View Full Version : please help with dividing partition

08-12-2005, 04:14 PM
hey guys...
i've recently bought brand new PC with 160 gigs HDD,,,, offcourse all 160gb are dropped on one drive.. damn. How can i divide it in 80%-20% if i have NTFS and XPhome edition... without loosing any data or reinstalling OS. plz help, becouse only way to reinstall OS right now is Symantec Ghost recovery (backup) what changes partition to previous state, and i can not use other OS due to EULA

08-12-2005, 05:16 PM
Not sure if i got it right. Your searching for a prog to divide your HD into several partitions without loosing the data thats already on it ??

You can use ....

PartitionMagic 8 (http://www.symantec.com/region/de/product/spm_index.html)


Acronis Disk Director Suite 9.0 (http://www.acronis.com/homecomputing/products/diskdirector/partitioning.html?ad=A03010307)

I prefer acronis....

08-12-2005, 06:39 PM
you're german aren't you? :D

thanks, i will take a look at acronis right now... sad thing is that its for $$$. eh well... there's always solution

08-12-2005, 09:14 PM
òÓps .. didnt mean to give you a german link, soz. ^^

08-12-2005, 10:45 PM
hybrid, try to look inside the case and look to see what brand hard drive you have. you may be able to go to that manufacturer's website and download a free utility. when i need to do this sort of thing i use partition magic8.

no for the dumb question....

what is it you are trying to do and for what reason?:thumbs:

08-15-2005, 08:06 PM
i've got that acronis... thanks mate.
i divided HDD without loosing data... i put x: as drive letter :D

thanks for help mebigg
the reason:
i wanna keep 40 gigs on C almost free, just for few progs in case. drive X is for downloads, games etc... becouse if more free space is on OS partition then quicker it runs. I've got all updates and SP2 as well, Anti viruse and Spybot registry tracker... i should be safe for little time now. oh yeah updated video as well. My PC runs freaking fast now... amazing :D

cant wait till q4 is out to test its performance