View Full Version : so what's the verdict?

08-26-2005, 02:24 AM
i purchased bf2 2 weeks ago and still have not had the time to install it yet. i will get to it this weekend i hope but i also just picked up madden06.

so what do you guys think of this game so far up until now anyway. i read there were problems but have they been fixed yet? who is playing this and what servers? is there anything i need to know that will make things easier?


08-26-2005, 03:13 AM
bf2 is great, and the only problems i have with it are w/ the interface, the gameplay seems solid

08-26-2005, 01:51 PM
Yeah there were many issues with stats and such but now its fixed. The game is pretty good, playing Medic in Strake At Kharkand pwns. I usually play in GameCenter East servers.

08-27-2005, 02:48 AM
i installed it just now but did not install gamespy. is gamespy needed and if so, what is it for?

08-27-2005, 09:03 AM
frick no its not needed lol

08-27-2005, 08:13 PM
i can not believe how much of the system memory this game uses. i still hear the music after i close the game off. it finally stops after 30-60 second. how much memory do you guys run in your system? in my gaming rig i have 1 gig and that should be plenty for any game.

08-27-2005, 08:46 PM
i think 512 was required, but i could be wrong

to answer your question, i have 1.5g

08-29-2005, 05:20 AM
I am starting to think this game was a bad investment. That F'ing EA got me again. This game has so many problems it makes it dumb to even try to play or compete online. Serious Sam's net code looks golden to this piece of crap. I can not believe how much memory this game hogs. Talk about a rush job. I swear I do not feel sorry for these companies when someone pirates there copyrighted crap. What's the difference of you or them ripping each other off.

I am so unhappy with the amount of money I spent his year on utter crap games. I really need to evaluate my spending habits. I think Doom3 was the only game worthy of my money this year. It seems at this rate iI need another shelf for all these crappy games these companies are putting out.

What a Bunch of Scumbags :down:

08-29-2005, 06:30 AM

I bought one game, Tiger Woods 2k5 this year. I do enjoy playing that but none of the games that have come out have interested me in the slightest.
I also don't see any in the near future that will get my dollar. Sam might, but not until I hear it's multi-player works.


08-29-2005, 10:31 AM
I am starting to think this game was a bad investment. That F'ing EA got me again. This game has so many problems it makes it dumb to even try to play or compete online. Serious Sam's net code looks golden to this piece of crap. I can not believe how much memory this game hogs. Talk about a rush job. I swear I do not feel sorry for these companies when someone pirates there copyrighted crap. What's the difference of you or them ripping each other off.

I am so unhappy with the amount of money I spent his year on utter crap games. I really need to evaluate my spending habits. I think Doom3 was the only game worthy of my money this year. It seems at this rate iI need another shelf for all these crappy games these companies are putting out.

What a Bunch of Scumbags :down:
There have been several fixes and patches released for the game. I personally cannot fully enjoy any war simulators they're all just a bit too slow for me.

All the games that have come out this year don't suit my taste either. The upcoming games like SeriousSam 2 and Quake 4 look interesting but since ss2 doesn't have deathmatch out of the box, like many others, I will not buy it unless quality MP is available. Quake 4 is different because it is a game of its own. Sure it borrows alot from Quake 3 and Quake 2, but it has massive online capabilities, and it will have a huge community of supporters including modders. The game might not be perfect once it comes out, but over time it has the potential to be the next big thing to play online.

08-29-2005, 02:15 PM
i can not believe how much of the system memory this game uses. i still hear the music after i close the game off. it finally stops after 30-60 second. how much memory do you guys run in your system? in my gaming rig i have 1 gig and that should be plenty for any game. Same here, I just have to wait for a minute for it to stop so that I can do whatever I want. Yeah this game does have many bugs :( Hopefully it'll be fixed in a couple of patches.

08-29-2005, 04:42 PM
I think battlefield2 would be great if it was a finished product. EA seems to do this all the time such as MOHPA. These companies really should be sued for releasing anything that is not what it is supposed to be. I say screw the deadlines and don't release until product is finished. For what they charge for this crap, people should get what they are paying for. With these problems with new releases, they only prevent people from legally buying the game and going else where to get the game. Can you blame someone for robbing them before they rob you?

08-30-2005, 12:38 AM
I think battlefield2 would be great if it was a finished product. EA seems to do this all the time such as MOHPA. These companies really should be sued for releasing anything that is not what it is supposed to be. I say screw the deadlines and don't release until product is finished. For what they charge for this crap, people should get what they are paying for. With these problems with new releases, they only prevent people from legally buying the game and going else where to get the game. Can you blame someone for robbing them before they rob you?

I sure got sick of the delays, but God knows Doom 3 and HL2 were freakin' sweet games, and I have no doubt that the year and a half of waiting was a BIG part of that.

08-30-2005, 01:05 AM
Come play Tiger Woods with us, you have no idea how much of a stress reliever it is to beat the crap out of a little ball. :thumbs:

08-30-2005, 02:03 AM
I have bought 2 PC games this entire year. Tiger Woods which was $18 and completely worth it, and World of Warcraft, which despite its $50 tag and $15/month fee, has been the greatest PC game I have ever played. Period.

08-30-2005, 04:54 AM
Come play Tiger Woods with us, you have no idea how much of a stress reliever it is to beat the crap out of a little ball. :thumbs:

I keep considering it, but I really ought to concentrate on school, so I can pass it, and work, as I need to save up cash for that wedding that's less than 10 months away...

I probably don't need a weekly distraction. :P

08-30-2005, 02:38 PM
Come play Tiger Woods with us, you have no idea how much of a stress reliever it is to beat the crap out of a little ball. :thumbs: Pffttt Tiger Woods is teh gayz0rz :P Anywho, I probably won't get it as I am not a fan of golf games.

Silent Sam
08-31-2005, 06:44 PM
Aye, BF2 is a huge memory hog. I was running it on 768meg of ram and it was anything but smooth. I recently upgraded to 1.5 gig of ram and now BF2 runs pretty well.

So, now with the extra ram the game is pretty good. It still has its ups and downs but overall I'm at least enjoying the purchase a bit. Biggest complaint: The in-game browser 'powered by gamespy' is the biggest peice o' crap I've seen for an in-game browser.