View Full Version : Ps3 Plays Pc Games + 30 Facts You Dont Know About Ps3

rancid monkey
08-24-2005, 08:31 PM
Ok, I have just bought a PS2 Mag called "PLAY" it is a very reliable magazine so this is about 80% possibility that it’s true (I think).

there’s a section called "PS3: THE TRUTH" with a subtitle "We sift through all the rumors so you don't have to" it has a section called "30 things you don’t know about playstation3" I’m not going to type it all (there’s quite a lot) but I will type all I can be bothered to do :P

I could only find 28 facts on that page so...here they are!!! :D

1) PS3 will run on normal TV as well as high definition TV.

2) You can not use dualshock2 controllers with it.

3) Online will be better on PS3, networking was an after thought on ps2 but Sony has made online gaming the central feature of PS3.

4) It will play PSone and PS2 games as well as DVDs and CDs.

5) There is no confirmation when it is released in Europe; there are rumors of a simultaneous worldwide release.

6) Early estimates suggest that it will be around $400/£400

7) Sony Europe's executive VP claims all the E3 footage was rendered using technology working to ps3 spec.

8) The PS3 will have a 3.2GHz CPU; the cell is the fastest processor yet to be put into a home console.

9) There will be a new EyeToy (probably with a more high-definition ability) but there’s no reason why you can’t use the original model

10) It won’t connect to your PSP. Because it won’t have to PSP and PS3 can communicate with through Wi-Fi, so you'll be able to transfer data from your PS3 to your PSP at any Wi-Fi hotspot. Awesome.

11) The PS3 wont need any memory cards, but you'll be able to use the USB flash memory or Sony's memory stick if you need to store data on something removable

12) The picture quality difference between HDTV and regular TV is the same as the difference from home-recorded VHS to a shop-bought DVD picture

13) The control pad you have seen is just a prototype, but Sony has designed it for comfort in the hands over its visual quality. It’s actually much smaller than it looks from the early E3 shots too.

14) The PS3 will not play UMDs

15) The PS3 will be a multi-Purpose piece of kit, and can do pretty much anything you ask of it, which means it will DEFINATLEY be able to browse the internet like with a PC

16) PS3 will definitely feature as a Broadband videophone, but you can only speak to people who use the same technology

17) Sony hasn't let any details slip yet, but we're betting the PS3 will be able to support a number of musical formats. We'd be very surprised indeed if MP3 and ATRAC weren't included, especially since the latter is Sony’s own compression format.

18) PS3 will feature Broadcast TV. Which is basically an internet based version of "Wayne’s world"-style public access TV, but with you as the star. If you register as a Broadcast TV station, then anyone will be able to log into your HD IP camera’s IP address and watch you buffooning around with an electric guitar.

19) PS3 will have 6 USB ports, why? Because: the 4 on the front are primarily to recharge the wireless controllers, but will be able to take an EyeToy or other peripheral in them. The two on the back are much the same, but there on the back so you can connect stuff without cluttering up your living room.

20) PS3 will have 3 Ethernet ports. 1 for broadband, 1 for the HP IP camera, and 1 for any other device that requires a high-speed data transfer.

21) PS3 will be able to use several wireless controllers. It will tell one from another using Bluetooth.

22) You can connect it to 2 TVs

23) It will be available in 3 colours: white, silver, and black

24) There will never be another GTA game. Or perhaps there will be, as Sam Andreas is the most successful videogame of all time. Yes, I changed my mind there will defiantly be another GTA game on PS3.

25) It likely to take a long time to charge the wireless controllers maybe up to 24 hours! But you will probably be able to use the controls while they are charging.


27) YOU CAN DEFINITLY DOWNLOAD GAMES AND STORE THEM ON THE HARD DRIVE. And not just games, music and even movies too :D

28) YOU CAN FILM YOURSELF AND EDIT HOME MOVIES ON IT. Sony has included video cameras in its huge list of accessories for the PS3!

08-24-2005, 08:41 PM
Most of those are true, but keep in mind it will not ship with a hard drive or a router. Those features were dropped. Also, there is no way it will run Windows XP or PC games. There are way too many licensing issues there.

Also, expect third-party adapters to be made to connect your old wireless dual shocks if you want. Also, the controller won't recharge for that long. I doubt it would take more than a couple of hours.

Otherwise there is some nice info there.

rancid monkey
08-24-2005, 09:06 PM
Also, there is no way it will run Windows XP or PC games. There are way too many licensing issues there.

My magazine was in a Q&A type format and it said this:

"I've heard that PS3 will run Windows XP. Does this mean it will be able to run PC games?

In theory it's a strong possibility. ken kutaragi has claimed PS3 can run other operating systems ("other PC operating systems can run too, such as Windows and Tiger, if the publishers want to do so") and if it runs XP then theres no reason hy it wouldnt be able to run PC games (and applications like word and photoshop) too."

08-25-2005, 04:33 PM
lol don't listen to Ken Kutaragi. That guy is a moron.

08-25-2005, 05:29 PM
Sounds awesome, if true this would bring even more gamers into the online world.

08-25-2005, 06:02 PM
lol don't listen to Ken Kutaragi. That guy is a moron. I teh concur! :thumbs: