View Full Version : croc tooth dagger

08-24-2005, 08:32 AM
Anyone have a walk through of how to do this with a servant n bot? Is there a way to pull him with out getting his minions? Heard to pull him on land, and then heard to pull n fight him in the water.

Thanks for your help :)

08-27-2005, 09:54 AM
This had been patched long ago, the number of minions is now random. Probably the simpliest idea is to just necro it down, if a minion spawns, make sure the necro does damage to it before the next heal.

A more strategic approach would be to perma-kite the encounter, sticking the bot, and connstantly dragging the mob so that the minions aren't a problem at all. Stop for healing as necessary. Continue kiting until desired affect.

The dirt-bag approach would be to set your cleric near the invisible tether at the GS encounter. Aggro with necro and kite to the tether. Itet will get stuck on the tether, but his minions won't. Use the tether to keep him there, and pull behind it to deal with minions as necessary.

The cheater/exploit approach would be to set your bot on the nearest rock (1.5 character sizes above the ground) and infinite heal without chance mobs attacking the cleric.

09-06-2005, 05:06 PM
Grimmy, if you still need this, or anything else, let me know, chances are I have a few spares, and if not, can go get ya a couple... =)

09-06-2005, 06:31 PM
Heya Skylen!!

I still do need this, as well as GS.

Let me know next time you are on ML8, would like to try flamedancer boots sometime. hehe (not doable with 3 necros lol)

09-07-2005, 06:16 PM
Doable with a sorc though.. =) And should be on this weekend for sure to grab a croc tooth and a GS if needed. =-)

09-07-2005, 06:30 PM
crap, I am going to be gone this weekend, have a surprise birthday party to go to. Might be on some time sunday afternoon, and then when I get home from bowling sunday night. Maybe I can catch ya then :)

09-07-2005, 07:24 PM
hate to sound like a leecher LOL but grimmy and I are running up duel infils so maybe we could do them on a couple of servers so we could both get the artifacts? If grim isnt online I can run both infils since I already have the account info please Skylen tell me a time and I can log them in :)

P.S. look forward to meeting you at the roundtable as well!!

09-07-2005, 10:17 PM
Oh maybe we could, but Grimmy said he was giving me his first born for doing this for him, so I don't know what I want for the second one....... Hmmmm, maybe his title to his car might work... And Sat day should be good, look for Golemgirl or SKylen on...

And ya, big party at the round table, look forward to meetin ya as well.. =)

09-08-2005, 05:14 AM
How about an '06 Itasca Sunrise motorhome? Will that be good enough for ya?

It's your....

Along with the payment book for the next 20 years :D

Thanks in advance Skylen :wub:

09-08-2005, 08:00 AM
Just got this tonight. Between me and Brad we can get croc tooth for him. Just need a couple GSs and credit for Brad's inf :)

09-11-2005, 05:20 PM
Hey I would like it for my scout. Grimmy since you know how to do it now I will look for you guys on. Maybe tonight. I should be on till late tonight after bowling if you decide to get on.

09-11-2005, 09:14 PM
Thanks Skylen for credit maybe next weekend we can get that GS for Cacadekick. Or if you happen to come across one let me know please.

09-16-2005, 02:19 AM
Skylen you up for trying to get a GS this weekend? Let me know

09-17-2005, 10:19 AM
Not to sound like a leech either but could my scout tag along for credit? ;)

09-18-2005, 12:20 PM
I can sometimes solo croc tooth...I'm sure an ML10 cabby could easily, but if someone could handle Itet adds I can ml9 him down easy....last time I cheesed it and got around his adds I got a warning from a csr so if anyone needs credit...just find a necro or sorc or anythign that can handle adds and itet is cake