjoy! :D

EDIT: Just found a screenshot of Multiplayer/Deathmatch.


Asian Invasian
08-11-2005, 05:40 PM
*watching comments in a second*

Edit: that is awesome, im totally buying q4 when it comes out :D

08-11-2005, 06:05 PM
Which is hopefully some time in late October.

Unlike Serious Sam II, deathmatch will be already included with the game (with modes like CTF, TDM, and probably Duel) so I suggest reserving this and then when the SS2 DM patch comes out buy it.

For now this IS the solution to your DM needs!

Asian Invasian
08-11-2005, 07:24 PM
Which is hopefully some time in late October.

Unlike Serious Sam II, deathmatch will be already included with the game (with modes like CTF, TDM, and probably Duel) so I suggest reserving this and then when the SS2 DM patch comes out buy it.

For now this IS the solution to your DM needs!
Yes, i will probably wait for the ss:se patch to come out, and see what feedback people give it, then i MIGHT buy it.
But ive always wanted to play the quake serious, and now im going to have an awesome computer setup.

*waiting for october*

08-12-2005, 01:50 AM
I'm getting Quake 4 in September with my uber leet source :D

08-12-2005, 05:04 PM
Good GameSpot Article Covering Quake 4 MP (http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/quake4/preview_6130744.html)

Another Quake 4 MP Vid from QuakeCon (http://www.planetquake3.net/download.php?op=fileid&lid=2207)

:thumbs: :thumbs:

08-12-2005, 05:05 PM
I'm getting Quake 4 in September with my uber leet source :D So...how can I get one in Sept. with these "uber leet sources?"

08-12-2005, 05:16 PM
Uh last time I talked about 'uber leet sources' about getting 'free games' I got banned so plz don't get my thread locket/deleted because of being impatient. Just watch the videos or if you want to play fly over to Texas. :P

08-12-2005, 06:02 PM
Thanks for posting the vid links Exe. That map they used looks a lot like UT to me. That not a bad thing, I just hope the physics are the same as they were in Q3 and not like UT's. I guess I was having flashbacks. I could hang with the best players we have here at GM in Q3, but in UT I was lucky to find a @#%$& gun.

08-13-2005, 04:10 PM
Thanks for posting the vid links Exe. That map they used looks a lot like UT to me. That not a bad thing, I just hope the physics are the same as they were in Q3 and not like UT's. I guess I was having flashbacks. I could hang with the best players we have here at GM in Q3, but in UT I was lucky to find a @#%$& gun.
Hah! People seem to be drawing alot of comparisons to UT2k4 with the map and the way the weapons look, but many have already said that this game has Quake 3 physics with some Quake 2 intergrated goodies such as double-jumping. There is no dodging like in UT, movement is more along the lines of bunny-hopping. Many of the classic Q3 maps should also come with the game, and if not I'm sure the fans will make some. :)

08-13-2005, 05:56 PM
There are about 4 other vids released. One with the world famous pro-gamer Fatal1ty playing. And some others about movement and physics in Quake 4. Dunno if you guys wanna seem them since not many GM members have posted in this thread demanding more.

Asian Invasian
08-13-2005, 06:00 PM
I already watched the fatal1ty one... it was goood, i guess your right though.. no one seems to care :P

08-13-2005, 06:14 PM
Well i'd like to see them so point me in the right direction Comrade Exe. Since you are in Russia that's your new name. :P

Asian Invasian
08-13-2005, 06:16 PM
Well i'd like to see them so point me in the right direction Comrade Exe. Since you are in Russia that's your new name. :Phttp://www.planetquake3.net/download.php?op=fileid&lid=2208
i think the link works....
thats fatal1ty playing, i would like to see the physics one exe please:P

08-13-2005, 08:27 PM
Same map but the gameplay looked more Quakeish in this video, the other clip was so short it was hard to tell what the actual gameplay was going to be like. I'm looking forward to this game.

08-14-2005, 04:10 PM
i think the link works....
thats fatal1ty playing, i would like to see the physics one exe please:P


The Euros always seem to be the first ones to make sites about games that aren't even released. The second topic down is the physics vids. There is also a bunch of other stuff relating to Q4. I downloaded that ramp one but now I need to download the Quicktime GayTunes combo and that'll take like another hour.

08-14-2005, 04:11 PM
Well i'd like to see them so point me in the right direction Comrade Exe. Since you are in Russia that's your new name. :P
LOL! I like that, I want to be Comrade Exe from now on. :cool:

08-14-2005, 06:54 PM
now I need to download the Quicktime GayTunes combo and that'll take like another hour.


Death Engineer
08-15-2005, 03:08 AM
I'm a huge Quake III: Arena fan, so you can bet I'm keeping up with Q4 stuff.

08-15-2005, 04:08 PM
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Never knew about that even with my video making skills. Just goes to show that you can never know everything and that you should sometimes depend on others to help you.

That will save me an extra 12 MB's of downloading crap that I will only use once on this comp in Russia to watch a vid.

PS: DE when do you play Quake 3? I've always wanted someone a bit more experienced from GM to play with. :thumbs:

EDIT: Just watched the shortest vid, 14 Megs (the one with the ramp jump). Thank god iTG'RedEye had a good camera and was able to provide us with this quality footage. Thanks to ID also for actually letting him do it.

Just to clarify the trembling was because of the cameraman and the bluriness of the frames from the motion is because of the LCD displays, not the actual game. From looking at the graphics the game looks very good. Much brighter than Doom 3, with very sharp textures (somewhat resembling UT2004 with the highest settings on). Weapon effects look pretty cool as do the weapons themselves. Movement is definitely Quake 3-ish with the bunny hopping and the overall fast movement speed. All in all this video has raised my hopes up pretty high. Gonna have to wait for the final release to judge though. :D

08-15-2005, 08:10 PM
i downloaded all of them. Very bad quality becouse of camera shoots. But game looks awesome, noticed few weapon look changes, but still old names,,, good... good

no bfg. heh, who needs it :P

i hope guys will make freeze tag mod for it as well