View Full Version : Made myself a sig

08-21-2005, 03:16 AM
Hmm, I dont know about this, but anyone like it?? Took a pic from a actual minigun, and worked on it a bit, the background I merged with earlier, and made the blue chrome...

I have used Jasc Paint Shop Pro

08-21-2005, 05:20 PM
Heres another I worked on, the opposite way of doing the 1 above, but without the extra add

.:`:. Free Man .:`:.
08-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Cool. But make....better nick... :thumbs: GL

Mad Fox
08-24-2005, 10:07 PM
Very Nice

08-26-2005, 03:00 PM
It seems to be...bland. Add more flavor to it. I recommend Photoshop Pro to make sigs. In my 30 day trial period with it I made pretty good sigs pretty fast. If only I bought it >.<

Caged Anger
08-26-2005, 08:38 PM
I liked it, but would recommend going to:


and finding yourself a more eye-catching font

08-27-2005, 04:16 AM
It seems to be...bland. Add more flavor to it. I recommend Photoshop Pro to make sigs. In my 30 day trial period with it I made pretty good sigs pretty fast. If only I bought it >.<
Well, I dont have the skills to make special arts of animated sigs with snow floating over some OUTLAWS tag, and have a pic of a Asus Motherboard on the right side with FlameRush written down the side with hardware...

I dont care if people thinks it sucks, its best to let it out for me, so I can know where I screwed up at, thanks for stating your opinion, but please tell me, what type of flavor, those were basic images so I can edit more when I find the stuff I want

08-29-2005, 06:19 PM
Well, I dont have the skills to make special arts of animated sigs with snow floating over some OUTLAWS tag, and have a pic of a Asus Motherboard on the right side with FlameRush written down the side with hardware...

I dont care if people thinks it sucks, its best to let it out for me, so I can know where I screwed up at, thanks for stating your opinion, but please tell me, what type of flavor, those were basic images so I can edit more when I find the stuff I wantI recommend first looking around for tutorials using google, you will find many that wil lhelp you out. When I say it needs more flavor, I meant the sig looks sort of dull and basic. Perhaps something more original. CA is right, get a better font. It doesn't have to be animated to make it look good. I think what I really don't like about it is the background, it seems so...unoriginal. For a first attempt, its very good though! I'll post sigs I made a year ago when I had the PhotoShop CS2 trial version. I just took my time, and if it didn't look good, I would start over. Perhaps try to find some techniques on making eye catching backgrounds and expanding on them to make it original?