View Full Version : Hey SHO!

08-28-2005, 05:44 PM
With Katrina coming towards New Orleans, and you living in Shreveport, I was wondering if you're going to be OK (i have no clue if Shreveport is near NO or not, but I thought of you when I heard LA)? If you're close enough to be worrying, I hope you stay safe! If you're not, good deal!

Naturally, this applies for anyone else that's in the LA area that might be affected by Katrina. (SHO's just the only one I know of)

You're all in our prayers! :thumbs:

08-28-2005, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the concern man. Louisiana is shaped like a boot, Shreveport is around where your calf muscle would be, New Orleans is near the toe. Usually when this stuff happens it plays out or down to some high winds and rain by the time it reaches this far north, but i'm afraid those peeps down south are going to get hammered. They are talking about the water rising 14' in N.O. and for a city that is already around 8' below sea level that's going to be disastrous.

Nobody is the only GM member that I can think of that lives down there, he is Lafayette, La which is kind of near where your ankle would be.

I'm glad I don't live in a state shaped like a butt. :P

08-28-2005, 07:27 PM
Thanks for the concern man. Louisiana is shaped like a boot, Shreveport is around where your calf muscle would be, New Orleans is near the toe. Usually when this stuff happens it plays out or down to some high winds and rain by the time it reaches this far north, but i'm afraid those peeps down south are going to get hammered. They are talking about the water rising 14' in N.O. and for a city that is already around 8' below sea level that's going to be disastrous.

Nobody is the only GM member that I can think of that lives down there, he is Lafayette, La which is kind of near where your ankle would be.

I'm glad I don't live in a state shaped like a butt. :P

Glad to hear you're gonna be OK! :thumbs:

I know what ya mean about the body part thing, with the states - I live a little below where your pinky meets your palm (Michigan).

I'm glad I don't live in a butt shaped state, either. In michigan, if you go to the east side of the state, you say you're going to "The Thumb"...I'd hate to tell someone I was going shopping in "The Hole". :rofl:

08-28-2005, 08:28 PM
This sucker has winds stronger than Andrew did. VERY VERY VERY BAD things are going to happen.

Caged Anger
08-28-2005, 09:04 PM
somehow...i see N.O. becoming the American Venice very soon

08-28-2005, 09:10 PM
Where you are at Sho you will get some wind and rain. Move your car away from any trees.

N.O. may not exist within the next 15 hours. This is goning to be bad. Far worse than Andrew.

08-28-2005, 09:30 PM
Man that stuff started hitting us lastnight, my yard is full of pine straw, cones and limbs already. I HATE THESE @#$%& PINE TREES! :mad:

BTW Hurricanes are ranking 1 thru 5. I just heard on the news that Katrina is a Catagory 5 and would easily be a 6 if the scales went that high packing winds of 175 mph.

08-28-2005, 09:33 PM
This sucker has winds stronger than Andrew did. VERY VERY VERY BAD things are going to happen.

:( I'm afraid you're right...

Take care down there, Shogun

08-28-2005, 09:35 PM
The storm will produce well over 200mph wind gust. That 175mph will be constant. Be prepared to loose power. I fear if N.O. goes under water the infrastructure will be destroyed.

08-28-2005, 09:56 PM
holy sheeot dude, let us know your ok as soon as the sh!tstorm passes

Mad Fox
08-28-2005, 10:10 PM
Lets just hope for the best

08-28-2005, 10:51 PM
The "eye wall" is supposed to make landfall around 5-6am tomorrow am...Can you believe all those people taking shelter in the Super Dome?? I mean, I understand there is not really anywhere else to go but they've been saying that the roof is built to withstand Cat 4 winds but hasn't been tested :eek: ... Scary sh*t!!! Thoughts and prayers to N.O. and everyone in the path of Katrina... This will be only the 4th Cat 5 Hurricane to hit the US ever, that's so scary! :down:

08-28-2005, 11:01 PM
I had no idea it had gotten so strong so fast. Good luck guys.

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
08-29-2005, 12:25 AM
:eek: Be safe Shogun, Spike, Iris, Chico, Doc, Kat, Nobody, and anyone else I may have missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your families.

08-29-2005, 02:58 AM
This does not look good. Thinking about you guys down in LA. Stay safe and God help the people of New Orleans.:(

08-29-2005, 11:28 AM
Are you all okay? :(

Anyway I pray all safety.....

08-29-2005, 02:18 PM
Yeah my cousin just came to New Orleans a week ago for his college but they say it'll be alright cause they are evacuating.

08-29-2005, 03:24 PM
This is going to miss where I live in Shreveport by a long ways to the East, but for those peeps around N.O. and over into Miss. and Ala., they are getting hammered. Even though it's a Cat 4 and will degrade to Cat 3, the path is going to go up thru Mississippi, I feel for those people in it's path.

I hear that part of the Superdome's roof has peeled away, one levee has failed w/localized flooding. Right now the flooding isn't as bad in N.O. as they had expected, but ... that could still change.

The motels/hotels around here are full and they are having to send people to as far as 180 miles to Dallas for rooms.

I've been watching that NUT on Fox news, he is out in the stuff. :rolleyes:

08-29-2005, 03:33 PM
Yeah I heard there are some leaks on the Superdome's roof as well.

08-29-2005, 04:04 PM
lol there should be some leaks if the roof has peeled away

08-29-2005, 04:18 PM
lol there should be some leaks if the roof has peeled away:o

How high is the water Sho?

08-29-2005, 09:37 PM
Stay safe down there pple. It looks bad.

Die Hard
08-29-2005, 10:06 PM

08-29-2005, 10:19 PM

How high is the water Sho?

We haven't had a drop here, just wind, but N.O. and Mobile have water in the streets. The news channels are starting to get some wild videos in.

08-30-2005, 02:58 PM
The day after is ugly down there. Those people on the Gulf coast have had two weather threats lately, so they have boarded up and left and then nothing happened both times. This time, a lot didn’t leave and the death toll is going to be high. :(

You had better get gas now while it’s cheap, you won't see prices this low again for months ... and maybe years.

08-30-2005, 03:15 PM
Downtown New Orleans

08-31-2005, 01:37 AM
Thanks to all for the prayers and good wishes for all of us here in Louisiana.

In Shreveport, we have been fortunate and usually are since we are so far away from the coast. We're FAR removed from the devastation that New Orleans, LA; Gulfport, MS; Biloxi, MS; Gulfshores, AL; and others have witnessed over the past 40 hours or so. It still sort of hits close to home, though, just because New Orleans IS a part of us. I fear that the city will never be the same again, or just might never BE at all. Shogun posted a good picture of New Orleans with rising water. It looks to get worse before it gets better.

We have thousands of evacuees here in our area. LSU-Shreveport has been opened as a shelter, and they have just this evening opened Hirsch Coliseum (a venue for concerts and such) as a second shelter.

If you're feeling charitable, please donate to the American Red Cross. They will be forefront in dealing with the disaster in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama, and all help is appreciated.

08-31-2005, 05:49 PM
Just as I feared. NO is in ruins. Last I heard 80% was under water.

08-31-2005, 07:17 PM
I just got back from giving blood to help out and they were giving away T-Shirts, but most people myself included were donating them back to the evacuees staying at the LSU-S shelter.

I'm hearing peeps guesstamate six weeks before N.O. will be back to where peeps can return home. It's got to be rough to be kept away knowing some asshole looter is down there stealing their things that could have been salvaged.

08-31-2005, 07:40 PM
It's got to be rough to be kept away knowing some asshole looter is down there stealing their things that could have been salvaged.

:mad: Don't forget the BS quote of the century from one of the looters...

"To be honest with you, people who are oppressed all their lives, man, it's an opportunity to get back at society," he said.


Around the corner on Canal Street, the main thoroughfare in the central business district, people sloshed headlong through hip-deep water as looters ripped open the steel gates on the front of several clothing and jewelry stores.

08-31-2005, 09:51 PM
They need to go round those bastards up and put them to work at the wrong end of a shotgun filling sandbags for repairing the levees.

08-31-2005, 10:13 PM
I just about cried last night (and I don't cry real easily). There was some guy on the news that said he had lost his wife. They had gotten in the water, and he was holding her from sweeping away, and she said something to the effect of "You have to stay safe. You have to raise the children. You have to keep them safe." and let go of his hand. The reporter asked her name, in case they found her by some miracle, then asked where the man would be staying. His reply was "I don't know. She was all I had. The house is gone, there's no car. My life is gone, I don't have anything left. I ain't got nowhere to go." He was crying, the reporter was crying. It was one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time.

And good Lord, it didn't hit near as hard as they feared, either. God be with LA.

Death Engineer
08-31-2005, 10:17 PM
I just about cried last night (and I don't cry real easily). There was some guy on the news that said he had lost his wife. They had gotten in the water, and he was holding her from sweeping away, and she said something to the effect of "You have to stay safe. You have to raise the children. You have to keep them safe." and let go of his hand. The reporter asked her name, in case they found her by some miracle, then asked where the man would be staying. His reply was "I don't know. She was all I had. The house is gone, there's no car. My life is gone, I don't have anything left. I ain't got nowhere to go." He was crying, the reporter was crying. It was one of the saddest things I've seen in a long time.

And good Lord, it didn't hit near as hard as they feared, either. God be with LA.

I saw that same interview and it was very moving. Absolute devastation. Many people who didn't lose loved ones will have lost every posession they used to own.

I have heard rumors that N.O. will not be rebuilt. This is a very strange time in the south. May God be with all of the families who are struggling to find food and safety down there.

Mad Fox
08-31-2005, 10:20 PM
I have just read that there may be thousands dead!!!

08-31-2005, 10:59 PM
I saw that interview too Bob, that one hit on some feelings. He looked so lost standing there with those children.

::: DARK PSI :::
09-01-2005, 12:24 AM
Bush came out today and vowed for the rebuilding of New Orleans. It was strange, my wife was just down there for a conference, prior to the hurricane, and she took pictures. Many of the pics around Bourborn St. which I saw are now giant sewers. What a mess. All of a sudden I am liking Michigan winters again.

09-01-2005, 12:31 AM
Yay for Bush. How do all like your president now? Gas just shot up .50 cents in Ohio today. It is already over $3 a gallon here. He stated that he is thinking of tapping in the the Countries reserves. What a dumb ass, wtf is he waiting for a nuke to hit us?. Oh and he just left his ranch yesterday cutting his 5 week long vacation short by a few days. He is probably sitting at his desk in the oval office now counting his chump change from all the profits that Big Oil is making.... I could just throw up on the White House lawn.

09-01-2005, 12:59 AM
Bush came out today and vowed for the rebuilding of New Orleans. It was strange, my wife was just down there for a conference, prior to the hurricane, and she took pictures. Many of the pics around Bourborn St. which I saw are now giant sewers. What a mess. All of a sudden I am liking Michigan winters again.

Yeah, when I start whining about the weather this year, feel free to virtually slap me. :(

09-01-2005, 01:05 AM
Yay for Bush. How do all like your president now? Gas just shot up .50 cents in Ohio today. It is already over $3 a gallon here. He stated that he is thinking of tapping in the the Countries reserves. What a dumb ass, wtf is he waiting for a nuke to hit us?. Oh and he just left his ranch yesterday cutting his 5 week long vacation short by a few days. He is probably sitting at his desk in the oval office now counting his chump change from all the profits that Big Oil is making.... I could just throw up on the White House lawn.

I really couldn't give a frick right now. There are people dead, families destroyed, lives and liveliness destroyed, a few hundred of years of culture washed to sea....Yep, I'm gonna pay $3 a gallon - so I can drive the car that I still have, to the house that I still have (that holds the family I still have), while I mow the lawn that I still have, to go shopping for the clothes and worthless crap like video games and CDs that I can still afford to own.

Good Lord! I really have it bad right now, payin' $3 a gallon. Sheesh. :dunno:

Yeah, gas hit 3 bucks a gallon. Yeah, gas prices weren't good before this. Yeah, it sucks. Right now, I'd say I'm lucky just to have what I've got.

09-01-2005, 01:18 AM
Slice I can assure you that the people effected by this are not blaming this on Bush and could care less what the price of gasoline is.

09-01-2005, 01:39 AM
Slice I can assure you that the people effected by this are not blaming this on Bush and could care less what the price of gasoline is.
Not my point at all. As a leader of this Country, how about getting off your ass and doing something. His ways haven't changed. The president should have had his ass back at the White House the second that sucker hit Florida. Sh1t in the middle of Katrina, I was pumping 3" of water out of my front desk and office. The president can put a freeze on gas prices, just like Sept 11. Yet he now sits and contemplates whether or not to tap the reserves... **** him.

09-01-2005, 01:49 AM
This is the interview Bob was talking about. Scroll down to Tuesday's videos and it's the one entitled "Man Loses Wife, House"

Slice i'm not going to debate you about Pres. Bush, you have your opinion and I have mine and i'm letting it go at that.

09-01-2005, 02:12 AM
This is the interview Bob was talking about. Scroll down to Tuesday's videos and it's the one entitled "Man Loses Wife, House"

Slice i'm not going to debate you about Pres. Bush, you have your opinion and I have mine and i'm letting it go at that.Shogun, do you think I have not been watching and haven't seen everything that has happened with this storm? Leave it at what? Why didn't the government do anything about it? They sat and watched this storm hit, when they knew exactly what was going to happen. They should have had busses there before Katrina hit. When it developed off the coast of Florida NOAA had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen once this thing went through Florida. Do you know how many lives could have been saved if the National Guard was called in to get the people out of there before hand. Lots of people died because they couldn't afford to get a ride out or didn't know that there Cat 3 rated levy was built from clay and couldn't handle a 30' surge. It is a tragedy and in my opinion, a LOT more could have been done. Every minute counts when you are going to be hit by a hurricane.

09-01-2005, 02:36 AM
I was talking about your and my views on Bush when I said "i'm letting it go at that".

About the preventative measures, I agree, you are dead on that there should have been more done and it wasn't.

09-01-2005, 11:16 PM
The panick is setting in, gas here in north Louisiana is $2.79 a gallon, but the cars are lined up 8-9 deep at every pump in town or at least the ones that still have gas.

09-01-2005, 11:19 PM
I hate to say it but within a month we will be paying 5 beans a gallon. Go go SUV's

::: DARK PSI :::
09-01-2005, 11:25 PM
We are now in the low to mid 3's. This is a joke! The damn government needs to step in and regulate this.

09-01-2005, 11:33 PM
We are now in the low to mid 3's. This is a joke! The damn government needs to step in and regulate this.
Hit $2.89 at the local exxon/mobil. Funny how they raised the price 3 times yesterday and got their last shipment a week ago. Let the rich get richer.

The goverment could with ease step in and put a stop to it. Funny how the oil companies are making record amounts of money. Yet even if they cut back by say 20% they would still be making silly amounts of cash.

09-02-2005, 01:31 AM
Connecticut I believe tops the charts in fuel averages, Michigan is second. You see Bush has nothing to lose, he can't run again so he will leave his mess to the next president.... Next thing you know Greenspan will be increasing the interest rates again. What a joke this is. Bush should have put a freeze on it the second this crap hit. Tap the reserves that is what they are for and there would be none of this crap. Of course he now wears a turbin to bed so that when he retires he can go and hang out with his saudi buddies.

09-02-2005, 02:54 AM
you think what you're YOUR paying is bad? Think about everything you buy that's carried by frieght! One of my Furniture haulers was almost crying because this is going to put them under. Truck gets 10mpg..... They increased their costs, but only a little, so they're aso losing because they know we can't pay much more. So it grows. Overal inflation is going to go nuts again!!!
Oil is going up, heating your home is rough (elderly will suffer most)
Food will go up too, slothing, anything hauled has to go up now, same with anything that's built, becase the delivery costs are rising.

:down: Bush asked the oil and gas compainies not to gouge, he asked real nice too :rolleyes:

how about threatening them!

09-02-2005, 03:18 AM
In Detroit the prices are anywhere from 3.19 - 3.49 for the cheap stuff and the news says we are guaranteed >$4 by this weekend. Something has to break...

09-02-2005, 04:21 AM
Still about half what Europe pays for gas.

09-02-2005, 04:34 AM
Cars are used MUCH less in Europe as they have less distance to travel, better mass transit, and most places can be reached by scooter or motorcycle.

09-02-2005, 05:07 AM
Turning the conversation towards the condition of the levee before Katrina.
Didn't this need upgrade and/or repair for the past few years? Could this tragedy have been prevented? Or to a much lesser degree.

09-02-2005, 05:29 AM
slice, i will agree with you regarding bush getting off his ass but i will take it a step further.....

i understand your hate for the president but you blame america's problems on one man who has been in office for only 5 years now. in these 5 years more tragedy has happend to this country ever in the history of america. times have changed and it is not due to one president regardless if he is handeling things right or wrong.

one thing you do not do slice is push the blame on those that are more responsible such as the gov of lousiana. what the hell are they thinking over there? there is no order and it has become chaos. it will and is going to hurt america even more then what else is going on but after blaming the governor there we need to also go down the chain until we get to the biggest problem of this country which is congress. these people serve no purpose to america and need to be overthrown with the rest of the american government.

i take it after this latest tragedy and the lack of intelligence from any of our politicians, this country is f'd. with greedy scumbags who knew this could happen with the turn in climate and weather problems and refuse to make any sort of plans only prove the fact is that our gov't do not work for the people or care for the people. yet we allow the media to bs us to choose the left or right side when both sides in reality suck ass.

americans need to start judging from their own lives and experiences. we need to look around at the changes and decide what is the problem. out of all the things discussed during elections, nothing has changed like always. does this make bush a worst president then presidents from the past? no, it makes him the same as the other presidents. we americans need to fix this and forget about our government trying to get it done because they are more interested in $$$. americans really need to take care of their own before we look to take care of the world. we are failing as a country and these wars we fight today need to be analyzed since it does this country no good. if we go to war with a country we ought to do it until they surrender and change their policy. we need to stop worrying about their way of life unless it interferes with our future. we should not have to rebuild any country but our own and we the people of america should come first.

america will never get respect as other countries look at us as spoiled. that pisses me off because the majority of people i know are working 50-55 hours a week just to make ends meet. no matter what the gov't get's there cut. we americans need to stick together and forget about choosing sides unless it's against another country in war. no matter who is in office, they are crooked and corrupt. if you ever meet a politician, you should keep in mind the person is crooked.

09-02-2005, 05:38 AM
This is the interview Bob was talking about. Scroll down to Tuesday's videos and it's the one entitled "Man Loses Wife, House"

Slice i'm not going to debate you about Pres. Bush, you have your opinion and I have mine and i'm letting it go at that.
i wish i did not look for this link because it disturbed me. the poor guy is just lost and most definetly in shock. why anyone stuck aorund knowing the warnings that were posted amazes me but nonetheless, i am sorry for him and mostly the kids.

what disturbed me more is that with this mans reaction and in a state of confusion, this is one family of many families in the same position. it really is a very bad situation.

09-02-2005, 06:01 AM
Cars are used MUCH less in Europe as they have less distance to travel, better mass transit, and most places can be reached by scooter or motorcycle.

And they are not morons driving gas hogs for cars. I get pissed all the time by kids driving their new SUV's for no other reason than it was the "in" vehicle. If you have a family or a need for a big car fine, but I just see waste everywhere I look.

09-02-2005, 11:23 AM
Turning the conversation towards the condition of the levee before Katrina.
Didn't this need upgrade and/or repair for the past few years? Could this tragedy have been prevented? Or to a much lesser degree.
Yes the money was asked for but it was cut from the budget deemed not as important as Military spending. Wjen will someone from Congress or the Senate wake the F*** up and toss this administration out of office. Lies,Lies and more lies. Things are going to get worse in NO and probally thae entire state of LA. There will be alot of chasos and heads probally won't role because of this because the oil compannies are raking in the dough and I am sure good ole Bush is taking his chunk. Some Texan. I always thought Texans were good honest people. I was wrong.

09-02-2005, 12:03 PM
And they are not morons driving gas hogs for cars. I get pissed all the time by kids driving their new SUV's for no other reason than it was the "in" vehicle. If you have a family or a need for a big car fine, but I just see waste everywhere I look.
:dunno:you're 100% correct. Aries talked a lot about how the system is set up and how badly people are taxed to drive the mid sized car, let alone SUV's. When he spoke about how small the engines are in most of the common cars, I was quite suprised. Then again, they're paying what we'll be paying in a few weeks.

What's going to be interesting is to see if these prices stick, and too see if all these people who are driving the gas hogs stop and buy small cars, or if they actually can afford to keep feeding the beasts and just keep bitching..

america will never get respect as other countries look at us as spoiled. that pisses me off because the majority of people i know are working 50-55 hours a week just to make ends meet.
:rolleyes: I'm growing tired of working like that. :down:

Hopefully, maybe people will get pissed enought to actually do something in their next elections....http://members.cox.net/robert.wales2/smallcobbsticker.jpg
You can start small if you like (http://www.greens.org/elections/)

Die Hard
09-02-2005, 01:54 PM
The situation just keeps getting worse too!

09-02-2005, 08:06 PM
With all the base closings and re-alignments, why didn't FEMA send all those evacuees to one of the Army or Air Force bases nearby ? Why 350 miles away to Houston ? I'd think that a military base would be better equipped than a football stadium. ( After they secure the weaponry, of course) :)

09-02-2005, 11:43 PM
Still about half what Europe pays for gas.

We pay 1.46 Euros per liter, that would be about 5.84 Euro per gallon. Got up for 20 cent the last 2 days. :down:

Cars are used MUCH less in Europe as they have less distance to travel, better mass transit, and most places can be reached by scooter or motorcycle.

Maybe less distance to travel but we need our cars too. Public transportation sucks in Germany and it is not true that every place can be reached by scooter or motorcycle. Europe is smaller than the USA but still not sooo small. ;)
It's just that since we have to deal with high gas prices for several years now, we are more trained in driving on gas saving mode. Smaller cars, only drive when u really need to, and so on. So Sal is kinda right with "Cars are used much less in europe"

But it's not really all Katrinas fault that the prices got up so much, I think it was just a "good" excuse for the companies to raise the price so much in such a short time. Some people have to make money out of everything, even such a horrible thing where so many people died :(

God be with all the people down there, really hope the situation will get better very soon. I was very shocked when I saw the pictures on TV.

09-03-2005, 03:40 AM
The local goverment down here needs to have it's butt kicked. The @#%$& idiots like the ones firing off the guns at the people that are trying to help others need to have their butts kicked. Actually that's prob'ly too good and needs to be harsher but i'm trying to be nice. God I can't believe people can be so stupid!

The Governor and or the local goverment had no plan in place for this or it wasn't nearly planned for in this magnitude and it has taken until today to get some results. The f'ing FEMA people are all over in Miss. and Ala and looks like they are ignoring La.

Before one of you Anti Bush people poop off with the normal crap, that levee problem and these problems were a problem in the Clinton years too so that's BS that it's Bush's fault alone and that he alone should shoulder that blame. :rolleyes:

There's so much I could rant about and don't where to start or what to say. :mad:

I was at the local Red Cross office today and there were a bunch of people there asking for help and wanting to know where to go, it's sad. :(

Thank God for city of Houston, the state of Texas and the other areas that are taking in these poor people.

09-03-2005, 03:48 AM
Detroit is taking 3,000 people here. As for gas, don't forget this weekend is one of the biggest driving weekends of the year. Come Tuesday I am willing to bet any amount that we are back to the mid $2 range.

09-03-2005, 04:18 AM
New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin is pissed. This interview was last night before Bush was there on ground today and the two meet face to face. I don't care for some of his lauguage, but I applaud his heart and drive. The dude doesn't pull any punches. :thumbs:


09-03-2005, 04:19 AM
Before one of you Anti Bush people poop off with the normal crap, that levee problem and these problems were a problem in the Clinton years too so that's BS that it's Bush's fault alone and that he alone should shoulder that blame. :rolleyes:

:rolleyes: yes, the levee problem was there, and hey, so were the towers too :hmmm:

I don't blame Bush, he didn't do it, he just didn't show any concern or sense of urgency either. I remember Florida getting nailed and Clinton was right there and making sure help was coming fast. Also for the Clinton bashed, one of the first people Jr asked to help raise money was Daddy and Bill :D

I just think our governement at the National level just sucks ass!

Nice to hear the national Gaurd say that they could've responded sooner, if half their sh1T wasn't in Iraq.......

when 9/11 happened, we saw Americans at their best, right now, that's not even close to happening.

09-03-2005, 04:29 AM
There is a song entitled "Louisiana 1927" that came out along time ago, here are few lines from that song.

"The river rose all day,
The river rose all night.
Some people got lost in the flood,
Some people got away all right.
The river have busted through clear down to Plaquemine:
Six feet of water in the streets of Evangeline.

"Louisiana, Louisiana,
They're trying to wash us away,
They're trying to wash us away."

The rest:

Aaron Neville version (da dude can sing :thumbs: )

Mad Fox
09-03-2005, 01:40 PM
Anybody watch The Concert On NBC

read this and give us your thoughts

09-03-2005, 02:28 PM
I didn't watch it but the guy is entitled to his opinion. I've never heard of him before until now, maybe he will sell more CDs now.

If you were there to help someone out of the goodness of your heart and some idiots were taking potshots at you with a rifle for trying to help. Would you go back in there or wait until armed forces show up?